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4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, “El nacimiento de la attoquímica,” Investigación y ciencia, 2019.
    Author= {F. Martín},
    Title= {El nacimiento de la attoquímica},
    Journal = {Investigación y Ciencia},
    Shorttittle = {El nacimiento de la attoquímica},
    Year = {2019},
    Link ={https://www.investigacionyciencia.es/files/32084.pdf},
    Label = {4-Other topics }


  • [DOI] B. I. Schneider, K. Bartschat, O. Zatsarinny, I. Bray, A. Scrinzi, F. Martín, M. Klinker, J. Tennyson, J. D. Gornkiel, and S. Pamidighantam, “Atomic and molecular scattering applications in an apache airavata science gateway,” Pearc’20: practice and experience in advanced research computing: rise of the machines, pp. 270-277, 2020.
    Author= { B. I. Schneider and K. Bartschat and O. Zatsarinny and I. Bray and A. Scrinzi and F. Martín and M. Klinker and J. Tennyson and J. D. Gornkiel and S. Pamidighantam},
    Title= {Atomic and Molecular Scattering Applications in an Apache Airavata Science Gateway},
    Journal = {PEARC’20: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing: Rise of the Machines},
    Shorttittle = {Atomic and Molecular Scattering Applications in an Apache Airavata Science Gateway},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {},
    Pages = {270-277},
    DOI = {10.1145/3311790.3397342},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. McDonnell, A. LaForge, J. Reino-Gonzalez, M. Disla, N. Kling, D. Mishra, R. Obaid, M. Sundberg, V. Svoboda, S. Diaz-Tendero, F. Martin, and N. Berrah, “Ultrafast laser-induced isomerization dynamics in acetonitrile,” Journal of physical chemistry letters, pp. 6724-6729, 2020.
    Author= {McDonnell, M and LaForge, AC and Reino-Gonzalez, J and Disla, M and Kling, NG and Mishra, D and Obaid, R and Sundberg, M and Svoboda, V and Diaz-Tendero, S and Martin, F and Berrah, N},
    Title= {Ultrafast Laser-Induced Isomerization Dynamics in Acetonitrile},
    Shorttittle = {Ultrafast Laser-Induced Isomerization Dynamics in Acetonitrile},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {11},
    Pages = {6724-6729},
    DOI = {10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c01344},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] A. Gonzalez-Castrillo, F. Martin, and A. Palacios, “Quantum state holography to reconstruct the molecular wave packet using an attosecond xuv-xuv pump-probe technique,” Scientific reports, p. 12981, 2020.
    Author= {Gonzalez-Castrillo, A and Martin, F and Palacios, A},
    Title= {Quantum state holography to reconstruct the molecular wave packet using an attosecond XUV-XUV pump-probe technique},
    Shorttittle = {Quantum state holography to reconstruct the molecular wave packet using an attosecond XUV-XUV pump-probe technique},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {10},
    Pages = {12981},
    DOI = {10.1038/s41598-020-69733-1},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] S. Nandi, E. Plésiat, S. Zhong, A. Palacios, D. Busto, M. Isinger, L. Neoricic, C. L. Arnold, R. J. Squibb, R. Feifel, P. Decleva, A. L”Huillier, F. Martín, and M. Gisselbrecht, “Attosecond timing of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance,” Science advances, p. eaba7762, 2020.
    Author= {S. Nandi and E. Plésiat and S. Zhong and A. Palacios and D. Busto and M. Isinger and L. Neoricic and C. L. Arnold and R. J. Squibb and R. Feifel and P. Decleva and A. L"Huillier and F. Martín and M. Gisselbrecht},
    Title= {Attosecond timing of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance},
    Journal = {SCIENCE ADVANCES},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond timing of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {6},
    Pages = {eaba7762},
    DOI = {10.1126/sciadv.aba7762},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] V. Loriot, A. Marciniak, S. Nandi, G. Karras, H. M. e, E. Constant, E. Plésiat, A. Palacios, F. Martín, and F. Lepine, “High harmonic generation-2 omega attosecond stereo-photoionization interferometry in n-2,” Journal of physics-photonics, p. 24003, 2020.
    Author= {V. Loriot and A. Marciniak and S. Nandi and G. Karras and M. Herv e and E. Constant and E. Plésiat and A. Palacios and F. Martín and F. Lepine},
    Title= {High harmonic generation-2 omega attosecond stereo-photoionization interferometry in N-2},
    Shorttittle = {High harmonic generation-2 omega attosecond stereo-photoionization interferometry in N-2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {2},
    Pages = {24003},
    DOI = {10.1088/2515-7647/ab7b10},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] B. I. Schneider, K. Bartschat, O. Zatsarinny, I. Bray, A. Scrinzi, F. Martín, M. Klinker, J. Tennyson, J. D. Gorfinkiel, and S. Pamidighantam, “A science gateway for atomic and molecular physics,” Proceedings of pearc”19: practice and experience in advanced research computing: rise of the machines, 2020.
    Author= {B. I. Schneider and K. Bartschat and O. Zatsarinny and I. Bray and A. Scrinzi and F. Martín and M. Klinker and J. Tennyson and J. D. Gorfinkiel and S. Pamidighantam},
    Title= {A science gateway for atomic and molecular physics},
    Journal = {Proceedings of PEARC"19: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing: Rise of the Machines},
    Shorttittle = {A science gateway for atomic and molecular physics},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {},
    Pages = {},
    DOI = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.02286},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] A. Palacios and F. Martín, “The quantum chemistry of attosecond molecular science,” Wires computational molecular science, pp. 1-28, 2020.
    Author= {A. Palacios and F. Martín},
    Title= {The quantum chemistry of attosecond molecular science},
    Journal = {WIREs Computational Molecular Science},
    Shorttittle = {The quantum chemistry of attosecond molecular science},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {e1430},
    Pages = {1-28},
    DOI = {10.1002/wcms.1430},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] A. Palacios and F. Martín, “Time delays from one-photon transitions in the continuum,” Optica, pp. 154-161, 2020.
    Author= {A. Palacios and F. Martín},
    Title= {Time delays from one-photon transitions in the continuum},
    Journal = {Optica},
    Shorttittle = {Time delays from one-photon transitions in the continuum},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {7},
    Pages = {154-161},
    DOI = {10.1364/OPTICA.378639},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. Turconi, L. Barreau, D. Busto, M. Isinger, C. Alexandridi, A. Harth, R. Squibb, D. Kroon, C. Arnold, R. Feifel, M. Gisselbrecht, L. Argenti, F. Martin, A. “Huillier, and P. Salieres, “Spin-orbit-resolved spectral phase measurements around a fano resonance,” Journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical physics, p. 184003, 2020.
    Author= {Turconi, M and Barreau, L and Busto, D and Isinger, M and Alexandridi, C and Harth, A and Squibb, RJ and Kroon, D and Arnold, CL and Feifel, R and Gisselbrecht, M and Argenti, L and Martin, F and "Huillier, AL and Salieres, P},
    Title= {Spin-orbit-resolved spectral phase measurements around a Fano resonance},
    Shorttittle = {Spin-orbit-resolved spectral phase measurements around a Fano resonance},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {53},
    Pages = {184003},
    DOI = {10.1088/1361-6455/ab9f0b},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. S. Poullain, M. Klinker, J. González-Vázquez, and F. Martín, “Resonant photoionization of o2 up to the fourth ionization threshold,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, pp. 16497-16504, 2019.
    Author= {S. Marggi Poullain and M. Klinker and J. González-Vázquez and F. Martín},
    Title= {Resonant photoionization of O2 up to the fourth ionization threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Resonant photoionization of O2 up to the fourth ionization threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {21},
    Pages = {16497-16504},
    DOI = {10.1039/C9CP02150G},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] L. Cattaneo, J. Vos, R. Bello, A. Palacios, S. Heuser, L. Pedrelli, M. Lucchini, C. Cirelli, F. Martin, and U. Keller, “Coupled nuclear-electronic dynamics in photoionization of h-2,” Xxi international conference on ultrafast phenomena 2018 (up 2018), p. 6004, 2019.
    Author= {L Cattaneo and J Vos and RY Bello and A Palacios and S Heuser and L Pedrelli and M Lucchini and C Cirelli and F Martin and U Keller},
    Title= {Coupled nuclear-electronic dynamics in photoionization of H-2},
    Shorttittle = {Coupled nuclear-electronic dynamics in photoionization of H-2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {205},
    Pages = {6004},
    DOI = {10.1051/epjconf/201920506004},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] E. Plesiat, S. E. Canton, J. D. Bozek, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Resonant photoelectron conffinement in the sf6 molecule,” Journal of chemical physics a, pp. 1062-1068, 2019.
    Author= {E. Plesiat and S. E. Canton and J. D. Bozek and P. Decleva and F. Martín},
    Title= {Resonant photoelectron conffinement in the SF6 molecule},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics A},
    Shorttittle = {Resonant photoelectron conffinement in the SF6 molecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {123},
    Pages = {1062-1068},
    DOI = {10.1021/acs.jpca.8b12237},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] A.Trabattoni, M. Galli, M. Lara-Astiaso, A. Palacios, J. Greenwood, I. Tavernelli, P. Decleva, M. Nisoli, F. Martín, and F. Calegari, “Charge migration in photo-ionised aromatic amino acids,” Philosophical transactions of the royal society a, p. 20170472 (12 pp), 2019.
    Author= {A.Trabattoni and M. Galli and M. Lara-Astiaso and A. Palacios and J. Greenwood and I. Tavernelli and P. Decleva and M. Nisoli and F. Martín and F. Calegari},
    Title= {Charge migration in photo-ionised aromatic amino acids},
    Journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A},
    Shorttittle = {Charge migration in photo-ionised aromatic amino acids},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {377},
    Pages = {20170472 (12 pp)},
    DOI = {10.1098/rsta.2017.0472},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] L. Barreau, C. L. M. Petersson, M. Klinker, A. Camper, C. Marante, T. Gorman, D. Kiesewetter, L. Argenti, P. Agostini, J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, L. F. DiMauro, P. Salieres, and F. Martin, “Disentangling spectral phases of interfering autoionizing states from attosecond interferometric measurements,” Physical review letters, p. 253203 (6pp), 2019.
    Author= {L. Barreau and C. L. M. Petersson and M. Klinker and A. Camper and C. Marante and T. Gorman and D. Kiesewetter and L. Argenti and P. Agostini and J. Gonzalez-Vazquez and L. F. DiMauro and P. Salieres and F. Martin},
    Title= {Disentangling spectral phases of interfering autoionizing states from attosecond interferometric measurements},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Shorttittle = {Disentangling spectral phases of interfering autoionizing states from attosecond interferometric measurements},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {122},
    Pages = {253203 (6pp)},
    DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.253203},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] B. Y. Chang, S. Shin, J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, F. Martín, V. S. Malinovsky, and I. R. Sola, “Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: i. light-matter interaction,” Journal of physics b and atomic molecular and optical physics, p. 171001-13-171001-14, 2019.
    Author= {B. Y. Chang and S. Shin and J. Gonzalez-Vazquez and F. Martín and V. S. Malinovsky and I. R. Sola},
    Title= {Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: I. Light-matter interaction},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B and Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: I. Light-matter interaction},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {52},
    Pages = {171001-13-171001-14},
    DOI = {10.1088/1361-6455/ab26d7},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. Richter, J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, Z. Masin, D. S. Brambila, A. G. Harvey, F. Morales, and F. Martín, “Ultrafast imaging of laser-controlled non-adiabatic dynamics in no2 from time resolved photoelectron emission,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, p. 10038-1-10038-14, 2019.
    Author= {M. Richter and J. Gonzalez-Vazquez and Z. Masin and D. S. Brambila and A. G. Harvey and F. Morales and F. Martín},
    Title= {Ultrafast imaging of laser-controlled non-adiabatic dynamics in NO2 from time resolved photoelectron emission},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Ultrafast imaging of laser-controlled non-adiabatic dynamics in NO2 from time resolved photoelectron emission},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {21},
    Pages = {10038-1-10038-14},
    DOI = {10.1039/c9cp00649d},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] K. Ueda, E. Sokell, S. Schippers, F. Aumayr, H. Sadeghpour, J. Burgdorfer, C. Lemell, X. Tong, T. Pfeifer, F. Calegari, A. Palacios, F. Martin, P. Corkum, G. Sansone, E. Gryzlova, A. Grum-Grzhimailo, M. Piancastelli, P. Weber, T. Steinle, K. Amini, J. Biegert, N. Berrah, E. Kukk, R. Santra, A. Muller, D. Dowek, R. Lucchese, C. McCurdy, P. Bolognesi, L. Avaldi, T. Jahnke, M. Schoffler, R. Dorner, Y. Mairesse, L. Nahon, O. Smirnova, T. Schlatholter, E. Campbell, J. Rost, M. Meyer, and K. Tanaka, “Full-dimensional theoretical description of vibrationally resolved valence-shell photoionization of h2o,” Structural dynamics, p. 054101-1-054101-10, 2019.
    Author= {Ueda, K and Sokell, E and Schippers, S and Aumayr, F and Sadeghpour, H and Burgdorfer, J and Lemell, C and Tong, XM and Pfeifer, T and Calegari, F and Palacios, A and Martin, F and Corkum, P and Sansone, G and Gryzlova, EV and Grum-Grzhimailo, AN and Piancastelli, MN and Weber, PM and Steinle, T and Amini, K and Biegert, J and Berrah, N and Kukk, E and Santra, R and Muller, A and Dowek, D and Lucchese, RR and McCurdy, CW and Bolognesi, P and Avaldi, L and Jahnke, T and Schoffler, MS and Dorner, R and Mairesse, Y and Nahon, L and Smirnova, O and Schlatholter, T and Campbell, EEB and Rost, JM and Meyer, M and Tanaka, KA},
    Title= {Full-dimensional theoretical description of vibrationally resolved valence-shell photoionization of H2O},
    Journal = {Structural Dynamics},
    Shorttittle = {Full-dimensional theoretical description of vibrationally resolved valence-shell photoionization of H2O},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {6},
    Pages = {054101-1-054101-10},
    DOI = {10.1063/1.5106431},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] R. E. F. Silva, F. Martín, and M. Ivanov, “Control defeasance by anti-alignment in the excited state,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, pp. 23620-23625, 2019.
    Author= {R. E. F. Silva and F. Martín and M. Ivanov},
    Title= {Control defeasance by anti-alignment in the excited state},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Control defeasance by anti-alignment in the excited state},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {21},
    Pages = {23620-23625},
    DOI = {10.1039/C9CP04427B},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] S. Oberli, J. González-Vázquez, E. Rodríguez-Perelló, M. Sodupe, F. Martín, and A. Picón, “High harmonic generation in crystals using maximally localized wannier functions,” Physical review b, p. 195201-1-195201-6, 2019.
    Author= {S. Oberli and J. González-Vázquez and E. Rodríguez-Perelló and M. Sodupe and F. Martín and A. Picón},
    Title= {High harmonic generation in crystals using Maximally Localized Wannier functions},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Shorttittle = {High harmonic generation in crystals using Maximally Localized Wannier functions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {100},
    Pages = {195201-1-195201-6},
    DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevB.100.195201},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] J. Fuchs, N. Douguet, S. Donsa, F. Martin, J. Burgdorfer, L. Argenti, L. Cattaneo, and U. Keller, “Site-selective-induced isomerization of formamide,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, pp. 25626-25634, 2019.
    Author= {J. Fuchs and N. Douguet and S. Donsa and F. Martin and J. Burgdorfer and L. Argenti and L. Cattaneo and U. Keller },
    Title= {Site-selective-induced isomerization of formamide},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Site-selective-induced isomerization of formamide},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {21},
    Pages = {25626-25634},
    DOI = {10.1039/C9CP04441H},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] D. Boll, O. Fojon, C. Mccurdy, and A. Palacios, “Angularly resolved two-photon above-threshold ionization of helium,” Physical review a, p. 23416, 2019.
    Author= {DIR Boll and OA Fojon and CW Mccurdy and A Palacios},
    Title= {Angularly resolved two-photon above-threshold ionization of helium},
    Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A},
    Shorttittle = {Angularly resolved two-photon above-threshold ionization of helium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {99},
    Pages = {23416},
    DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.99.023416},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • A. Palacios, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martin, “Theoretical methods for attosecond coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in molecular photoionization,” Attosecond molecular dynamics. theoretical and computational chemistry series. eds: m. vrakking and f. l epine. royal society of chemistry., 2018.
    Author= {A. Palacios and J. L. Sanz-Vicario and F. Martin},
    Title= {Theoretical methods for attosecond coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in molecular photoionization},
    Journal = {Attosecond Molecular Dynamics. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series.
    Eds: M. Vrakking and F. L epine. Royal Society of Chemistry.},
    Shorttittle = {Theoretical methods for attosecond coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in molecular photoionization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Chapter},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • F. Calegari, A. Trabattoni, E. Mansson, J. B. Greenwood, P. Decleva, F. Martin, and M. Nisoli, “Attosecond spectroscopy of bio-chemically relevant molecules,” Rivista del nuovo cimento, 2018.
    Author= {F. Calegari and A. Trabattoni and E. Mansson and J. B. Greenwood and P. Decleva and F. Martin and M. Nisoli},
    Title= {Attosecond spectroscopy of bio-chemically relevant molecules},
    Journal = {Rivista del Nuovo Cimento},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond spectroscopy of bio-chemically relevant molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • E. Plesiat, M. Lara-Astiaso, P. Decleva, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Real-time imaging of ultrafast charge dynamics in tetrafluoromethane from attosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy,” Chemistry: a european journal, 2018.
    Author= {E. Plesiat and M. Lara-Astiaso and P. Decleva and A. Palacios and F. Martín},
    Title= {Real-time imaging of ultrafast charge dynamics in tetrafluoromethane from attosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy},
    Journal = {Chemistry: A European Journal},
    Shorttittle = {Real-time imaging of ultrafast charge dynamics in tetrafluoromethane from attosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • D. Jelovina, J. Feist, F. Martín, and A. Palacios, “A pump-probe scheme with a single chirped pulse to image electron and nuclear dynamics in molecules,” New journal of physics, 2018.
    Author= {D. Jelovina and J. Feist and F. Martín and A. Palacios},
    Title= {A pump-probe scheme with a single chirped pulse to image electron and nuclear dynamics in molecules},
    Journal = {New Journal of Physics},
    Shorttittle = {A pump-probe scheme with a single chirped pulse to image electron and nuclear dynamics in molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • M. Klinker, C. Marante, L. Argenti, J. González-Vazquez, and F. Martín, “Partial cross sections and interfering resonances in the photoionization of molecular nitrogen,” Physical review a, 2018.
    Author= {M. Klinker and C. Marante and L. Argenti and J. González-Vazquez and F. Martín},
    Title= {Partial cross sections and interfering resonances in the photoionization of molecular nitrogen},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Partial cross sections and interfering resonances in the photoionization of molecular nitrogen},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • F. Holzmeier, R. Y. Bello, M. Hervé, A. Achner, T. Baumann, M. Meyer, P. Finetti, D. M. Fraia, D. Gauthier, E. Roussel, O. Plekan, R. Richter, K. C. Prince, C. Callegari, H. Bachau, A. Palacios, F. Martín, and D. Dowek, “Control of h2 dissociative ionization in the nonlinear regime using vuv free electron laser pulses,” Physical review letters, 2018.
    Author= {F. Holzmeier and R. Y. Bello and M. Hervé and A. Achner and T. Baumann and M. Meyer and P. Finetti and M. Di Fraia and D. Gauthier and E. Roussel and O. Plekan and R. Richter and K. C. Prince and C. Callegari and H. Bachau and A. Palacios and F. Martín and D. Dowek},
    Title= {Control of H2 dissociative ionization in the nonlinear regime using VUV free electron laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Shorttittle = {Control of H2 dissociative ionization in the nonlinear regime using VUV free electron laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • M. Lara-Astiaso, M. Galli, A. Trabattoni, A. Palacios, D. Ayuso, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, D. S. Camillis, J. Greenwood, P. Decleva, I. Tavernelli, F. Calegari, M. Nisoli, and F. Martín, “Attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of charge dynamics in tryptophan,” Journal of physical chemistry letters, 2018.
    Author= {M. Lara-Astiaso and M. Galli and A. Trabattoni and A. Palacios and D. Ayuso and F. Frassetto and L. Poletto and S. De Camillis and J. Greenwood and P. Decleva and I. Tavernelli and F. Calegari and M. Nisoli and F. Martín},
    Title= {Attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of charge dynamics in tryptophan},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of charge dynamics in tryptophan},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • R. Y. Bello, S. E. Canton, D. Jelovina, J. D. Bozek, B. Rude, O. Smirnova, M. Y. Ivanov, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Reconstruction of the time-dependent electronic wave packet arising from molecular autoionization,” Science advances, 2018.
    Author= {R. Y. Bello and S. E. Canton and D. Jelovina and J. D. Bozek and B. Rude and O. Smirnova and M. Y. Ivanov and A. Palacios and F. Martín},
    Title= {Reconstruction of the time-dependent electronic wave packet arising from molecular autoionization},
    Journal = {Science Advances},
    Shorttittle = {Reconstruction of the time-dependent electronic wave packet arising from molecular autoionization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • L. Martin, R. Y. Bello, C. W. Hogle, A. Palacios, X. M. Tong, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, T. Jahnke, M. Schöffler, R. Dörner, T. Weber, F. Martín, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, and P. Ranitovic, “Revealing the role of electron-electron correlations by mapping dissociation of highly excited d2+ using ultrashort xuv pulses,” Physical review a, 2018.
    Author= {L. Martin and R. Y. Bello and C. W. Hogle and A. Palacios and X. M. Tong and J. L. Sanz-Vicario and T. Jahnke and M. Schöffler and R. Dörner and Th. Weber and F. Martín and H. C. Kapteyn and M. M. Murnane and P. Ranitovic},
    Title= {Revealing the role of electron-electron correlations by mapping dissociation of highly excited D2+ using ultrashort xuv pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Revealing the role of electron-electron correlations by mapping dissociation of highly excited D2+ using ultrashort xuv pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • Q. Jing, R. Y. Bello, F. Martín, A. Palacios, and L. B. Madsen, “Monte carlo wave packet approach to trace nuclear dynamics in molecular excited states by xuv-pump-ir-probe spectroscopy,” Physical review a, 2018.
    Author= {Q. Jing and R. Y. Bello and F. Martín and A. Palacios and L. B. Madsen},
    Title= {Monte Carlo wave packet approach to trace nuclear dynamics in molecular excited states by XUV-pump-IR-probe spectroscopy},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Monte Carlo wave packet approach to trace nuclear dynamics in molecular excited states by XUV-pump-IR-probe spectroscopy},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • L. Cattaneo, J. Vos, R. Bello, A. Palacios, S. Heuser, L. Pedrelli, M. Lucchini, C. Cirelli, F. Martín, and U. Keller, “Attosecond coupled electron and nuclear dynamics in dissociative ionization of h2,” Nature physics, 2018.
    Author= {L. Cattaneo and J. Vos and R. Bello and A. Palacios and S. Heuser and L. Pedrelli and M. Lucchini and C. Cirelli and F. Martín and U. Keller},
    Title= {Attosecond coupled electron and nuclear dynamics in dissociative ionization of H2},
    Journal = {Nature Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond coupled electron and nuclear dynamics in dissociative ionization of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • C. Cirelli, C. Marante, S. Heuser, A. Jiménez-Galán, L. Argenti, M. Lucchini, L. Gallmann, J. M. Dahlström, E. Lindroth, F. Martín, and U. Keller, “Anisotropic photoemission time delays close to a fano resonance,” Nature communications, 2018.
    Author= {C. Cirelli and C. Marante and S. Heuser and A. Jiménez-Galán and L. Argenti and M. Lucchini and L. Gallmann and J. M. Dahlström and E. Lindroth and F. Martín and U. Keller},
    Title= {Anisotropic photoemission time delays close to a Fano resonance},
    Journal = {Nature Communications},
    Shorttittle = {Anisotropic photoemission time delays close to a Fano resonance},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • M. Klinker, C. Marante, L. Argenti, J. González-Vázquez, and F. Martín, “Electron correlation in the ionization continuum of molecules: photoionization of n2 in the vicinity of the hopfield series of autoionizing states,” Journal of physical chemistry letters, 2018.
    Author= {M. Klinker and C. Marante and L. Argenti and J. González-Vázquez and F. Martín},
    Title= {Electron correlation in the ionization continuum of molecules: photoionization of N2 in the vicinity of the Hopfield series of autoionizing states},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters},
    Shorttittle = {Electron correlation in the ionization continuum of molecules: photoionization of N2 in the vicinity of the Hopfield series of autoionizing states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • D. Busto, L. Barreau, M. Isinger, M. Turconi, C. Alexandridi, A. Harth, S. Zhong, R. J. Squibb, D. Kroon, S. Plogmaker, M. Miranda, A. Jiménez-Galan, L. Argenti, C. L. Arnold, R. Feifel, F. Martin, M. Gisselbrecht, A. L’Huillier, and P. Salieres, “Time-frequency representation of autoionization dynamics in helium,” Journal of physics b: atomic, molecular and optical physics, 2018.
    Author= {D. Busto and L. Barreau and M. Isinger and M. Turconi and C. Alexandridi and A. Harth and S. Zhong and R. J. Squibb and D. Kroon and S. Plogmaker and M. Miranda and A. Jiménez-Galan and L. Argenti and C. L. Arnold and R. Feifel and F. Martin and M. Gisselbrecht and A. L'Huillier and P. Salieres},
    Title= {Time-frequency representation of autoionization dynamics in helium},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Time-frequency representation of autoionization dynamics in helium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • D. Ayuso, A. Palacios, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Ultrafast charge dynamics in glycine induced by attosecond pulses,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, 2017.
    Author= {D. Ayuso and A. Palacios and P. Decleva and F. Martín},
    Title= {Ultrafast charge dynamics in glycine induced by attosecond pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Ultrafast charge dynamics in glycine induced by attosecond pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • L. Argenti, J. A. Galán, R. Taïeb, J. Caillat, A. Maquet, and F.Martín, “Control of photoemission delay in resonant two-photon transitions,” Journal of physics: conference series, 2017.
    Author= {L. Argenti and A. Jiménez Galán and R. Taïeb and J. Caillat and A. Maquet and F.Martín},
    Title= {Control of photoemission delay in resonant two-photon transitions},
    Shorttittle = {Control of photoemission delay in resonant two-photon transitions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • M. Waitz, R. Y. Bello, D. Metz, J. Lower, F. Trinter, C. Schober, M. Keiling, U. Lenz, M. Pitzer, K. Mertens, M. Martins, J. Viefhaus, S. Klumpp, T. Weber, P. L. H. Schmidt, J. B. Williams, M. S. Schöffler, V. V. Serov, A. S. Kheifets, L. Argenti, A. Palacios, F. Martín, T. Jahnke, and R. Dörner, “Imaging the square of the correlated two-electron wave function of a hydrogen molecule,” Nature communications, 2017.
    Author= {M. Waitz and R.Y. Bello and D. Metz and J. Lower and F. Trinter and C. Schober and M. Keiling and U. Lenz and M. Pitzer and K. Mertens and M. Martins and J. Viefhaus and S. Klumpp and T. Weber and L. Ph. H. Schmidt and J. B. Williams and M. S. Schöffler and V. V. Serov and A. S. Kheifets and L. Argenti and A. Palacios and F. Martín and T. Jahnke and R. Dörner},
    Title= {Imaging the square of the correlated two-electron wave function of a hydrogen molecule},
    Journal = {Nature Communications},
    Shorttittle = {Imaging the square of the correlated two-electron wave function of a hydrogen molecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • A. F. Ordoñez-Lasso, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Effect of potential screening on the h2 autoionizing states,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {A. F. Ordoñez-Lasso and J. L. Sanz-Vicario and F. Martín},
    Title= {Effect of potential screening on the H2 autoionizing states},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Effect of potential screening on the H2 autoionizing states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • C. Marante, M. Klinker, T. Kjellsson, E. Lindroth, J. González-Vázquez, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “Photoionization using the xchem approach: total and partial cross sections of ne and resonance parameters above the 2s22p5 threshold,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {C. Marante and M. Klinker and T. Kjellsson and E. Lindroth and J. González-Vázquez and L. Argenti and F. Martín},
    Title= {Photoionization using the XCHEM approach: total and partial cross sections of Ne and resonance parameters above the 2s22p5 threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Photoionization using the XCHEM approach: total and partial cross sections of Ne and resonance parameters above the 2s22p5 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • C. L. M. Petersson, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of helium above the n = 2 ionization threshold,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {C. L. M. Petersson and L. Argenti and F. Martín},
    Title= {Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of Helium above the N = 2 ionization threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of Helium above the N = 2 ionization threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • L. Medisauskas, R. Bello, A. Palacios, A. Gonzlez-Castrillo, F. Morales, L. Plimak, O. Smirnova, F. Martín, and M. Ivanov, “A molecular clock for autoionization decay,” Journal of physics b: atomic, molecular and optical physics, 2017.
    Author= {L. Medisauskas and R. Bello and A. Palacios and A. Gonzlez-Castrillo and F. Morales and L. Plimak and O. Smirnova and F. Martín and M. Ivanov},
    Title= {A molecular clock for autoionization decay},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {A molecular clock for autoionization decay},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • M. Lara-Astiaso, A. Palacios, P. Decleva, I. Tavernelli, and F. Martín, “Role of electron-nuclear coupled dynamics on charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in glycine,” Chemical physics letters, 2017.
    Author= {M. Lara-Astiaso and A. Palacios and P. Decleva and I. Tavernelli and F. Martín},
    Title= {Role of electron-nuclear coupled dynamics on charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in glycine},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Shorttittle = {Role of electron-nuclear coupled dynamics on charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in glycine},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • M. Nisoli, P. Decleva, F. Calegari, A. Palacios, and F. Martin, “Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules,” Chemical reviews, 2017.
    Author= {M. Nisoli and P. Decleva and F. Calegari and A. Palacios and F. Martin},
    Title= {Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules},
    Journal = {Chemical Reviews},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • L. Argenti, A. Jiménez-Galán, J. Caillat, R. Taïeb, A. Maquet, and F. Martín, “Control of photoemission delay in resonant two-photon transitions,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {L. Argenti and A. Jiménez-Galán and J. Caillat and R. Taïeb and A. Maquet and F. Martín},
    Title= {Control of photoemission delay in resonant two-photon transitions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Control of photoemission delay in resonant two-photon transitions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • D. Jelovina, J. Feist, F. Martín, and A. Palacios, “Imaging ultrafast molecular wave packets with a single chirped uv pulse,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {D. Jelovina and J. Feist and F. Martín and A. Palacios},
    Title= {Imaging ultrafast molecular wave packets with a single chirped UV pulse},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Imaging ultrafast molecular wave packets with a single chirped UV pulse},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • I. Corral, J. González-Vázquez, and F. Martín, “Potential energy surfaces of core-hole and shake-up states for dissociative ionization studies,” Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2017.
    Author= {I. Corral and J. González-Vázquez and F. Martín},
    Title= {Potential energy surfaces of core-hole and shake-up states for dissociative ionization studies},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation},
    Shorttittle = {Potential energy surfaces of core-hole and shake-up states for dissociative ionization studies},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • A. F. Ordóñez-Lasso, F. Martin, and J. L. Sanz-Vicario, “Screening effects on the electronic structure of the hydrogen molecular ion,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {A. F. Ordóñez-Lasso and F. Martin and J. L. Sanz-Vicario},
    Title= {Screening effects on the electronic structure of the hydrogen molecular ion},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Screening effects on the electronic structure of the hydrogen molecular ion},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • F. P. Sturm, X. M. Tong, A. Palacios, T. W. Wright, I. Zalyubovskaya, D. Ray, N. Shivaram, F. Martin, A. Belkacem, P. Ranitovic, and T. Weber, “Mapping and controlling ultrafast dynamics of highly excited h2 molecules by vuv-ir pump-probe schemes,” Physical review a, 2017.
    Author= {F. P. Sturm and X. M. Tong and A. Palacios and T. W. Wright and I. Zalyubovskaya and D. Ray and N. Shivaram and F. Martin and A. Belkacem and P. Ranitovic and Th. Weber},
    Title= {Mapping and controlling ultrafast dynamics of highly excited H2 molecules by VUV-IR pump-probe schemes},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Shorttittle = {Mapping and controlling ultrafast dynamics of highly excited H2 molecules by VUV-IR pump-probe schemes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • C. Marante, M. Klinker, I. Corral, J. González-Vazquez, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “A hybrid-basis close-coupling interface to quantum chemistry packages for the treatment of ionization problems,” Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2017.
    Author= {C. Marante and M. Klinker and I. Corral and J. González-Vazquez and L. Argenti and F. Martín},
    Title= {A hybrid-basis close-coupling interface to quantum chemistry packages for the treatment of ionization problems},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation},
    Shorttittle = {A hybrid-basis close-coupling interface to quantum chemistry packages for the treatment of ionization problems},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] Y. Cheng, M. Chini, X. Wang, A. González-Castrillo, A. Palacios, L. Argenti, F. Martín, and Z. Chang, “Reconstruction of an excited-state molecular wave packet with attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy,” Physical review a, p. 023403-1 – 023403-10, 2016.
    Author = {Y. Cheng and M. Chini and X. Wang and A. González-Castrillo and A. Palacios and L. Argenti and F. Martín and Z. Chang},
    Title= {Reconstruction of an excited-state molecular wave packet with attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy},
    Journal = {Physical Review A },
    Shorttittle = {Reconstruction of an excited-state molecular wave packet with attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {94},
    Pages = {023403-1 - 023403-10},
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    Year = {2016},
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  • [DOI] S. Nandi, E. Plésiat, M. Patanen, C. Miron, J. D. Bozek, F. Martín, D. Tooli, and P. Decleva, “Photoelectron diffraction in methane probed via vibrationally resolved inner-valence photoionization cross section ratios,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, pp. 3214-3222, 2016.
    Author = {S. Nandi and E. Plésiat and M. Patanen and C. Miron and J. D. Bozek and F. Martín and D. Tooli and P. Decleva},
    Title = {Photoelectron diffraction in methane probed via vibrationally resolved inner-valence photoionization cross section ratios},
    Shorttitle = {Photoelectron diffraction in methane probed via vibrationally resolved inner-valence photoionization cross section ratios},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Volumen = {18},
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  • [DOI] J. P. Sánchez, N. F. Aguirre, S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Structure, ionization and fragmentation of neutral and positively charged hydrogenated carbon clusters: CnHmq+ (n = 1 -5,” Journal of physical chemistry a, pp. 588-605, 2016.
    Author = {J. P. Sánchez and N. F. Aguirre and S. Díaz-Tendero and F. Martín and M. Alcamí},
    Title = {{Structure, ionization and fragmentation of neutral and positively charged hydrogenated carbon clusters: CnHmq+ (n = 1 -5, m = 1 -4, q = 0 -3)}},
    Shorttitle = {Structure, ionization and fragmentation of neutral and positively charged hydro¬genated carbon clusters: CnHmq+ (n = 1 -5, m = 1 -4, q = 0 -3)},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volumen = {120},
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  • [DOI] M. Kotur, D. Guénot, A. Jiménez-Galán, D. Kroon, E. W. Larsen, M. Louisy, S. Bengtsson, M. Miranda, J. Mauritsson, C. L. Arnold, S. E. Canton, M. Gisselbrecht, T. Carette, J. M. Dahlström, E. Lindroth, A. Maquet, L. Argenti, F. Martín, and A. L’Huillier, “Phase measurement of a fano window resonance using tunable attosecond pulses,” Nature communications, p. 10566-1 10566-6, 2016.
    Author = {M. Kotur and D. Guénot and A. Jiménez-Galán and D. Kroon and E. W. Larsen and M. Louisy and S. Bengtsson and M. Miranda and J. Mauritsson and C. L. Arnold and S. E. Canton and M. Gisselbrecht and T. Carette and J.M. Dahlström and E. Lindroth and A. Maquet and L. Argenti and F. Martín and A. L’Huillier},
    Title = {Phase measurement of a Fano window resonance using tunable attosecond pulses},
    Shorttitle = {Phase measurement of a Fano window resonance using tunable attosecond pulses},
    Journal = {Nature Communications},
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  • [DOI] F. Calegari, A. Trabattoni, A. Palacios, D. Ayuso, M. Castrovilli, J. Greenwood, P.Decleva, F. Martín, and M. Nisoli, “Topical review: charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in bio-relevant molecules,” Journal of physics b, p. 142001-1 – 142001-25, 2016.
    Author = {F. Calegari and A. Trabattoni and A. Palacios and D. Ayuso and M. Castrovilli and J. Greenwood and P.Decleva and F. Martín and M. Nisoli},
    Title = {Topical Review: Charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in bio-relevant molecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen = {49},
    Pages = {142001-1 - 142001-25},
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  • [DOI] A. Jiménez-Galán, F. Martín, and L. Argenti, “Two-photon finite-pulse model for resonant transitions in attosecond experiments,” Physical review a, p. 023429-1 – 023429-21, 2016.
    Author = {A. Jiménez-Galán and F. Martín and L. Argenti},
    Title = {Two-photon finite-pulse model for resonant transitions in attosecond experiments},
    Shorttitle = {Two-photon finite-pulse model for resonant transitions in attosecond experiments},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen = {93},
    Pages = {023429-1 - 023429-21},
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  • [DOI] M. Lara-Astiaso, R. E. F. Silva, A. Gubaydullin, P. Rivière, C. Meier, and F. Martín, “Enhancing high-order harmonic generation in light molecules by using chirped pulses,” Physical review letters, p. 093003-1 – 093003-5, 2016.
    Author = {M. Lara-Astiaso and R. E. F. Silva and A. Gubaydullin and P. Rivière and C. Meier and F. Martín},
    Title= {Enhancing high-order harmonic generation in light molecules by using chirped pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters },
    Shorttittle = {Enhancing high-order harmonic generation in light molecules by using chirped pulses.},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {117},
    Pages = {093003-1 - 093003-5},
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  • [DOI] V. Gruson, L. Barreau, A. Jiménez-Galán, F. Risoud, J. Caillat, A. Maquet, B. Carré, F. Lepetit, J-F. Hergott, T. Ruchon, L. Argenti, R. Taïeb, F. Martín, and P. Salières, “Attosecond dynamics through a fano resonance: monitoring the birth of a photoelectron,” Science, pp. 734-738, 2016.
    Author = {V. Gruson and L. Barreau and A. Jiménez-Galán and F. Risoud and J. Caillat and A. Maquet and B. Carré and F. Lepetit and J-F. Hergott and T. Ruchon and L. Argenti and R. Taïeb and F. Martín and P. Salières},
    Title= {Attosecond dynamics through a Fano resonance: Monitoring the birth of a photoelectron},
    Journal = {Science},
    Shorttittle = {Attosecond dynamics through a Fano resonance: Monitoring the birth of a photoelectron},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
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  • [DOI] M. Kuhn, M. Renzler, J. Postler, S. Ralser, S. Spieler, M. Simpson, H. Linnartz, A. G. G. M. Tielens, J. Cami, A. Mauracher, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, M. K. Beyer, R. Wester, and A. Lindinger, “Atomically resolved phase transition of fullerene cations solvated in helium droplets,” Nature communications, p. 13550-1 – 13550-5, 2016.
    Author = {M. Kuhn and M. Renzler and J. Postler and S. Ralser and S. Spieler and M. Simpson and H. Linnartz and A. G. G. M. Tielens and J. Cami and A. Mauracher and Y. Wang and M. Alcamí and F. Martín and M. K. Beyer and R. Wester and A. Lindinger},
    Title= {Atomically resolved phase transition of fullerene cations solvated in helium droplets},
    Journal = {Nature Communications},
    Shorttittle = {Atomically resolved phase transition of fullerene cations solvated in helium droplets},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
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  • [DOI] M. Waitz, D. Metz, J. Lower, C. Schober, M. Keiling, M. Pitzer, K. Mertens, M. Martins, J. Viefhaus, S. Klumpp, T. Weber, H. Schmidt-Böcking, P. L. H. Schmidt, F. Morales, S. Miyabe, T. N. Rescigno, C. W. McCurdy, F. Martín, J. B. Williams, M. S. Schöffler, T. Jahnke, and R. Dörner, “Two-particle interference of electron pairs on a molecular level,” Physical review letters, p. 083002-1 – 083002-5, 2016.
    Author = {M. Waitz and D. Metz and J. Lower and C. Schober and M. Keiling and M. Pitzer and K. Mertens and M. Martins and J. Viefhaus and S. Klumpp and T. Weber and H. Schmidt-Böcking and L. Ph. H. Schmidt and F. Morales and S. Miyabe and T. N. Rescigno and C. W. McCurdy and F. Martín and J. B. Williams and M. S. Schöffler and T. Jahnke and R. Dörner},
    Title= {Two-particle interference of electron pairs on a molecular level},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters },
    Shorttittle = {Two-particle interference of electron pairs on a molecular level},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {117},
    Pages = {083002-1 - 083002-5},
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    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] M. Lara-Astiaso, D. Ayuso, I. Tavernelli, P. Decleva, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Decoherence, control and attosecond probing of xuv-induced charge migration in biomolecules. a theoretical outlook,” Faraday discussions, 2016.
    Author = {M. Lara-Astiaso and D. Ayuso and I. Tavernelli and P. Decleva and A. Palacios and F. Martín},
    Title= {Decoherence, control and attosecond probing of xuv-induced charge migration in biomolecules. A theoretical outlook},
    Journal = {Faraday Discussions},
    Shorttittle = {Decoherence, control and attosecond probing of xuv-induced charge migration in biomolecules. A theoretical outlook},
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    DOI = {10.1039/C6FD00074F},
    Year = {2016},
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  • [DOI] R. E. F. Silva, P. Rivière, F. Morales, O. Smirnova, M. Ivanov, and F. Martín, “Even harmonic generation in isotropic media of dissociating homonuclear molecules,” Scientific reports 6, p. 32653-1 – 32653-9, 2016.
    Author = {R. E. F. Silva and P. Rivière and F. Morales and O. Smirnova and M. Ivanov and F. Martín},
    Title= {Even harmonic generation in isotropic media of dissociating homonuclear molecules},
    Journal = {Scientific Reports 6},
    Shorttittle = {Even harmonic generation in isotropic media of dissociating homonuclear molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {6},
    Pages = {32653-1 - 32653-9},
    DOI = {10.1038/srep32653},
    Year = {2016},
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  • [DOI] S. Heuser, A. Jiménez-Galán, C. Cirelli, M. Sabbar, R. Boge, M. Lucchini, L. Gallmann, I. Ivanov, A. S. Kheifets, J. M. Dahlström, E. Lindroth, L. Argenti, F. Martín, and U. Keller, “Angular dependence of photoemission time delay in helium,” Physical review a, p. 063409-1 – 063409-10, 2016.
    Author = {S. Heuser and A. Jiménez-Galán and C. Cirelli and M. Sabbar and R. Boge and M. Lucchini and L. Gallmann and I. Ivanov and A. S. Kheifets and J. M. Dahlström and E. Lindroth and L. Argenti and F. Martín and U. Keller},
    Title= {Angular dependence of photoemission time delay in helium},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volumen = {94},
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  • [DOI] D. G. Piekarski, R. Delaunay, S. Maclot, L. Adoui, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, B. A. Huber, P. Rousseau, A. Domaracka, and S. Díaz-Tendero, “Unusual hydroxyl migration in the fragmentation of β-alanine dication in the gas phase,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, vol. 17, pp. 16767-16778, 2015.
    Author = {D. G. Piekarski and R. Delaunay and S. Maclot and L. Adoui and F. Martín and M. Alcamí and B. A. Huber and P. Rousseau and A. Domaracka and S. Díaz-Tendero},
    Title = {Unusual hydroxyl migration in the fragmentation of β-alanine dication in the gas phase},
    Shorttitle = {Unusual hydroxyl migration in the fragmentation of β-alanine dication in the gas phase},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
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  • [DOI] F. Martín, “Thought experiments made real,” Nature photonics, vol. 9, pp. 76-77, 2015.
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  • [DOI] B. Y. Chang, S. Shin, A. Palacios, F. Martín, and I. R. Sola, “Oscillating molecular dipoles requiere strongly correlated electronic and nuclear motion,” Journal of physics b, vol. 48, p. 43001, 2015.
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    Title = {Oscillating molecular dipoles requiere strongly correlated electronic and nuclear motion},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {48},
    Pages = {043001},
    Shorttitle = {Oscillating molecular dipoles require strongly correlated electronic and nuclear motion},
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  • [DOI] E. Kukk, D. -T. Ha, Y. Wang, D. G. Piekarski, S. Diaz-Tendero, K. Kooser, E. Itälä, H. Levola, M. Alcamí, E. Rachlew, and F. Martín, “Internal energy dependence in x-ray-induced molecular fragmentation: an experimental and theoretical study of thiophene,” Physical review a, vol. 91, p. 43417, 2015.
    Author = {E. Kukk and D.-T. Ha and Y. Wang and D. G. Piekarski and S. Diaz-Tendero and K. Kooser and E. Itälä and H. Levola and M. Alcamí and E. Rachlew and F. Martín},
    Title = {Internal energy dependence in x-ray-induced molecular fragmentation: An experimental and theoretical study of thiophene},
    Shorttitle = {Internal energy dependence in x-ray-induced molecular fragmentation: An experimental and theoretical study of thiophene},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
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  • [DOI] F. Calegari, D. Ayuso, A. Trabattoni, L. Belshaw, D. S. Camillis, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, A. Palacios, P. Decleva, J. Greenwood, F. Martín, and M. Nisoli, “Ultrafast charge dynamics in an amino acid induced by attosecond pulses,” Ieee journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, p. 8700512, 2015.
    Author = {F. Calegari and D. Ayuso and A. Trabattoni and L. Belshaw and S. De Camillis and F. Frassetto and L. Poletto and A. Palacios and P. Decleva and J. Greenwood and F. Martín and M. Nisoli},
    Title = {Ultrafast charge dynamics in an amino acid induced by attosecond pulses},
    Shorttitle = {Ultrafast charge dynamics in an amino acid induced by attosecond pulses},
    Journal = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics},
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  • [DOI] R. Delaunaya, M. Gatchell, P. Rousseau, A. Domaracka, S. Maclot, Y. Wang, M. H. Stockett, T. Chen, L. Adoui, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist, and B. A. Huber, “Molecular growth inside of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clusters induced by ion collisions,” Journal of physical chemistry letters, vol. 6, pp. 1536-1542, 2015.
    Author = {R. Delaunaya and M. Gatchell and P. Rousseau and A. Domaracka and S. Maclot and Y. Wang and M. H. Stockett and T. Chen and L. Adoui and M. Alcamí and F. Martín and H. Zettergren and H. Cederquist and B. A. Huber},
    Title = {Molecular growth inside of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clusters induced by ion collisions},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular growth inside of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clusters induced by ion collisions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters},
    Volume = {6},
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  • [DOI] D. Ayuso, M. Kimura, K. Kooser, M. Patanen, E. Plésiat, L. Argenti, S. Mondal, O. Travnikova, K. Sakai, A. Palacios, E. Kukk, P. Decleva, K. Ueda, F. Martín, and C. Miron, “Vibrationally resolved b 1s photoionization cross section of bf3,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 119, pp. 5971-5978, 2015.
    Author = {D. Ayuso and M. Kimura and K. Kooser and M. Patanen and E. Plésiat and L. Argenti and S. Mondal and O. Travnikova and K. Sakai and A. Palacios and E. Kukk and P. Decleva and K. Ueda and F. Martín and C. Miron},
    Title = {Vibrationally Resolved B 1s Photoionization Cross Section of BF3},
    Shorttitle = {Vibrationally Resolved B 1s Photoionization Cross Section of BF3},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
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  • [DOI] L. Medisauskas, F. Morales, O. Smirnova, L. Plimak, A. González-Castrillo, A. Palacios, F. Martín, and M. Y. Ivanov, “Signatures of attosecond electronic-nuclear dynamics in the one-photon ionization of molecular hydrogen: analytical model vs ab-initio calculations,” New journal of physics, vol. 17, p. 53011, 2015.
    Author = {L. Medisauskas and F. Morales and O. Smirnova and L. Plimak and A. González-Castrillo and A. Palacios and F. Martín and M. Y. Ivanov},
    Title = {Signatures of attosecond electronic-nuclear dynamics in the one-photon ionization of molecular hydrogen: analytical model vs ab-initio calculations},
    Shorttitle = {Signatures of attosecond electronic-nuclear dynamics in the one-photon ionization of molecular hydrogen: analytical model vs ab-initio calculations},
    Journal = {New Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {17},
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  • [DOI] R. E. F. Silva, F. Catoire, P. Rivière, T. Niederhausen, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Energy-and angle-resolved ionization of h+2 interacting with xuv subfemtosecond laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 92, p. 13426, 2015.
    Author = {R. E. F. Silva and F. Catoire and P. Rivière and T. Niederhausen and H. Bachau and F. Martín},
    Title = {Energy-and angle-resolved ionization of H+2 interacting with xuv subfemtosecond laser pulses},
    Shottitle = {Energy-and angle-resolved ionization of H+2 interacting with xuv subfemtosecond laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {92},
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  • [DOI] M. Richter, F. Bouakline, J. González-Vázquez, L. Martínez-Fernández, I. Corral, S. Patchkovskii, F. Morales, M. Ivanov, F. Martín, and O. Smirnova, “Sub-laser-cycle control of coupled electron-nuclear dynamics at a conical intersection,” New journal of physics, vol. 17, p. 113023, 2015.
    Author = {M. Richter and F. Bouakline and J. González-Vázquez and L. Martínez-Fernández and I. Corral and S. Patchkovskii and F. Morales and M. Ivanov and F. Martín and O. Smirnova},
    Title = {Sub-laser-cycle control of coupled electron-nuclear dynamics at a conical intersection},
    Shorttitle = {Sub-laser-cycle control of coupled electron-nuclear dynamics at a conical intersection},
    Journal = {New Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {17},
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  • [DOI] A. Jiménez-Galána, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “Modulation of attosecond beating by resonant two-photon transition,” Journal of physics conference series, vol. 635, p. 12005, 2015.
    Author = {A. Jiménez-Galána and L. Argenti and F. Martín},
    Title = {Modulation of attosecond beating by resonant two-photon transition},
    Shorttitle = {Modulation of attosecond beating by resonant two-photon transition},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
    Volume = {635},
    Pages = {012005},
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  • [DOI] F. L. Yip, A. Palacios, F. Martín, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “Two-photon double ionization of atomic beryllium with ultrashort laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 92, p. 53404, 2015.
    Author = {F. L. Yip and A. Palacios and F. Martín and T. N. Rescigno and C. W. McCurdy},
    Title = {Two-photon double ionization of atomic beryllium with ultrashort laser pulses},
    Shorttitle = {Two-photon double ionization of atomic beryllium with ultrashort laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {92},
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  • [DOI] A. Trabattoni, M. Klinker, J. González-Vázquez, C. Liu, G. Sansone, R. Linguerri, M. Hochlaf, J. Klei, M. J. J. Vrakking, F. Martín, M. Nisoli, and F. Calegari, “Mapping the dissociative ionization dynamics of molecular nitrogen with attosecond time resolution,” Physical review x, vol. 5, p. 41053, 2015.
    Author = {A. Trabattoni and M. Klinker and J. González-Vázquez and C. Liu and G. Sansone and R. Linguerri and M. Hochlaf and J. Klei and M. J. J. Vrakking and F. Martín and M. Nisoli and F. Calegari},
    Title = {Mapping the dissociative ionization dynamics of molecular nitrogen with attosecond time resolution},
    Shorttitle = {Mapping the dissociative ionization dynamics of molecular nitrogen with attosecond time resolution},
    Journal = {Physical Review X},
    Volume = {5},
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  • [DOI] A. Palacios, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Topical review. theoretical methods for attosecond electron and nuclear dynamics: applications to the h2 molecule,” Journal of physics b, vol. 48, p. 242001, 2015.
    Author = {A. Palacios and J. L. Sanz-Vicario and F. Martín},
    Title ={Topical review. Theoretical methods for attosecond electron and nuclear dynamics: applications to the H2 molecule},
    Shorttitle={Topical review. Theoretical methods for attosecond electron and nuclear dynamics: applications to the H2 molecule},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {48},
    Pages = {242001},
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  • [DOI] Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Cage connectivity and frontier π orbitals govern the relative stability of charged fullerene isomers,” Nature chemistry, vol. 7, pp. 927-934, 2015.
    Author = {Y. Wang and S. Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title = {Cage connectivity and frontier π orbitals govern the relative stability of charged fullerene isomers},
    Shorttitle = {Cage connectivity and frontier π orbitals govern the relative stability of charged fullerene isomers},
    Journal = {Nature Chemistry},
    Volume = {7},
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  • [DOI] J. Kocisek, D. G. Piekarski, R. Delaunay, B. A. Huber, L. Adoui, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, P. Rousseau, A. Domaracka, J. Kopyra, and S. Díaz-Tendero, “N-acetylglycine cation tautomerization enabled by the peptide bond,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 119, pp. 9581-9589, 2015.
    Author = {J. Kocisek and D. G. Piekarski and R. Delaunay and B. A. Huber and L. Adoui and F. Martín and M. Alcamí and P. Rousseau and A. Domaracka and J. Kopyra and S. Díaz-Tendero},
    Title = {N-acetylglycine cation tautomerization enabled by the peptide bond},
    Shorttitle = {N-acetylglycine cation tautomerization enabled by the peptide bond},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {119},
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  • [DOI] L. Argenti, A. Jiménez-Galán, C. Marante, C. Ott, T. Pfeifer, and F. Martín, “Dressing effects in the attosecond transient absorption spectra of doubly-excited states in helium,” Physical review a, vol. 91(R), p. 61403, 2015.
    Author = {L. Argenti and A. Jiménez-Galán and C. Marante and C. Ott and T. Pfeifer and F. Martín},
    Title = {Dressing effects in the attosecond transient absorption spectra of doubly-excited states in helium},
    Shorttitle = {Dressing effects in the attosecond transient absorption spectra of doubly-excited states in helium},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
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  • [DOI] F. Martín, A. Hishikawa, and M. J. J. Vrakking, “Special issue on ultrafast electron and molecular dynamics,” Journal of physics b, vol. 47, p. 120201, 2014.
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    Title = {Special issue on ultrafast electron and molecular dynamics},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {120201},
    Shorttitle = {Special issue on ultrafast electron and molecular dynamics},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
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    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/120201}}
  • [DOI] A. Palacios, P. Rivière, A. González-Castrillo, and F. Martín, “Xuv lasers for ultrafast electronic control in h2,” in Ultrafast phenomena in molecular sciences, R. De Nalda and L. Bañares, Eds., Frankfurt: Springer series in chemical physics, springer, 2014, vol. Vol. 107, p. p 25-48.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Rivière, P. and González-Castrillo, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {XUV lasers for ultrafast electronic control in H2},
    Editor = {De Nalda, R. and Ba\~nares, L.},
    Booktitle = {Ultrafast phenomena in molecular sciences},
    Address = {Frankfurt},
    Publisher = {Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Springer},
    Volume = {Vol. 107},
    Pages = {p 25-48},
    Shorttitle = {XUV lasers for ultrafast electronic control in H$_2$},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2014},
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    }, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-02051-8_2}}
  • [DOI] P. Ranitovic, C. W. Hogle, P. Rivière, A. Palacios, X. M. Tong, N. Toshima, A. González-Castrillo, L. Martin, F. Martín, M. M. Murnane, and H. C. Kapteyn, “Attosecond vacuum uv coherent control of molecular dynamics,” Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, vol. 111, p. 912, 2014.
    Author = {P. Ranitovic and C. W. Hogle and P. Rivi\`ere and A. Palacios and X. M. Tong and N. Toshima and A. Gonz\'alez-Castrillo and L. Martin and F. Mart\'{i}n and M. M. Murnane and H. C. Kapteyn},
    Title = {Attosecond vacuum UV coherent control of molecular dynamics},
    Journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
    Volume = {111},
    Pages = {912},
    Shorttitle = {Attosecond vacuum UV coherent control of molecular dynamics},
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    }, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.1321999111}}
  • [DOI] F. Catoire, R. E. F. Silva, P. Rivière, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “The molecular resolvent operator method: electronic and nuclear dynamics in strong field ionization,” Physical review a, vol. 89, p. 23415, 2014.
    Author = {F. Catoire and R. E. F. Silva and P. Rivière and H. Bachau and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {The molecular Resolvent Operator Method: electronic and nuclear dynamics in strong field ionization},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {89},
    Pages = {023415},
    Shorttitle = {The molecular Resolvent Operator Method: electronic and nuclear dynamics in strong field ionization},
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    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.89.023415}}
  • [DOI] P. A. Carpeggiani, P. Tzallas, A. Palacios, D. Gray, F. Martín, and D. Charalambidis, “Disclosing one-femtosecond scale intrinsic molecular dynamics through extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe measurements,” Physical review a, vol. 89, p. 23420, 2014.
    Author = {P. A. Carpeggiani and P. Tzallas and A. Palacios and D. Gray and F. Mart\'{i}n and D. Charalambidis},
    Title = {Disclosing one-femtosecond scale intrinsic molecular dynamics through extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe measurements},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {89},
    Pages = {023420},
    Shorttitle = {Disclosing one-femtosecond scale intrinsic molecular dynamics through extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe measurements},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.89.023420}}
  • [DOI] A. Palacios, A. González-Castrillo, and F. Martín, “Molecular interferometer to decode attosecond electron-nuclear dynamics,” Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, vol. 111, p. 3973, 2014.
    Author = {A. Palacios and A. Gonz\'alez-Castrillo and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Molecular interferometer to decode attosecond electron-nuclear dynamics},
    Journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
    Volume = {111},
    Pages = {3973},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular interferometer to decode attosecond electron-nuclear dynamics},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.1316762111}}
  • [DOI] A. Palacios, A. González-Castrillo, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Wave packet dynamics in molecular excited electronic states,” Journal of physics conference series, vol. 488, p. 12017, 2014.
    Author = {A. Palacios and A. Gonz\'alez-Castrillo and H. Bachau and F. Mart\'{\i}n},
    Title = {Wave packet dynamics in molecular excited electronic states},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
    Volume = {488},
    Pages = {012017},
    Shorttitle = {Wave packet dynamics in molecular excited electronic states},
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    Author = {M. Patanen and K. Kooser and L. Argenti and D. Ayuso and M. Kimura and S. Mondal and E. Pl\'esiat and A. Palacios and K. Sakai and O. Travnikova and P. Decleva and E. Kukk and C. Miron and K. Ueda and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Vibrationally resolved C 1s photoionization cross section of CF4},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {124032},
    Shorttitle = {Vibrationally resolved C 1s photoionization cross section of CF4},
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    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/124032}}
  • [DOI] D. Ayuso, A. Palacios, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Dissociative and non-dissociative photoionization of molecular fluorine from inner and valence shells,” Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, vol. 195, p. 320, 2014.
    Author = {D. Ayuso and A. Palacios and P. Decleva and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Dissociative and non-dissociative photoionization of molecular fluorine from inner and valence shells},
    Journal = {Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena},
    Volume = {195},
    Pages = {320},
    Shorttitle = {Dissociative and non-dissociative photoionization of molecular fluorine from inner and valence shells},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1016/j.elspec.2013.11.014}}
  • [DOI] A. Palacios, A. González-Castrillo, and F. Martín, “Electron streaking and dissociation in laser-assisted photoionization of molecular hydrogen,” Journal of physics b, vol. 47, p. 124013, 2014.
    Author = {A. Palacios and A. Gonz\'alez-Castrillo and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Electron streaking and dissociation in laser-assisted photoionization of molecular hydrogen},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {124013},
    Shorttitle = {Electron streaking and dissociation in laser-assisted photoionization of molecular hydrogen},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/124013}}
  • [DOI] F. Morales, P. Rivière, M. Richter, A. Gubaydullin, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, and F. Martín, “High harmonic spectroscopy of electron localization in the hydrogen molecular ion,” Journal of physics b, vol. 47, p. 204015, 2014.
    Author = {F. Morales and P. Rivière and M. Richter and A. Gubaydullin and M. Ivanov and O. Smirnova and F. Martín},
    Title = {High harmonic spectroscopy of electron localization in the hydrogen molecular ion},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {204015},
    Shorttitle = {High harmonic spectroscopy of electron localization in the hydrogen molecular ion},
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  • [DOI] F. Calegari, D. Ayuso, A. Trabattoni, L. Belshaw, D. S. Camillis, S. Anumula, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, A. Palacios, P. Decleva, J. Greenwood, F. Martín, and M. Nisoli, “Ultrafast electron dynamics in a biomolecule initiated by attosecond pulses,” Science, vol. 346, p. 336, 2014.
    Author = {F. Calegari and D. Ayuso and A. Trabattoni and L. Belshaw and S. De Camillis and S. Anumula and F. Frassetto and L. Poletto and A. Palacios and P. Decleva and J. Greenwood and F. Mart\'{i}n and M. Nisoli},
    Title = {Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in a Biomolecule Initiated by Attosecond Pulses},
    Journal = {Science},
    Volume = {346},
    Pages = {336},
    Shorttitle = {Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in a Biomolecule Initiated by Attosecond Pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1126/science.1254061}}
  • [DOI] J. F. Pérez-Torres, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, K. Veyrinas, P. Billaud, Y. J. Picard, C. Elkharrat, M. S. Poullain, N. Saquet, M. Lebech, J. C. Houver, F. Martín, and D. Dowek, “Circular dichroism in molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions in the dissociative photoionization of h2 and d2 molecules,” Physical review a, vol. 90, p. 43417, 2014.
    Author = {J. F. Pérez-Torres and J. L. Sanz-Vicario and K. Veyrinas and P. Billaud and Y. J. Picard and C. Elkharrat and S. Marggi Poullain and N. Saquet and M. Lebech and J. C. Houver and F. Martín and D. Dowek},
    Title = {Circular dichroism in molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions in the dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2 molecules},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {90},
    Pages = {043417},
    Shorttitle = {Circular dichroism in molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions in the dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2 molecules},
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    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.90.043417}}
  • [DOI] P. Rivière, F. Morales, M. Richter, L. Medisauskas, O. Smirnova, and F. Martín, “Time reconstruction of harmonic emission in molecules near the ionization threshold,” Journal of physics b, vol. 47, p. 241001, 2014.
    Author = {P. Rivière and F. Morales and M. Richter and L. Medisauskas and O. Smirnova and F. Martín},
    Title = {Time reconstruction of harmonic emission in molecules near the ionization threshold},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {241001},
    Shorttitle = {Time reconstruction of harmonic emission in molecules near the ionization threshold},
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    Year = {2014},
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    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/47/24/241001}}
  • [DOI] C. Ott, A. Kaldun, L. Argenti, P. Raith, K. Meyer, M. Laux, Y. Zhang, A. Battermann, S. Hagstotz, T. Ding, R. Heck, J. Madro&ntilde, ero, F. Martín, and T. Pfeifer, “Reconstruction and control of a time-dependent two-electron wave packet,” Nature, vol. 516, p. 374, 2014.
    Author = {C. Ott and A. Kaldun and L. Argenti and P. Raith and K. Meyer and M. Laux and Y. Zhang and A. Battermann and S. Hagstotz and T. Ding and R. Heck and J. Madroñ and ero and F. Martín and T. Pfeifer},
    Title = {Reconstruction and control of a time-dependent two-electron wave packet},
    Journal = {Nature},
    Volume = {516},
    Pages = {374},
    Shorttitle = {Reconstruction and control of a time-dependent two-electron wave packet},
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    Year = {2014},
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    }, DOI = {10.1038/nature14026}}
  • [DOI] A. Jiménez-Galán, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “Modulation of attosecond beating in resonant two-photon ionization,” Physical review letters, vol. 113, p. 263001, 2014.
    Author = {A. Jiménez-Galán and L. Argenti and F. Martín},
    Title = {Modulation of attosecond beating in resonant two-photon ionization},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {113},
    Pages = {263001},
    Shorttitle = {Modulation of attosecond beating in resonant two-photon ionization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.263001}}
  • L. Argenti and F. Martín, “Coreografía de un par de electrones,” El país, 2014.
    Author = {L. Argenti and F. Martín},
    Title = {Coreografía de un par de electrones},
    Journal = {El País},
    Shorttitle = {Coreografía de un par de electrones},
    Link= {http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/12/18/ciencia/1418906216_476268.html},
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  • [DOI] C. Marante, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “Hybrid gaussian-b-spline basis for the electronic continuum: photoionization of atomic hydrogen,” Physical review a, vol. 90, p. 12506, 2014.
    Author = {C. Marante and L. Argenti and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Hybrid Gaussian-B-spline basis for the electronic continuum: Photoionization of atomic hydrogen},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {90},
    Pages = {012506},
    Shorttitle = {Hybrid Gaussian-B-spline basis for the electronic continuum: Photoionization of atomic hydrogen},
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    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.90.012506}}
  • [DOI] B. Y. Chang, S. Shin, A. Palacios, F. Martín, and I. R. Sola, “Ultrafast coherent control of giant oscillating molecular dipoles in the presence of static electric fields,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 139, p. 184306, 2013.
    Author = {B. Y. Chang and S. Shin and A. Palacios and F. Mart\'in and I. R. Sola},
    Title = {Ultrafast coherent control of giant oscillating molecular dipoles in the presence of static electric fields},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {139},
    Pages = {184306},
    Shorttitle = {Ultrafast coherent control of giant oscillating molecular dipoles in the presence of static electric fields},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1063/1.4818878}}
  • [DOI] F. L. Yip, A. Palacios, T. N. Rescigno, C. W. McCurdy, and M. F., “Time-dependent formalism of double ionization of multielectron atomic targets,” Chemical physics, vol. 414, p. 112, 2013.
    Author = {Yip, F. L. and Palacios, A. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W. and Mart\'in. F.},
    Title = {Time-dependent formalism of double ionization of multielectron atomic targets},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {414},
    Pages = {112},
    Shorttitle = {Time-dependent formalism of double ionization of multielectron atomic targets},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
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    }, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemphys.2012.03.012}}
  • [DOI] R. E. F. Silva, F. Catoire, P. Rivière, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Correlated electron and nuclear dynamics in strong field photoionization of h2+,” Physical review letters, vol. 110, p. 113001, 2013.
    Author = {Silva, R. E. F. and Catoire, F. and Rivi\`ere, P. and Bachau, H. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Correlated electron and nuclear dynamics in strong field photoionization of H2+},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {110},
    Pages = {113001},
    Shorttitle = {Correlated electron and nuclear dynamics in strong field photoionization of H2+},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
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    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.113001}}
  • [DOI] F. L. Yip, T. N. Rescigno, C. W. McCurdy, and F. Martín, “Fully differential single-photon double ionization of neon and argon.,” Physical review letters, vol. 110, p. 173001, 2013.
    Author = {Yip, F. L. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Fully differential single-photon double ionization of neon and argon.},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {110},
    Pages = {173001},
    Shorttitle = {Fully differential single-photon double ionization of neon and argon.},
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    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.173001}}
  • [DOI] B. Y. Chang, S. Shin, A. Palacios, F. Martin, and I. R. Sola, “Two-pulse control of long amplitude vibrations in h2+,” Chemphyschem, vol. 14, p. 1405, 2013.
    Author = {B. Y. Chang and S. Shin and A. Palacios and F. Martin and I. R. Sola},
    Title = {Two-pulse control of long amplitude vibrations in H2+},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {14},
    Pages = {1405},
    Shorttitle = {Two-pulse control of long amplitude vibrations in H2+},
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    }, DOI = {10.1002/cphc.201201078}}
  • [DOI] A. Palacios, J. Feist, A. González-Castrillo, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Autoionization of molecular hydrogen: where do the fano lineshapes go?,” Chemphyschem, vol. 14, pp. 1456-1463, 2013.
    Author = {A. Palacios and J. Feist and A. Gonz\'alez-Castrillo and J. L. Sanz-Vicario and F. Mart\'in},
    Title = {Autoionization of molecular hydrogen: where do the Fano lineshapes go?},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {14},
    Pages = {1456-1463},
    Shorttitle = {Autoionization of molecular hydrogen: where do the Fano lineshapes go?},
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    }, DOI = {10.1002/cphc.201200974 }}
  • [DOI] A. Fischer, A. Sperl, P. Cörlin, M. Scönwald, H. Rietz, A. Palacios, A. Gonzaez-Castrillo, F. Martin, T. Pfeifer, J. Ullrich, A. Senftleben, and R. Moshammer, “Electron localization involving doubly-excited states in broadband xuv ionization of h2,” Physical review letters, vol. 110, p. 213002, 2013.
    Author = {A. Fischer and A. Sperl and P. Cörlin and M. Scönwald and H. Rietz and A. Palacios and A. Gonz\aez-Castrillo and F. Martin and T. Pfeifer and J. Ullrich and A. Senftleben, and R. Moshammer},
    Title = {Electron localization involving doubly-excited states in broadband XUV ionization of H2},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {110},
    Pages = {213002},
    Shorttitle = {Electron localization involving doubly-excited states in broadband XUV ionization of},
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    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.213002}}
  • [DOI] A. Jiménez-Galán, L. Argenti, and F. Martín, “The soft-photon approximation in infrared-laser-assisted atomic ionization by extreme-ultraviolet attosecond-pulse trains,” New journal of physics, vol. 15, p. 113009, 2013.
    Author = {A. Jim\'enez-Gal\'an and L. Argenti and F. Mart\'in},
    Title = {The soft-photon approximation in infrared-laser-assisted atomic ionization by extreme-ultraviolet attosecond-pulse trains},
    Journal = {New Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {15},
    Pages = {113009},
    Shorttitle = {The soft-photon approximation in infrared-laser-assisted atomic ionization by extreme-ultraviolet attosecond-pulse trains},
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    Year = {2013},
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    }, DOI = {10.1088/1367-2630/15/11/113009}}
  • [DOI] E. Kukk, D. Ayuso, T. D. Thomas, P. Decleva, M. Patanen, L. Argenti, E. Plèsiat, A. Palacios, K. Kooser, O. Travnikova, S. Mondal, M. Kimura, K. Sakai, C. Miron, F. Martín, and K. Ueda, “Effects of molecular potential and geometry on atomic core-level photoemission over an extended energy range: the case study of the co molecule,” Physical review a, vol. 88, p. 33412, 2013.
    Author = {E. Kukk and D. Ayuso and T. D. Thomas and P. Decleva and M. Patanen and L. Argenti and E. Pl\`esiat and A. Palacios and K. Kooser and O. Travnikova and S. Mondal and M. Kimura and K. Sakai and C. Miron and F. Mart\'in and K. Ueda},
    Title = {Effects of molecular potential and geometry on atomic core-level photoemission over an extended energy range: The case study of the CO molecule},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {88},
    Pages = {033412},
    Shorttitle = {Effects of molecular potential and geometry on atomic core-level photoemission over an extended energy range: The case study of the CO molecule},
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  • [DOI] K. Ueda, C. Miron, E. Plésiat, L. Argenti, M. Patanen, K. Kooser, D. Ayuso, S. Mondal, M. Kimura, K. Sakai, O. Travnikova, A. Palacios, P. Decleva, E. Kukk, and F. Martín, “Intramolecular photoelectron diffraction in the gas phase,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 139, p. 124306, 2013.
    Author = {K. Ueda and C. Miron and E. Pl\'esiat and L. Argenti and M. Patanen and K. Kooser and D. Ayuso and S. Mondal and M. Kimura and K. Sakai and O. Travnikova and A. Palacios and P. Decleva and E. Kukk and F. Mart\'in},
    Title = {Intramolecular photoelectron diffraction in the gas phase},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {139},
    Pages = {124306},
    Shorttitle = {Intramolecular photoelectron diffraction in the gas phase},
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    }, DOI = {10.1063/1.4820814}}
  • [DOI] K. Tokési, L. Nagy, and F. Martín, “Ultrashort pulses and free-electron lasers applications,” Central european journal of physics, vol. 11, p. 1057, 2013.
    Author = {K. Tok\'esi and L. Nagy and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Ultrashort pulses and free-electron lasers applications},
    Journal = {Central European Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {11},
    Pages = {1057},
    Shorttitle = {Ultrashort pulses and free-electron lasers applications},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.2478/s11534-013-0320-3}}
  • F. Martín, “Experimentos en superordenadores,” El país, vol. 11, p. 18 Octubre, 2013.
    Author = {F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Experimentos en superordenadores},
    Journal = {El Pa\'{i}s},
    Volume = {11},
    Pages = {18 Octubre},
    Shorttitle = {Experimentos en superordenadores},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, URL = {http://sociedad.elpais.com/sociedad/2013/10/15/actualidad/1381861303_352105.html}}
  • [DOI] E. Plésiat, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Vibrationally resolved k-shell photoionization cross sections of methane,” Central european journal of physics, vol. 11, p. 1157, 2013.
    Author = {E. Pl\'esiat and P. Decleva, and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Vibrationally resolved K-shell photoionization cross sections of methane},
    Journal = {Central European Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {11},
    Pages = {1157},
    Shorttitle = {Vibrationally resolved K-shell photoionization cross sections of methane},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
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    }, DOI = {10.2478/s11534-013-0318-x}}
  • [DOI] E. Plésiat, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Relationship between polarization-averaged molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions and geometry,” Physical review a, vol. 88, p. 63409, 2013.
    Author = {E. Pl\'esiat and P. Decleva and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Relationship between polarization-averaged molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions and geometry},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {88},
    Pages = {063409},
    Shorttitle = {Relationship between polarization-averaged molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions and geometry},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.88.063409}}
  • F. Martín and R. A. Matute, “Premio nobel a la química teórica en superordenadores,” Revista española de física, vol. 27, p. 9, 2013.
    Author = {F. Mart\'{i}n and R. A. Matute},
    Title = {Premio Nobel a la Qu\'{i}mica Te\'orica en superordenadores},
    Journal = {Revista Espa\~nola de F\'{i}sica},
    Volume = {27},
    Pages = {9},
    Shorttitle = {Premio Nobel a la Qu\'{i}mica Te\'orica en superordenadores},
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    URL = {http://revistadefisica.es/index.php/ref/article/view/1917},
    Year = {2013},
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  • [DOI] L. Argenti, T. D. Thomas, E. Plésiat, X. -J. Liu, C. Miron, T. Lischke, G. Prümper, K. Sakai, T. Ouchi, R. Püttner, V. Sekushin, T. Tanaka, M. Hoshino, H. Tanaka, P. Decleva, K. Ueda, and F. Martín, “Double-slit experiment with a polyatomic molecule: vibrationally-resolved c 1s photoelectron spectra of acetylene,” New journal of physics, vol. 14, p. 033012-1 – 033012-18, 2012.
    Author = {Argenti, L. and Thomas, T. D. and Plésiat, E. and Liu, X. -J. and Miron, C. and Lischke, T. and Prümper, G and Sakai, K. and Ouchi, T. and Püttner, R. and Sekushin, V. and Tanaka, T. and Hoshino, M. and Tanaka, H. and Decleva, P. and Ueda, K. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Double-slit experiment with a polyatomic molecule: vibrationally-resolved C 1s photoelectron spectra of acetylene},
    Journal = {New Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {14},
    Pages = {033012-1 -- 033012-18},
    Shorttitle = {Double-slit experiment with a polyatomic molecule: vibrationally-resolved C 1s photoelectron spectra of acetylene},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/1367-2630/14/3/033012}}
  • [DOI] E. Plésiat, L. Argenti, E. Kukk, C. Miron, K. Ueda, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Intramolecular electron diffraction in vibrationally resolved k-shell photoionization of methane,” Phys. rev. a, vol. 85, p. 023409-1 – 023409-7, 2012.
    Author = {Pl\'esiat, E. and Argenti, L. and Kukk, E. and Miron, C. and Ueda, K. and Decleva, P. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Intramolecular electron diffraction in vibrationally resolved K-shell photoionization of methane},
    Journal = {Phys. Rev. A},
    Volume = {85},
    Pages = {023409-1 -- 023409-7},
    Shorttitle = {Intramolecular electron diffraction in vibrationally resolved K-shell photoionization of methane},
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    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.85.023409}}
  • [DOI] A. González-Castrillo, A. Palacios, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Clocking ultrafast wave packet dynamics in molecules through uv-induced symmetry breaking,” Physical review letters, vol. 108, p. 063009-1 – 063009-5, 2012.
    Author = {González-Castrillo, A. and Palacios, A. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Clocking ultrafast wave packet dynamics in molecules through UV-induced symmetry breaking},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {108},
    Pages = {063009-1 -- 063009-5},
    Shorttitle = {Clocking ultrafast wave packet dynamics in molecules through UV-induced symmetry breaking},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.063009}}
  • [DOI] A. González-Castrillo, A. Palacios, F. Catoire, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Reproducibility of observables and coherent control in molecular photoionization: from cw to ultrashort pulsed radiation,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 116, pp. 2704-2712, 2012.
    Author = {González-Castrillo, A. and Palacios, A. and Catoire, F. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Reproducibility of observables and coherent control in molecular photoionization: from cw to ultrashort pulsed radiation},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {116},
    Pages = {2704-2712},
    Shorttitle = {Reproducibility of observables and coherent control in molecular photoionization: from cw to ultrashort pulsed radiation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp2078049}}
  • [DOI] T. Niederhausen, U. Thumm, and F. Martín, “Laser-controlled vibrational heating and cooling of oriented h2+ molecule,” Journal of physics b, vol. 45, p. 105602-1 – 105602-9, 2012.
    Author = {Niederhausen, T. and Thumm, U. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Laser-controlled vibrational heating and cooling of oriented H2+ molecule},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {45},
    Pages = {105602-1 -- 105602-9},
    Shorttitle = {Laser-controlled vibrational heating and cooling of oriented H2+ molecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
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    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/45/10/105602 }}
  • [DOI] G. Sansone, F. Kelkensberg, F. Morales, J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Martín, and M. J. J. Vrakking, “Attosecond time-resolved electron dynamics in the hydrogen molecule,” Ieee journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, vol. 18, pp. 520-530, 2012.
    Author = {Sansone, G. and Kelkensberg, F. and Morales, F. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Martín, F. and Vrakking, M. J. J.},
    Title = {Attosecond time-resolved electron dynamics in the hydrogen molecule},
    Journal = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics},
    Volume = {18},
    Pages = {520-530},
    Shorttitle = {Attosecond time-resolved electron dynamics in the hydrogen molecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1109/JSTQE.2011.2155624}}
  • [DOI] E. Plésiat, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Vibrational branching ratios in the photoelectron spectra of n2 and co: interference and diffraction effects,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, vol. 14, pp. 10853-10871, 2012.
    Author = {Pl\'esiat, E. and Decleva, P. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Vibrational branching ratios in the photoelectron spectra of N2 and CO: interference and diffraction effects},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {14},
    Pages = { 10853-10871},
    Shorttitle = {Vibrational branching ratios in the photoelectron spectra of N2 and CO: interference and diffraction effects},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/c2cp40693d}}
  • [DOI] R. E. F. Silva, P. Rivière, and F. Martín, “Autoionizing decay of h2 doubly excited states by using xuv-pump/ir-probe schemes with trains of attosecond pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 85, p. 063414-1 – 063414-7, 2012.
    Author = {Silva, R. E. F. and Rivière, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Autoionizing decay of H2 doubly excited states by using xuv-pump/IR-probe schemes with trains of attosecond pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {85},
    Pages = {063414-1 -- 063414-7},
    Shorttitle = {Autoionizing decay of H2 doubly excited states by using xuv-pump/IR-probe schemes with trains of attosecond pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.85.063414 }}
  • [DOI] E. Plésiat, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Vibrationally-resolved photoelectron angular distributions from randomly-oriented and fixed-in-space n2 and co molecules,” Journal of physics b, vol. 45, p. 194008-1 – 194008-10, 2012.
    Author = {Pl\'esiat, E. and Decleva, P. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Vibrationally-resolved photoelectron angular distributions from randomly-oriented and fixed-in-space N2 and CO molecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {45},
    Pages = {194008-1 -- 194008-10},
    Shorttitle = {Vibrationally-resolved photoelectron angular distributions from randomly-oriented and fixed-in-space N2 and CO molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/45/19/194008}}
  • [DOI] P. Rivière, R. E. F. Silva, and F. Martín, “A pump-probe scheme to study the autoionization decay of optically-forbidden h2 doubly excited states,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 116, pp. 11304-11310, 2012.
    Author = {Rivi\`ere, P. and Silva, R. E. F. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {A pump-probe scheme to study the autoionization decay of optically-forbidden H2 doubly excited states},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {116},
    Pages = {11304-11310},
    Shorttitle = {A pump-probe scheme to study the autoionization decay of optically-forbidden H2 doubly excited states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp3053136}}
  • [DOI] T. J. Reddish, A. Padmanabhan, M. A. MacDonald, L. Zuin, J. Fernández, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Observation of interference between two distinct autoionizing states in dissociative photoionization of h2,” Physical review letters, vol. 108, p. 023004-1 – 023004-5, 2012.
    Author = {Reddish, T. J. and Padmanabhan, A. and MacDonald, M. A. and Zuin, L. and Fern\'andez, J. and Palacios, A. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Observation of interference between two distinct autoionizing states in dissociative photoionization of H2},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {108},
    Pages = {023004-1 -- 023004-5},
    Shorttitle = {Observation of interference between two distinct autoionizing states in dissociative photoionization of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.023004}}
  • [DOI] F. L. Yip, F. Martín, C. W. McCurdy, and T. N. Rescigno, “Double k-shell photoionization of atomic beryllium,” Physical review a, vol. 84, p. 053417-1 – 053417-7, 2011.
    Author = {Yip, F. L. and Martín, F. and McCurdy, C. W. and Rescigno, T. N.},
    Title = {Double k-shell photoionization of atomic beryllium},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {84},
    Pages = {053417-1 -- 053417-7},
    Shorttitle = {Double k-shell photoionization of atomic beryllium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.84.053417}}
  • [DOI] F. Kelkensberg, W. Siu, J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Morales, G. Gademann, A. Rouzée, P. Johnsson, M. Lucchini, F. Calegari, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, F. Martín, and M. J. J. Vrakking, “Attosecond control in photoionization of hydrogen molecules,” Physical review letters, vol. 107, p. 043002-1 – 043002-4, 2011.
    Author = {Kelkensberg, F. and Siu, W. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Morales, F. and Gademann, G. and Rouzée, A. and Johnsson, P. and Lucchini, M. and Calegari, F. and Sanz-Vicario, J.L. and Martín, F. and Vrakking, M. J. J.},
    Title = {Attosecond control in photoionization of hydrogen molecules},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {107},
    Pages = {043002-1 -- 043002-4},
    Shorttitle = {Attosecond control in photoionization of hydrogen molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.043002}}
  • [DOI] A. González-Castrillo, J. F. Pérez-Torres, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Probing vibrational wave packets in molecular excited states,” Theoretical chemistry accounts, vol. 128, pp. 735-742, 2011.
    Author = {González-Castrillo, A. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Palacios, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Probing vibrational wave packets in molecular excited states},
    Journal = {Theoretical Chemistry Accounts},
    Volume = {128},
    Pages = {735-742},
    Shorttitle = {Probing vibrational wave packets in molecular excited states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1007/s00214-010-0853-0}}
  • [DOI] O. A. Fojón, J. Fernández, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Interference and non-franck-condon effects in ionization of h2 molecules by photon impact,” Journal of physics conference series, vol. 288, p. 012025-1 – 012025-12, 2011.
    Author = {Fojón, O. A. and Fernández, J. and Palacios, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Interference and non-Franck-Condon effects in ionization of H2 molecules by photon impact},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
    Volume = {288},
    Pages = {012025-1 -- 012025-12},
    Shorttitle = {Interference and non-Franck-Condon effects in ionization of H2 molecules by photon impact},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/288/1/012025}}
  • [DOI] S. E. Canton, E. Plésiat, J. D. Bozek, B. S. Rude, P. Decleva, and F. Martín, “Direct observation of cohen-fano interferences in vibrationally resolved valence-shell photoionization spectra of h2, n2 and co,” Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, vol. 108, pp. 7302-7306, 2011.
    Author = {Canton, S. E. and Plésiat, E. and Bozek, J. D. and Rude, B. S. and Decleva, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Direct observation of Cohen-Fano interferences in vibrationally resolved valence-shell photoionization spectra of H2, N2 and CO},
    Journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
    Volume = {108},
    Pages = {7302-7306},
    Shorttitle = {Direct observation of Cohen-Fano interferences in vibrationally resolved valence-shell photoionization spectra of H2, N2 and CO},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.1018534108}}
  • [DOI] Y. Jiang, A. Rudenko, J. F. Pérez-Torres, O. Herrwerth, L. Foucar, M. Kurka, K. Kühnel, M. Toppin, E. Plésiat, F. Morales, F. Martín, M. Lezius, M. Kling, T. Jahnke, R. Dorner, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, J. van Tilborg, A. Belkacem, M. Schulz, K. Ueda, T. Zouros, S. Düsterer, R. Treusch, C. D. Schroter, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich, “Investigating two-photon double ionization of d2 by xuv-pump – xuv-probe experiment,” Physical review a, vol. 81, iss. 5, p. 051402-1 – 051402-4(R), 2010.
    Author = {Jiang, Y. and Rudenko, A. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Herrwerth, O. and Foucar, L. and Kurka, M. and Kühnel, K. and Toppin, M. and Plésiat, E. and Morales, F. and Martín, F. and Lezius, M. and Kling, M. and Jahnke, T. and Dorner, R. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and van Tilborg, J. and Belkacem, A. and Schulz, M. and Ueda, K. and Zouros, T. and Düsterer, S. and Treusch, R. and Schroter, C. D. and Moshammer, R. and J. Ullrich},
    Title = { Investigating two-photon double ionization of D2 by XUV-Pump -- XUV-Probe experiment},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {81},
    Number = {5},
    Pages = {051402-1 -- 051402-4(R)},
    Shorttitle = { Investigating two-photon double ionization of D2 by XUV-Pump -- XUV-Probe experiment},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.81.051402}}
  • [DOI] J. C. Cardona, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Complete feshbach-type calculations of energy positions and widths of autoionizing states in li-like atoms,” Physical review a, vol. 82, iss. 2, p. 022501-1 – 022501-13, 2010.
    Author = {Cardona, J. C. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Complete Feshbach-type calculations of energy positions and widths of autoionizing states in Li-like atoms},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {82},
    Number = {2},
    Pages = {022501-1 -- 022501-13},
    Shorttitle = {Complete Feshbach-type calculations of energy positions and widths of autoionizing states in Li-like atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.82.022501}}
  • [DOI] D. Dowek, J. F. Pérez-Torres, Y. J. Picard, P. Billaud, C. Elkharrat, J. C. Houver, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Circular dichroism in resonant photoionization of h2: a probe of delayed electron emission,” Physical review letters, vol. 104, iss. 23, p. 233003-1 – 233003-4, 2010.
    Author = {Dowek, D. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Picard, Y. J. and Billaud, P. and Elkharrat, C. and Houver, J. C. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Circular dichroism in resonant photoionization of H2: a probe of delayed electron emission},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {104},
    Number = {23},
    Pages = {233003-1 -- 233003-4},
    Shorttitle = {Circular dichroism in resonant photoionization of H2: a probe of delayed electron emission},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.233003}}
  • [DOI] G. Sansone, F. Kelkensberg, J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Morales, M. F. Kling, W. Siu, O. Ghafur, P. Johnsson, M. Swoboda, E. Benedetti, F. Ferrari, F. Lépine, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, S. Zherebtsov, I. Znakovskaya, A. L’Huillier, Y. M. Ivanov, M. Nisoli, F. Martín, and M. J. J. Vrakking, “Electron localization following attosecond molecular photoionization,” Nature, vol. 465, pp. 763-766, 2010.
    Author = {Sansone, G. and Kelkensberg, F. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Morales, F. and Kling, M. F. and Siu, W. and Ghafur, O. and Johnsson, P. and Swoboda, M. and Benedetti, E. and Ferrari, F. and Lépine, F. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Zherebtsov, S. and Znakovskaya, I. and L'Huillier, A. and Ivanov, M. Yu. and Nisoli, M. and Martín, F. and Vrakking, M. J. J.},
    Title = {Electron localization following attosecond molecular photoionization},
    Journal = {Nature},
    Volume = {465},
    Pages = {763-766},
    Shorttitle = {Electron localization following attosecond molecular photoionization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1038/nature09084}}
  • [DOI] Y. H. Jiang, A. Rudenko, E. Plésiat, L. Foucar, M. Kurka, K. U. Kühnel, J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Martín, O. Herrwerth, M. Lezius, M. Kling, T. Jahnke, R. Dorner, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, J. Van Tilborg, A. Belkacem, K. Ueda, T. J. M. Zouros, S. Düsterer, R. Treusch, C. D. Schöter, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich, “Tracing direct and sequential two-photon double ionization of d2 in femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 81, iss. 2, p. 021401-1 – 021401-4(R), 2010.
    Author = {Jiang, Y. H. and Rudenko, A. and Plésiat, E. and Foucar, L. and Kurka, M. and Kühnel, K. U. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Martín, F. and Herrwerth, O. and Lezius, M. and Kling, M. and Jahnke, T. and Dorner, R. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Van Tilborg, J. and Belkacem, A. and Ueda, K. and Zouros, T. J. M. and Düsterer, S. and Treusch, R. and Schöter, C.D. and Moshammer, R. and Ullrich, J.},
    Title = {Tracing direct and sequential two-photon double ionization of D2 in femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {81},
    Number = {2},
    Pages = {021401-1 -- 021401-4(R)},
    Shorttitle = {Tracing direct and sequential two-photon double ionization of D2 in femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.81.021401}}
  • [DOI] J. F. Pérez-Torres, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “The role of autoionizing states in two-photon dissociative ionization of h2 by xuv ultrashort laser pulses,” Journal of physics b, vol. 43, p. 015204-1 – 015204-8, 2010.
    Author = {Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {The role of autoionizing states in two-photon dissociative ionization of H2 by xuv ultrashort laser pulses},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {43},
    Pages = {015204-1 -- 015204-8},
    Shorttitle = {The role of autoionizing states in two-photon dissociative ionization of H2 by xuv ultrashort laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/43/1/015204}}
  • [DOI] J. L. Sanz-Vicario, J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Morales, E. Plésiat, and F. Martín, “Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions for h2 ionization by single and trains of attosecond xuv laser pulses,” International journal of quantum chemistry, vol. 110, iss. 13, pp. 2462-2471, 2010.
    Author = {Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Morales, F. and Plésiat, E. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions for H2 ionization by single and trains of attosecond xuv laser pulses},
    Journal = {International Journal of Quantum Chemistry},
    Volume = {110},
    Number = {13},
    Pages = {2462-2471},
    Shorttitle = { Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions for H2 ionization by single and trains of attosecond xuv laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1002/qua.22586}}
  • [DOI] J. Fernández, F. L. Yip, T. N. Rescigno, C. W. McCurdy, and F. Martín, “Two-center effects in one-photon single ionization of h2+, h2 and li2+ with circularly polarized light,” Physical review a, vol. 79, iss. 4, p. 043409-1 – 043409-8, 2009.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Yip, F. L. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Two-center effects in one-photon single ionization of H2+, H2 and Li2+ with circularly polarized light},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {79},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {043409-1 -- 043409-8},
    Shorttitle = {Two-center effects in one-photon single ionization of H2+, H2 and Li2+ with circularly polarized light},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.79.043409}}
  • [DOI] J. Fernández, O. Fojón, and F. Martín, “Double-slit, confinement and non franck-condon effects in photoionization of h2 at high photon energy,” Physical review a, vol. 79, iss. 2, p. 023420-1 –023420-12, 2009.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Fojón, O. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Double-slit, confinement and non Franck-Condon effects in photoionization of H2 at high photon energy},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {79},
    Number = {2},
    Pages = {023420-1 --023420-12},
    Shorttitle = {Double-slit, confinement and non Franck-Condon effects in photoionization of H2 at high photon energy},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.79.023420}}
  • [DOI] J. Fernández and F. Martín, “Electron and ion angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of h2 and d2 using linearly polarized light,” New journal of physics, vol. 11, p. 043020-1 – 043020-34, 2009.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Electron and ion angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2 using linearly polarized light},
    Journal = {New Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {11},
    Pages = {043020-1 -- 043020-34},
    Shorttitle = {Electron and ion angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2 using linearly polarized light},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/1367-2630/11/4/043020}}
  • [DOI] J. L. Sanz-Vicario, J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Morales, E. Plésiat, and F. Martín, “Probing h2 autoionizing states with femto- and attosecond laser pulses,” Journal of physics: conference series, vol. 194, iss. 1, p. 012013-1 – 012013-8, 2009.
    Author = {Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Morales, F. and Plésiat, E. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Probing H2 autoionizing states with femto- and attosecond laser pulses},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
    Volume = {194},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {012013-1 -- 012013-8},
    Shorttitle = {Probing H2 autoionizing states with femto- and attosecond laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/194/1/012013}}
  • [DOI] F. Morales, F. Martín, D. A. Horner, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “Two-photon double ionization of h2 at 30 ev using exterior complex scaling,” Journal of physics b, vol. 42, iss. 13, p. 134013-1 – 134013-8, 2009.
    Author = {Morales, F. and Martín, F. and Horner, D. A. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {Two-photon double ionization of H2 at 30 eV using exterior complex scaling},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {42},
    Number = {13},
    Pages = {134013-1 -- 134013-8},
    Shorttitle = {Two-photon double ionization of H2 at 30 eV using exterior complex scaling},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/42/13/134013}}
  • [DOI] F. Morales, J. F. Pérez-Torres, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Probing h2 quantum autoionization dynamics with xuv atto and femtosecond laser pulses,” Chemical physics, vol. 366, iss. 1-3, pp. 58-63, 2009.
    Author = {Morales, F. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Probing H2 quantum autoionization dynamics with xuv atto and femtosecond laser pulses},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {366},
    Number = {1-3},
    Pages = {58-63},
    Shorttitle = {Probing H2 quantum autoionization dynamics with xuv atto and femtosecond laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemphys.2009.09.008}}
  • [DOI] J. F. Pérez-Torres, F. Morales, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Asymmetric electron angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of h2 with ultrashort xuv pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 80, iss. 1, p. 011402-1 – 011402-4, 2009.
    Author = {Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Morales, F. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Asymmetric electron angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 with ultrashort xuv pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {80},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {011402-1 -- 011402-4},
    Shorttitle = {Asymmetric electron angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 with ultrashort xuv pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.80.011402}}
  • J. F. Pérez-Torres, J. L. Sanz-Vicario, and F. Martín, “Electron angular distributions in dissociative photoionization of the hydrogen molecule,” Revista colombiana de física, vol. 38, iss. 1, pp. 109-116, 2009.
    Author = {Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Electron angular distributions in dissociative photoionization of the hydrogen molecule},
    Journal = {Revista Colombiana de Física},
    Volume = {38},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {109-116},
    Shorttitle = {Electron angular distributions in dissociative photoionization of the hydrogen molecule},
    ISSN = {0120-2804},
    URL = {http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-28042009000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2009}}
  • D. A. Horner, S. Miyabe, T. N. Rescigno, C. W. McCurdy, F. Morales, and F. Martín, “Classical two-slit interference effects in photo-double ionization of molecular hydrogen at high energies,” Physical review letters, vol. 101, p. 183002-1 –183002-4, 2008.
    Author = {Horner, D. A. and Miyabe, S. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W. and Morales, F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Classical two-slit interference effects in photo-double ionization of molecular hydrogen at high energies},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {101},
    Pages = {183002-1 --183002-4},
    Shorttitle = { Classical two-slit interference effects in photo-double ionization of molecular hydrogen at high energies},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2008}}
  • J. D. Bozek, J. E. Furst, T. J. Gay, H. Gould, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, J. R. Machacek, F. Martín, K. W. McLaughlin, and J. L. Sanz-Vicario, “Uv photodissociation of h2 and d2: not so simple,” Europhysics news, vol. 38(1), p. 16, 2007.
    Author = {Bozek, J. D. and Furst, J. E. and Gay, T. J. and Gould, H. and Kilcoyne, A. L. D. and Machacek, J. R. and Martín, F. and McLaughlin, K. W. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L.},
    Title = {UV photodissociation of H2 and D2: not so simple},
    Journal = {Europhysics News},
    Volume = {38(1)},
    Pages = {16},
    Shorttitle = {UV photodissociation of H2 and D2: not so simple},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • J. Fernández, O. Fojón, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Interferences from fast electron emission in molecular photoionization,” Physical review letters, vol. 98, p. 043005-1 – 043005-4, 2007.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Fojón, O. and Palacios, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Interferences from fast electron emission in molecular photoionization},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {98},
    Pages = {043005-1 - 043005-4},
    Shorttitle = {Interferences from fast electron emission in molecular photoionization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • D. A. Horner, F. Morales, T. N. Rescigno, F. Martín, and C. W. McCurdy, “Two-photon double ionization of helium above and below the threshold for sequential ionization,” Physical review a, vol. 76, p. 030701-1 – 030701-2, 2007.
    Author = {Horner, D. A. and Morales, F. and Rescigno, T. N. and Martín, F. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {Two-photon double ionization of helium above and below the threshold for sequential ionization},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {76},
    Pages = {030701-1 -- 030701-2},
    Shorttitle = {Two-photon double ionization of helium above and below the threshold for sequential ionization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • J. Fernández and F. Martín, “Dissociative and non dissociative photoionization of h2 from the e,f1&#8721 and g+,” Physical review a, vol. 75, p. 042712-1 – 042712-10, 2007.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Dissociative and non dissociative photoionization of H2 from the E,F1∑ and g+},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {75},
    Pages = {042712-1 - 042712-10},
    Shorttitle = {Dissociative and non dissociative photoionization of H2 from the E,F1 excited g state},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • J. Fernández and F. Martín, “Photoionization of the heh+ molecular ion,” Journal of physics b, vol. 40, pp. 2471-2480, 2007.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Photoionization of the HeH+ molecular ion},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {40},
    Pages = {2471 - 2480},
    Shorttitle = {Photoionization of the HeH+ molecular ion},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • T. N. Rescigno, W. Vanroose, D. A. Horner, F. Martín, and C. W. McCurdy, “First principles study of double photoionization of h2 using exterior complex scalin,” Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, vol. 161, pp. 85-89, 2007.
    Author = {Rescigno, T. N. and Vanroose, W. and Horner, D. A. and Martín, F. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {First principles study of double photoionization of H2 using exterior complex scalin},
    Journal = {Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena},
    Volume = {161},
    Pages = {85-89},
    Shorttitle = {First principles study of double photoionization of H2 using exterior complex scalin},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • D. A. Horner, W. Vanroose, T. N. Rescigno, F. Martín, and C. W. McCurdy, “The role of nuclear motion in the photo-double ionization of molecular hydrogen,” Physical review letters, vol. 98, p. 073001-1 – 073001-4, 2007.
    Author = {Horner, D. A. and Vanroose, W. and Rescigno, T. N. and Martín, F. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {The role of nuclear motion in the photo-double ionization of molecular hydrogen},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {98},
    Pages = {073001-1 - 073001-4},
    Shorttitle = {The role of nuclear motion in the photo-double ionization of molecular hydrogen},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • J. L. Sanz-Vicario, A. Palacios, J. C. Cardona, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Ab initio time-dependent method to study the hydrogen molecule exposed to intense ultrashort laser pulses,” Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, vol. 161, pp. 182-187, 2007.
    Author = {Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Palacios, A. and Cardona, J. C. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Ab initio time-dependent method to study the hydrogen molecule exposed to intense ultrashort laser pulses},
    Journal = {Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena},
    Volume = {161},
    Pages = {182-187},
    Shorttitle = {Ab initio time-dependent method to study the hydrogen molecule exposed to intense ultrashort laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • F. Martín, “Molecular ionization and dissociation using synchrotron radiation and ultrashort laser pulses,” Journal of physics: conference series, vol. 88, p. 012001-1 – 012001-16, 2007.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {Molecular ionization and dissociation using synchrotron radiation and ultrashort laser pulses},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
    Volume = {88},
    Pages = {012001-1 -- 012001-16},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular ionization and dissociation using synchrotron radiation and ultrashort laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • S. Selsto, A. Palacios, J. Fernández, and F. Martín, “Electron angular distribution in resonance enhanced two-photon ionization of h2+ by ultrashort laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 75, p. 033419-1 – 033419-5, 2007.
    Author = {Selsto, S. and Palacios, A. and Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Electron angular distribution in resonance enhanced two-photon ionization of H2+ by ultrashort laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {75},
    Pages = {033419-1 - 033419-5},
    Shorttitle = { Electron angular distribution in resonance enhanced two-photon ionization of H2+ by ultrashort laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • A. Palacios, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Excitation and ionization of molecular hydrogen by ultrashort vuv laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 75, p. 013408-1 – 013408-12, 2007.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Excitation and ionization of molecular hydrogen by ultrashort vuv laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {75},
    Pages = {013408-1 - 013408-12},
    Shorttitle = {Excitation and ionization of molecular hydrogen by ultrashort vuv laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • [DOI] F. Martín, J. Fernández, T. Havermeier, L. Foucar, T. Weber, K. Kreidi, M. Schöffler, L. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, O. Jagutzki, A. Czasch, E. P. Benis, T. Osipov, A. L. Landers, A. Belkacem, M. H. Prior, Schmidt-Böcking, C. L. Cocke, and R. Dörner, “Single photon-induced symmetry breaking of h2 dissociation,” Science, vol. 315, iss. 5812, pp. 629-633, 2007.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Fernández, J. and Havermeier, T. and Foucar, L. and Weber, Th. and Kreidi, K. and Schöffler, M. and Schmidt, L. and Jahnke, T. and Jagutzki, O. and Czasch, A. and Benis, E.P. and Osipov, T. and Landers, A. L. and Belkacem, A. and Prior, M. H. and Schmidt-Böcking and Cocke, C. L. and Dörner, R.},
    Title = {Single photon-induced symmetry breaking of H2 dissociation},
    Journal = {Science},
    Volume = {315},
    Number = {5812},
    Pages = {629-633},
    Shorttitle = {Single photon-induced symmetry breaking of H2 dissociation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1126/science.1136598 }}
  • J. D. Bozek, J. E. Furst, T. J. Gay, H. Gould, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, J. R. Machacek, F. Martín, K. W. McLaughlin, and J. L. Sanz-Vicario, “Production of excited atomic hydrogen from h2 photodissociation,” Journal of physics b, vol. 39, pp. 4871-4882, 2006.
    Author = {Bozek, J. D. and Furst, J. E. and Gay, T. J. and Gould, H. and Kilcoyne, A. L. D. and Machacek, J. R. and Martín, F. and McLaughlin, K. W. and Sanz-Vicario, J. L.},
    Title = {Production of excited atomic hydrogen from H2 photodissociation},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {39},
    Pages = {4871-4882},
    Shorttitle = {Production of excited atomic hydrogen from H2 photodissociation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • O. A. Fojón, A. Palacios, J. Fernández, R. D. Rivarola, and F. Martín, “Interferences in the photoelectron spectrum of h2+ molecules at high energ,” Physics letters a, vol. 350, pp. 371-374, 2006.
    Author = {Fojón, O. A. and Palacios, A. and Fernández, J. and Rivarola, R. D. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Interferences in the photoelectron spectrum of H2+ molecules at high energ},
    Journal = {Physics Letters A},
    Volume = {350},
    Pages = {371-374},
    Shorttitle = {Interferences in the photoelectron spectrum of H2+ molecules at high energy},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • F. Morales, C. W. McCurdy, and F. Martín, “Validity of the isolated resonance picture for h2 autoionizing state,” Physical review a, vol. 73, p. 014702-1 – 014702-4, 2006.
    Author = {Morales, F. and McCurdy, C. W. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Validity of the isolated resonance picture for H2 autoionizing state},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {73},
    Pages = {014702-1 - 014702-4},
    Shorttitle = {Validity of the isolated resonance picture for H2 autoionizing state},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, D. A. Horner, W. Vanroose, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “First principles calculations of the double photoionization of atoms and molecules using b-splines and exterior complex scalin,” in Ionization, correlation, and polarization in atomic collisions., A. Lahmam-Bennani and B. Lohmann, Eds., New York: American institute of physics, 2006, p. p. 132-137.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Horner, D. A. and Vanroose, W. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {First principles calculations of the double photoionization of atoms and molecules using B-splines and exterior complex scalin},
    Editor = {Lahmam-Bennani, A. and Lohmann, B.},
    Booktitle = {Ionization, correlation, and polarization in atomic collisions.},
    Address = {New York},
    Publisher = {American Institute of Physics},
    Pages = {p. 132-137},
    Shorttitle = {First principles calculations of the double photoionization of atoms and molecules using B-splines and exterior complex scaling},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • A. Palacios, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Step-ladder rabi oscillations in molecules exposed to intense ultrashort vuv pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 74, p. 031402-1 – 031402-4(R), 2006.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Step-ladder Rabi oscillations in molecules exposed to intense ultrashort VUV pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {74},
    Pages = {031402-1 - 031402-4(R)},
    Shorttitle = {Step-ladder Rabi oscillations in molecules exposed to intense ultrashort VUV pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • J. L. Sanz-Vicario, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Time-dependent theoretical description of molecular autoionization produced by femtosecond xuv laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 73, p. 033410-1 – 033410-12, 2006.
    Author = {Sanz-Vicario, J. L. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Time-dependent theoretical description of molecular autoionization produced by femtosecond XUV laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {73},
    Pages = {033410-1 - 033410-12},
    Shorttitle = {Time-dependent theoretical description of molecular autoionization produced by femtosecond XUV laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • W. Vanroose, D. A. Horner, F. Martín, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “Double photoionization of aligned molecular hydrogen,” Physical review a, vol. 74, p. 052702-1 – 052702-19, 2006.
    Author = {Vanroose, W. and Horner, D. A. and Martín, F. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {Double photoionization of aligned molecular hydrogen},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {74},
    Pages = {052702-1 - 052702-19},
    Shorttitle = {Double photoionization of aligned molecular hydrogen},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] W. Vanroose, F. Martín, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “Accurate calculations of triple differential cross sections for double photoionization of the hydrogen molecule,” Photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. twenty-fourth international conference. world scientific, p. p. 128-131, 2006.
    Author = {Vanroose, W. and Martín, F. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {Accurate calculations of triple differential cross sections for double photoionization of the hydrogen molecule},
    Journal = {Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Twenty-fourth International Conference. World Scientific},
    Pages = {p. 128-131},
    Shorttitle = {Accurate calculations of triple differential cross sections for double photoionization of the hydrogen molecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1142/9789812772442_0012}}
  • A. Palacios, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Enhancement and control of h2 dissociative ionization by femtosecond xuv laser pulses,” Physical review letters, vol. 96, p. 143001-1 – 143001-4, 2006.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Enhancement and control of H2 dissociative ionization by femtosecond XUV laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {96},
    Pages = {143001-1 - 143001-4},
    Shorttitle = {Enhancement and control of H2 dissociative ionization by femtosecond XUV laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • W. Vanroose, F. Martín, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “Complete photo-induced breakup of the h2 molecule as a probe of molecular electron correlation,” Science, vol. 310, pp. 1787-1789, 2005.
    Author = {Vanroose, W. and Martín, F. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {Complete photo-induced breakup of the H2 molecule as a probe of molecular electron correlation},
    Journal = {Science},
    Volume = {310},
    Pages = {1787-1789},
    Shorttitle = {Complete photo-induced breakup of the H2 molecule as a probe of molecular electron correlation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • A. Reber, T. Baynard, F. Martín, H. Bachau, and R. S. Berry, “Above-threshold ionization near the 3p4d 1fo autoionizing state in magnesium,” Physical review a, vol. 71, p. 053402-1 – 053402-7, 2005.
    Author = {Reber, A. and Baynard, T. and Martín, F. and Bachau, H. and Berry, R. S.},
    Title = {Above-threshold ionization near the 3p4d 1Fo autoionizing state in magnesium},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {71},
    Pages = {053402-1 - 053402-7},
    Shorttitle = {Above-threshold ionization near the 3p4d 1Fo autoionizing state in magnesium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • A. Palacios, S. Barmaki, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Two-photon ionization of h2+ by short laser pulses,” Physical review a, vol. 71, p. 063405-1 – 063405-11, 2005.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Barmaki, S. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Two-photon ionization of H2+ by short laser pulses},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {71},
    Pages = {063405-1 - 063405-11},
    Shorttitle = {Two-photon ionization of H2+ by short laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • A. Palacios, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Resonant effects in the coulomb explosion of h2+ by ultrashort laser pulses,” Journal of physics b, vol. 38, p. L99-L105, 2005.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Resonant effects in the Coulomb explosion of H2+ by ultrashort laser pulses},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {38},
    Pages = {L99-L105},
    Shorttitle = {Resonant effects in the Coulomb explosion of H2+ by ultrashort laser pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • D. A. Horner, J. Colgan, F. Martín, C. W. McCurdy, M. S. Pindzola, and T. N. Rescigno, “Symmetrized complex amplitudes for he double photoionization from the time-dependent close coupling and exterior complex scaling method,” Physical review a, vol. 70, p. 064701-1 – 064701-4, 2004.
    Author = {Horner, D. A. and Colgan, J. and Martín, F. and McCurdy, C. W. and Pindzola, M. S. and Rescigno, T. N.},
    Title = {Symmetrized complex amplitudes for He double photoionization from the time-dependent close coupling and exterior complex scaling method},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {70},
    Pages = {064701-1 - 064701-4},
    Shorttitle = {Symmetrized complex amplitudes for He double photoionization from the time-dependent close coupling and exterior complex scaling method},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • T. Aoto, Y. Hikosaka, R. I. Hall, K. Ito, J. Fernández, and F. Martín, “Dissociative photoionization of h2 at high photon energies: uncovering new series of doubly excited state,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 389, pp. 145-149, 2004.
    Author = {Aoto, T. and Hikosaka, Y. and Hall, R. I. and Ito, K. and Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Dissociative photoionization of H2 at high photon energies: uncovering new series of doubly excited state},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {389},
    Pages = {145-149},
    Shorttitle = {Dissociative photoionization of H2 at high photon energies: uncovering new series of doubly excited state},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • O. A. Fojón, J. Fernández, A. Palacios, R. D. Rivarola, and F. Martín, “Interference effects in h2 photoionization at high energies,” Journal of physics b, vol. 37, pp. 3035-3042, 2004.
    Author = {Fojón, O. A. and Fernández, J. and Palacios, A. and Rivarola, R. D. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Interference effects in H2 photoionization at high energies},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {37},
    Pages = {3035-3042},
    Shorttitle = {Interference effects in H2 photoionization at high energies},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • C. W. McCurdy, D. A. Horner, T. N. Rescigno, and F. Martín, “Theoretical treatment of double photoionization of helium using a b-spline implementation of exterior complex scaling,” Physical review a, vol. 69, p. 032707-1 – 032707-12, 2004.
    Author = {McCurdy, C. W. and Horner, D. A. and Rescigno, T. N. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Theoretical treatment of double photoionization of helium using a B-spline implementation of exterior complex scaling},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {69},
    Pages = {032707-1 - 032707-12},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical treatment of double photoionization of helium using a B-spline implementation of exterior complex scaling},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • W. Vanroose, F. Martín, T. N. Rescigno, and C. W. McCurdy, “Nonperturbative theory of double photoionization of the hydrogen molecule,” Physical review a, vol. 70, p. 050703-1 – 050703-4(R), 2004.
    Author = {Vanroose, W. and Martín, F. and Rescigno, T. N. and McCurdy, C. W.},
    Title = {Nonperturbative theory of double photoionization of the hydrogen molecule},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {70},
    Pages = {050703-1 - 050703-4(R)},
    Shorttitle = {Nonperturbative theory of double photoionization of the hydrogen molecul},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • C. W. McCurdy and F. Martín, “Implementation of exterior complex scaling in b-splines to solve atomic and molecular collision problems,” Journal of physics b, vol. 37, pp. 917-936, 2004.
    Author = {McCurdy, C. W. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Implementation of exterior complex scaling in B-splines to solve atomic and molecular collision problems},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {37},
    Pages = {917-936},
    Shorttitle = {Implementation of exterior complex scaling in B-splines to solve atomic and molecular collision problems},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • A. Reber, F. Martín, H. Bachau, and R. S. Berry, “Three-photon above threshold ionization of magnesium,” Physical review a, vol. 68, p. 063401-1 – 0633401-10, 2003.
    Author = {Reber, A. and Martín, F. and Bachau, H. and Berry, R. S.},
    Title = {Three-photon above threshold ionization of magnesium},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {68},
    Pages = {063401-1 - 0633401-10},
    Shorttitle = {Three-photon above threshold ionization of magnesium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • J. Fernández, A. Palacios, and F. Martín, “Recent advances in the study of ionization and dissociation of h2 using b-spline basis set,” in Electron and photon impact ionization and related topics, U. Ancarani, Ed., London: The institute of physics, 2003.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Palacios, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Recent advances in the study of ionization and dissociation of H2 using B-spline basis set},
    Editor = {Ancarani, U.},
    Booktitle = {Electron and Photon Impact Ionization and Related Topics},
    Address = {London},
    Publisher = {The Institute of Physics},
    Shorttitle = {Recent advances in the study of ionization and dissociation of H$_2$ using B-spline basis set},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] P. Rivière, A. Palacios, J. F. Pérez-Torres, and F. Martín, “Probing electron dynamics in simple molecules with attosecond pulses,” in Progress in ultrafast intense laser science, K. Yamanouchi, M. Nisoli, and W. T. Hill, Eds., Frankfurt: Springer series in chemical physics, springer, 2002, vol. Vol. 8, p. p 1-28.
    Author = {Rivière, P. and Palacios, A. and Pérez-Torres, J. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Probing electron dynamics in simple molecules with attosecond pulses},
    Editor = {Yamanouchi, K. and Nisoli, M. and Hill, W. T.},
    Booktitle = {Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science},
    Address = {Frankfurt},
    Publisher = {Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Springer },
    Volume = {Vol. 8},
    Pages = {p 1-28},
    Shorttitle = {Probing electron dynamics in simple molecules with attosecond pulses},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2002},
    DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-28726-8_1},
    Label = {


  • A. Reber, F. Martín, H. Bachau, and R. S. Berry, “Two-photon above threshold ionization of magnesium,” Physical review a, vol. 65, p. 063413-1 – 063413-7, 2002.
    Author = {Reber, A. and Martín, F. and Bachau, H. and Berry, R. S.},
    Title = {Two-photon above threshold ionization of magnesium},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {65},
    Pages = {063413-1 - 063413-7},
    Shorttitle = {Two-photon above threshold ionization of magnesium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • J. Fernández and F. Martín, “In search of new resonance structures in dissociative photoionization of h2,” International journal of quantum chemistry, vol. 86, pp. 145-150, 2002.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { In search of new resonance structures in dissociative photoionization of H2},
    Journal = {International Journal of Quantum Chemistry},
    Volume = {86},
    Pages = {145-150},
    Shorttitle = { In search of new resonance structures in dissociative photoionization of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • J. Fernández and F. Martín, “Autoionizing 1s+u and 1pu states of h2 above the third and fourth ionization thresholds,” Journal of physics b, vol. 34, pp. 4141-4153, 2001.
    Author = {Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Autoionizing 1S+u and 1Pu states of H2 above the third and fourth ionization thresholds},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {34},
    Pages = {4141-4153},
    Shorttitle = {Autoionizing 1S+u and 1Pu states of H2 above the third and fourth ionization thresholds},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2001},
    Label = {


  • H. Bachau, E. Cormier, P. Decleva, J. E. Hansen, and F. Martín, “Applications of b-splines in atomic and molecular physics,” Reports on progress in physics, vol. 64, pp. 1601-1728, 2001.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Cormier, E. and Decleva, P. and Hansen, J. E. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Applications of B-splines in Atomic and Molecular Physics},
    Journal = {Reports on Progress in Physics},
    Volume = {64},
    Pages = {1601-1728},
    Shorttitle = {Applications of B-splines in Atomic and Molecular Physics},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2001},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “The role of dynamic correlation in double ionization of he by high-energy protons and antiprotons,” Journal of physics b, vol. 33, pp. 4373-4388, 2000.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {The role of dynamic correlation in double ionization of He by high-energy protons and antiprotons},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {33},
    Pages = {4373-4388},
    Shorttitle = {The role of dynamic correlation in double ionization of He by high-energy protons and antiprotons},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2000},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, “Non-autoionizing doubly excited states of h2: the \sigma symmetry,” Journal of physics b, vol. 32, p. L181-L187, 1999.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {Non-autoionizing doubly excited states of H2: the \Sigma- symmetry},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {32},
    Pages = {L181-L187},
    Shorttitle = {Non-autoionizing doubly excited states of H2: the S- symmetr},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, “Excitation of atomic hydrogen by protons and multicharged ions,” Journal of physics b, vol. 32, pp. 501-511, 1999.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {Excitation of atomic hydrogen by protons and multicharged ions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {32},
    Pages = {501-511},
    Shorttitle = {Excitation of atomic hydrogen by protons and multicharged ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, “Topical review: ionization and dissociation using b-splines: photoionization of the hydrogen moleculs,” Journal of physics b, vol. 32, p. R197-R231, 1999.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {Topical Review: Ionization and dissociation using B-splines: photoionization of the hydrogen moleculs},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {32},
    Pages = {R197-R231},
    Shorttitle = {Topical Review: Ionization and dissociation using B-splines: photoionization of the hydrogen molecul},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Multichannel dissociation in resonant photoionization of h2,” Physical review letters, vol. 82, pp. 3775-3778, 1999.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Multichannel dissociation in resonant photoionization of H2},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {82},
    Pages = {3775-3778},
    Shorttitle = {Multichannel dissociation in resonant photoionization of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Doubly excited autoionizing states of h2 above the second ionization threshold: the q2 resonance series,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 110, pp. 6702-6713, 1999.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Doubly excited autoionizing states of H2 above the second ionization threshold: the Q2 resonance series},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {110},
    Pages = {6702-6713},
    Shorttitle = {Doubly excited autoionizing states of H2 above the second ionization threshold: the Q2 resonance series},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Resonant dissociative photoionization of h2 and d2,” Physical review a, vol. 57, pp. 1006-1017, 1998.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {57},
    Pages = {1006-1017},
    Shorttitle = {Resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1998},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Asymmetry parameters in two-photon detachment of h below 1 ev,” Journal of physics b, vol. 31, p. L801-L806, 1998.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Asymmetry parameters in two-photon detachment of H- below 1 eV},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {31},
    Pages = {L801-L806},
    Shorttitle = {Asymmetry parameters in two-photon detachment of H- below 1 eV},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1998},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Representation of the electronic continuum of h2 with b-spline basis,” Journal of physics b, vol. 30, pp. 679-692, 1997.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Representation of the electronic continuum of H2 with B-spline basis},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {30},
    Pages = {679-692},
    Shorttitle = {Representation of the electronic continuum of H2 with B-spline basis},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Accurate evaluation of multiple-excitation cross sections from one-electron amplitudes,” Physical review a, vol. 55, pp. 2004-2008, 1997.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = { Accurate evaluation of multiple-excitation cross sections from one-electron amplitudes},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {55},
    Pages = {2004-2008},
    Shorttitle = { Accurate evaluation of multiple-excitation cross sections from one-electron amplitudes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez, H. Bachau, and F. Martín, “Electron angular distribution in above-threshold two-photon detachment of h-,” Journal of physics b, vol. 30, pp. 2417-2424, 1997.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Electron angular distribution in above-threshold two-photon detachment of H-},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {30},
    Pages = {2417-2424},
    Shorttitle = {Electron angular distribution in above-threshold two-photon detachment of H-},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “The doubly excited states of the h2 molecule,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 106, pp. 7720-7730, 1997.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {The doubly excited states of the H2 molecule},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {106},
    Pages = {7720-7730},
    Shorttitle = {The doubly excited states of the H2 molecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Origin of unidentified structures in resonant dissociative photoionization of h2,” Physical review letters, vol. 79, pp. 1654-1657, 1997.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Origin of unidentified structures in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {79},
    Pages = {1654-1657},
    Shorttitle = {Origin of unidentified structures in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Resonant effects in photoionization of h2 and d2,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 107, pp. 8391-8396, 1997.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Resonant effects in photoionization of H2 and D2},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {107},
    Pages = {8391-8396},
    Shorttitle = {Resonant effects in photoionization of H2 and D2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {


  • H. Bachau and F. Martín, “Electric-field effects on the photodetachment of h below the n=3 threshols,” Journal of physics b, vol. 29, pp. 1451-1466, 1996.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Electric-field effects on the photodetachment of H- below the N=3 threshols},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {29},
    Pages = {1451-1466},
    Shorttitle = { Electric-field effects on the photodetachment of H- below the N=3 threshol},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez, F. Martín, and H. Bachau, “Two-photon detachment with excitation of h,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 2863-2873, 1995.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F. and Bachau, H.},
    Title = { Two-photon detachment with excitation of H-},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {2863-2873},
    Shorttitle = { Two-photon detachment with excitation of H-},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {


  • M. Cortés, I. Sánchez, and F. Martín, “On the use of discretized k-matrix equations for partial autoionization widths of the 1po feshbach resonances of h,” Anales de física, vol. 90, pp. 240-243, 1994.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {On the use of discretized K-matrix equations for partial autoionization widths of the 1Po Feshbach resonances of H-},
    Journal = {Anales de Física},
    Volume = {90},
    Pages = {240-243},
    Shorttitle = {On the use of discretized K-matrix equations for partial autoionization widths of the 1Po Feshbach resonances of H-},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {


  • M. Cortés and F. Martín, “Photoelectron angular distribution asymmetry parameter in h photodetachment below the n=3 threshold,” Physical review a, vol. 50, pp. 1287-1291, 1994.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Photoelectron angular distribution asymmetry parameter in H- photodetachment below the N=3 threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {50},
    Pages = {1287-1291},
    Shorttitle = { Photoelectron angular distribution asymmetry parameter in H- photodetachment below the N=3 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, “Completely l2 integrable method for strong-coupling multichannel photoionization: photoelectron emission of he between the n=3 and 4 threshold,” Physical review a, vol. 48, pp. 331-337, 1993.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {Completely L2 integrable method for strong-coupling multichannel photoionization: Photoelectron emission of He between the N=3 and 4 threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {48},
    Pages = {331-337},
    Shorttitle = {Completely L2 integrable method for strong-coupling multichannel photoionization: Photoelectron emission of He between the N=3 and 4 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • M. Cortés, A. Macías, F. Martín, and A. Riera, “Long-range dipole adapted basis for doubly excited states,” Journal of physics b, vol. 26, pp. 3283-3295, 1993.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A.},
    Title = {Long-range dipole adapted basis for doubly excited states},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {26},
    Pages = {3283-3295},
    Shorttitle = {Long-range dipole adapted basis for doubly excited states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • M. Cortés and F. Martín, “Photodetachment of h with excitation to h(n=2),” Physical review a, vol. 48, pp. 1227-1238, 1993.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Photodetachment of H- with excitation to H(N=2)},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {48},
    Pages = {1227-1238},
    Shorttitle = {Photodetachment of H- with excitation to H(N=2)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Extensive l2 calculation of partial photoionization cross sections of he in the 4lnl’ resonance region,” Physical review a, vol. 48, pp. 1243-1251, 1993.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Extensive L2 calculation of partial photoionization cross sections of He in the 4lnl' resonance region},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {48},
    Pages = {1243-1251},
    Shorttitle = {Extensive L2 calculation of partial photoionization cross sections of He in the 4lnl' resonance region},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, “L2 methods for multichannel continua,” The physics of electronic and atomic collisions. eighteenth international conference, p. p. 316-325, 1993.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {L2 methods for multichannel continua},
    Journal = {The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Eighteenth International Conference},
    Pages = {p. 316-325},
    Shorttitle = {L2 methods for multichannel continua},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Enhancement of resonant structure in the photoelectron spectra of excited he(21se) above the n=2 threshold,” Physical review a, vol. 47, pp. 1520-1523, 1993.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Enhancement of resonant structure in the photoelectron spectra of excited He(21Se) above the N=2 threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {1520-1523},
    Shorttitle = {Enhancement of resonant structure in the photoelectron spectra of excited He(21Se) above the N=2 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Multichannel photoionization of metastable he(23se): a complete study of the 3po resonances between the n=2 and 3 threshold,” Physical review a, vol. 47, pp. 1878-1886, 1993.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Multichannel photoionization of metastable He(23Se): A complete study of the 3Po resonances between the N=2 and 3 threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {47},
    Pages = {1878-1886},
    Shorttitle = {Multichannel photoionization of metastable He(23Se): A complete study of the 3Po resonances between the N=2 and 3 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Photoionization of he above the n=2 threshold. ii. angular distribution of photoelectrons and asymmetry parameter,” Physical review a, vol. 45, pp. 4468-4475, 1992.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Photoionization of He above the N=2 threshold. II. Angular distribution of photoelectrons and asymmetry parameter},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {45},
    Pages = {4468-4475},
    Shorttitle = {Photoionization of He above the N=2 threshold. II. Angular distribution of photoelectrons and asymmetry parameter},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1992},
    Label = {


  • M. Cortés, A. Macías, F. Martín, and A. Riera, “Detection and analysis of the 1po and 3po “shape” resonances of h using stabilization,” Journal of physics b, vol. 25, pp. 83-96, 1992.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A.},
    Title = {Detection and analysis of the 1Po and 3Po "shape" resonances of H- using stabilization},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {25},
    Pages = {83-96},
    Shorttitle = {Detection and analysis of the 1Po and 3Po "shape" resonances of H- using stabilization},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1992},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Photoionization of he above the n=2 threshold,” Physical review a, vol. 44, pp. 7318-7334, 1991.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Photoionization of He above the n=2 threshold},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {44},
    Pages = {7318-7334},
    Shorttitle = {Photoionization of He above the n=2 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1991},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “L2 calculation of multichannel photoionization parameters in the neighbourhood of the (3s3p) 1po resonance of he,” Physical review a, vol. 44, p. R13-16, 1991.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {L2 calculation of multichannel photoionization parameters in the neighbourhood of the (3s3p) 1Po resonance of He},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {44},
    Pages = {R13-16},
    Shorttitle = {L2 calculation of multichannel photoionization parameters in the neighbourhood of the (3s3p) 1Po resonance of He},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1991},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, A. Riera, and I. Sánchez, “Fully l2 methods for multichannel scattering problem. partial width,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 94, pp. 4275-4281, 1991.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sánchez, I.},
    Title = {Fully L2 methods for multichannel scattering problem. Partial width},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {94},
    Pages = {4275-4281},
    Shorttitle = {Fully L2 methods for multichannel scattering problem. Partial width},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1991},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, H. Bachau, P. Galan, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Electron correlation properties of doubly excited states. berylliumlike vs. heliumlike systems,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 94, pp. 5011-5020, 1991.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Bachau, H. and Galan, P. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Electron correlation properties of doubly excited states. Berylliumlike vs. heliumlike systems},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {94},
    Pages = {5011-5020},
    Shorttitle = {Electron correlation properties of doubly excited states. Berylliumlike vs. heliumlike systems},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1991},
    Label = {


  • H. Bachau, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Resonance parameters and properties of heliumlike doubly excited states,” Atomic data and nuclear data tables, vol. 48, pp. 167-212, 1991.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Resonance parameters and properties of heliumlike doubly excited states},
    Journal = {Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables},
    Volume = {48},
    Pages = {167-212},
    Shorttitle = {Resonance parameters and properties of heliumlike doubly excited states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1991},
    Label = {


  • H. Bachau, M. Bahri, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Excitation of doubly excited states of helium by ion impact in the born approximation,” Journal of physics b, vol. 24, pp. 2015-2028, 1991.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Bahri, M. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Excitation of doubly excited states of helium by ion impact in the Born approximation},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {24},
    Pages = {2015-2028},
    Shorttitle = {Excitation of doubly excited states of helium by ion impact in the Born approximation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1991},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín and H. Bachau, “Theoretical partial widths of the 1po(3s3p) resonant states of the he atom,” Physical review a, vol. 41, pp. 6544-6547, 1990.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Bachau, H.},
    Title = {Theoretical partial widths of the 1Po(3s3p) resonant states of the He atom},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {41},
    Pages = {6544-6547},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical partial widths of the 1Po(3s3p) resonant states of the He atom},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {


  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Photoionization of he-like systems below the n=2 threshold,” Journal of physics b, vol. 23, pp. 4263-4274, 1990.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Photoionization of He-like systems below the n=2 threshold},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {23},
    Pages = {4263-4274},
    Shorttitle = {Photoionization of He-like systems below the n=2 threshold},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Phase-shifts of continuum functions through a discretization method,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 157, pp. 146-150, 1989.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Phase-shifts of continuum functions through a discretization method},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {157},
    Pages = {146-150},
    Shorttitle = {Phase-shifts of continuum functions through a discretization method},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, and M. Yáñez, “El continuo electrónico. estados resonantes,” in Química teórica. vol. 2. estructura, interacciones y reactividad, S. Fraga, Ed., Madrid: Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 1989, vol. Vol. 2, p. p. 19-34.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = { El continuo electrónico. Estados resonantes},
    Editor = {Fraga, S.},
    Booktitle = {Química Teórica. Vol. 2. Estructura, Interacciones y Reactividad},
    Address = {Madrid},
    Publisher = {Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas},
    Volume = {Vol. 2},
    Pages = {p. 19-34},
    Series = {Colección Nuevas Tendencias},
    Shorttitle = { El continuo electrónico. Estados resonantes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Core effects in atomic resonances. a comparison between 1,3po(3l 3l’) states of he-like and be-like systems,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 91, pp. 376-380, 1989.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Core effects in atomic resonances. A comparison between 1,3Po(3l 3l') states of He-like and Be-like systems},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {91},
    Pages = {376-380},
    Shorttitle = {Core effects in atomic resonances. A comparison between 1,3Po(3l 3l') states of He-like and Be-like systems},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, O. Mó, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Atomic and molecular autoionizing states. a theoretical approach,” Journal de physique, vol. 50, p. C1 37-52, 1989.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Atomic and molecular autoionizing states. A theoretical approach},
    Journal = {Journal de Physique},
    Volume = {50},
    Pages = {C1 37-52},
    Shorttitle = {Atomic and molecular autoionizing states. A theoretical approach},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, O. Mó, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “A new method to calculate lifetimes of atomic and molecular autoionizing states,” Journal of molecular structure (theochem), vol. 202, pp. 235-247, 1989.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {A new method to calculate lifetimes of atomic and molecular autoionizing states},
    Journal = {Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem)},
    Volume = {202},
    Pages = {235-247},
    Shorttitle = {A new method to calculate lifetimes of atomic and molecular autoionizing states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {


  • H. Bachau, F. Martín, and I. Sánchez, “Characteristics of the helium-like 1se(3l,nl’) autoionizing states,” Journal de physique, vol. 50, p. C1 105-110, 1989.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Martín, F. and Sánchez, I.},
    Title = {Characteristics of the helium-like 1Se(3l,nl') autoionizing states},
    Journal = {Journal de Physique},
    Volume = {50},
    Pages = {C1 105-110},
    Shorttitle = {Characteristics of the helium-like 1Se(3l,nl') autoionizing states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Continuum vs. discretized wavefunctions. the importance of being well normalized,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 149, pp. 85-88, 1988.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Continuum vs. discretized wavefunctions. The importance of being well normalized},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {149},
    Pages = {85-88},
    Shorttitle = {Continuum vs. discretized wavefunctions. The importance of being well normalized},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1988},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Feshbach-type calculation of autoionizing states of the behe4+ quasimolecule,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 86, pp. 6927-6936, 1987.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Feshbach-type calculation of autoionizing states of the BeHe4+ quasimolecule},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {86},
    Pages = {6927-6936},
    Shorttitle = {Feshbach-type calculation of autoionizing states of the BeHe4+ quasimolecule},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. iii. molecules,” Physical review a, vol. 36, pp. 4203-4211, 1987.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. III. Molecules},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {36},
    Pages = {4203-4211},
    Shorttitle = {Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. III. Molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. ii. atoms,” Physical review a, vol. 36, pp. 4187-4202, 1987.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. II. Atoms},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {36},
    Pages = {4187-4202},
    Shorttitle = {Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. II. Atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {


  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. i. theory,” Physical review a, vol. 36, pp. 4179-4186, 1987.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. I. Theory},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {36},
    Pages = {4179-4186},
    Shorttitle = {Simple discretization method for autoionization widths. I. Theory},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {




  • [DOI] M. Pisarra, C. Diaz, and F. Martin, “Defect formation in a graphene overlayer on ruthenium under high pressure,” Physical review b, p. 75406, 2020.
    Author= {Pisarra, M and Diaz, C and Martin, F},
    Title= {Defect formation in a graphene overlayer on ruthenium under high pressure},
    Journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B},
    Shorttittle = {Defect formation in a graphene overlayer on ruthenium under high pressure},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {102},
    Pages = {75406},
    DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevB.102.075406},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. F. M. del Cueto A. S. Muzas and C. Díaz, “Accurate simulations of atomic di ractive scattering from kcl(001) under fast grazing incidence conditions,” Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms, pp. 1-9, 2020.
    Author= {M. del Cueto, A. S. Muzas, F. Martín, and C. Díaz},
    Title= {Accurate simulations of atomic di ractive scattering from KCl(001) under fast grazing incidence conditions},
    Shorttittle = {Accurate simulations of atomic di ractive scattering from KCl(001) under fast grazing incidence conditions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {476},
    Pages = {1-9},
    DOI = {10.1016/j.nimb.2020.04.037},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. del Cueto, A. S. Muzas, T. Frankcombe, F. Martín, and C. Díaz, “Prominent out-of-plane difraction in helium scattering from a methyl-terminated si(111) surface,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, pp. 15879-15887, 2019.
    Author= {M. del Cueto and A. S. Muzas and T. Frankcombe and F. Martín and C. Díaz},
    Title= {Prominent out-of-plane difraction in Helium scattering from a methyl-terminated Si(111) surface},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Prominent out-of-plane difraction in Helium scattering from a methyl-terminated Si(111) surface},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {21},
    Pages = {15879-15887},
    DOI = {10.1039/c9cp02141h},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] P. Ares, M. Pisarra, P. Segovia, C. Díaz, F. Martín, E. G. Michel, F. Zamora, C. Gómez-Navarro, and J. Gómez-Herrero, “Tunable graphene electronics with local ultrahigh pressure,” Advanced functional materials, p. 1806715 (11pp), 2019.
    Author= {P. Ares and M. Pisarra and P. Segovia and C. Díaz and F. Martín and E. G. Michel and F. Zamora and C. Gómez-Navarro and J. Gómez-Herrero},
    Title= {Tunable graphene electronics with local ultrahigh pressure},
    Journal = {Advanced Functional Materials},
    Shorttittle = {Tunable graphene electronics with local ultrahigh pressure},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {29},
    Pages = {1806715 (11pp)},
    DOI = {10.1002/adfm.201806715},
    Year = {2019},
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  • [DOI] C. Robertson, J. González-Vázquez, S. Díaz-Tendero, I. Corral, and C. Díaz, “Non-adiabatic scattering of no off au3 clusters: a simple and robust diabatic state manifold generation method for multiconfigurational,” Journal of computational chemistry, p. 794, 2019.
    Author= {C. Robertson and J. González-Vázquez and S. Díaz-Tendero and I. Corral and C. Díaz },
    Title= {Non-adiabatic Scattering of NO off Au3 Clusters: A simple and robust diabatic state manifold generation method for multiconfigurational},
    Journal = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
    Shorttittle = {Non-adiabatic Scattering of NO off Au3 Clusters: A simple and robust diabatic state manifold generation method for multiconfigurational},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {40},
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    DOI = {10.1002/jcc.25764},
    Year = {2019},
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  • [DOI] M. del Cueto, X. Zhou, A. S. Muzas, C. Díaz, F. Martín, B. Jiang, and H. Guo, “Quantum stereodynamics of h2 scattering from co(0001): influence of reaction channels,” Journal of physical chemistry c, pp. 16223-16231, 2019.
    Author= {M. del Cueto and X. Zhou and A. S. Muzas and C. Díaz and F. Martín and B. Jiang and H. Guo},
    Title= {Quantum stereodynamics of H2 scattering from Co(0001): influence of reaction channels},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Shorttittle = {Quantum stereodynamics of H2 scattering from Co(0001): influence of reaction channels},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {123},
    Pages = {16223-16231},
    DOI = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03470},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] M. del Cueto, R. J. Maurer, A. A. Taleb, D. Farías, F. Martín, and C. Díaz, “Performance of van der waals dft approaches for helium diffraction on metal surfaces,” Journal of physics: condensed matter, p. 135901 (10pp), 2019.
    Author= {M. del Cueto and R. J. Maurer and A. Al Taleb and D. Farías and F. Martín and C. Díaz},
    Title= {Performance of van der Waals DFT approaches for helium diffraction on metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter},
    Shorttittle = {Performance of van der Waals DFT approaches for helium diffraction on metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {31},
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    DOI = {10.1088/1361-648X/aafcfd},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


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  • [DOI] J. Lan, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Theoretical study of no dissociation on the open flat ru(1011) surface,” Journal of physical chemistry c, pp. 5488-5494, 2019.
    Author= {J. Lan and Y. Wang and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Theoretical study of NO dissociation on the open flat Ru(1011) surface},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Shorttittle = {Theoretical study of NO dissociation on the open flat Ru(1011) surface},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {123},
    Pages = {5488-5494},
    DOI = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11710},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • M. Pisarra, R. Bernardo-Gavito, J. J. Navarro, A. Black, C. Diaz, F. Calleja, D. Granados, R. Miranda, F. Martín, and V. A. L. de Parga, “Coverage evolution of the unoccupied density of states in sulfur superstructures on ru(0001),” Applied surface science, 2018.
    Author= {M. Pisarra and R. Bernardo-Gavito and J.J. Navarro and A. Black and C. Diaz and F. Calleja and D. Granados and R. Miranda and F. Martín and A. L. Vázquez de Parga},
    Title= {Coverage evolution of the unoccupied density of states in sulfur superstructures on Ru(0001)},
    Journal = {Applied Surface Science},
    Shorttittle = {Coverage evolution of the unoccupied density of states in sulfur superstructures on Ru(0001)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • M. Pisarra, C. Díaz, R. Bernardo-Gavito, J. J. Navarro, A. Black, F. Calleja, D. Granados, R. Miranda, A. L. V. azquez de Parga, and F. Martín, “Electronic properties of sulfur covered ru(0001) surfaces: a density functional theory study.,” Journal of physical chemistry a, 2018.
    Author= {M. Pisarra and C. Díaz and R. Bernardo-Gavito and J.J. Navarro and A. Black and F. Calleja and D. Granados and R. Miranda and A. L. V azquez de Parga and F. Martín},
    Title= {Electronic properties of sulfur covered Ru(0001) surfaces: a density functional theory
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Shorttittle = {Electronic properties of sulfur covered Ru(0001) surfaces: a density functional theory
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • M. Ramos, C. Díaz, A. Martinez, F. Martín, and H. F. Busnengo, “Thickness dependent reactivity of o2 on cu layers grown on ru(0001) surfaces,” Journal of physical chemistry c, 2018.
    Author= {M. Ramos and C. Díaz and A. Martinez and F. Martín and H. F. Busnengo},
    Title= {Thickness dependent reactivity of O2 on Cu layers grown on Ru(0001) surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Shorttittle = {Thickness dependent reactivity of O2 on Cu layers grown on Ru(0001) surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • J. J. Navarro, M. Pisarra, B. Nieto-Ortega, J. Villalva, C. Díaz, F. Calleja, R. Miranda, F. Martín, E. M. Perez, and A. L. V. azquez de Parga, “Graphene catalyzes the reversible formation of a c-c bond between two molecules,” Science advances, 2018.
    Author= {J. J. Navarro and M. Pisarra and B. Nieto-Ortega and J. Villalva and C. Díaz and F. Calleja and R. Miranda and F. Martín and E. M. Perez and A. L. V azquez de Parga},
    Title= {Graphene catalyzes the reversible formation of a C-C bond between two molecules},
    Journal = {Science Advances},
    Shorttittle = {Graphene catalyzes the reversible formation of a C-C bond between two molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, Y. Wang, and F. Martín, “Including london dispersion forces in density functional theory (dft+d): applications to molecule(atom)/surface phenomena,” Encyclopedia of interfacial chemistry: surface science and electrochemistry. editor: klaus wandelt, 2018.
    Author= {C. Díaz and Y. Wang and F. Martín},
    Title= {Including London Dispersion Forces in Density Functional Theory (DFT+D): Applications to Molecule(Atom)/Surface Phenomena},
    Journal = {Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry. Editor: Klaus Wandelt},
    Shorttittle = {Including London Dispersion Forces in Density Functional Theory (DFT+D): Applications to Molecule(Atom)/Surface Phenomena},
    EndNoteRefType = {chapter},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • M. Ramos, C. Díaz, A. E. Martínez, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Dissociative and non dissociative adsorption of o2 on cu(111) and cuml/ru(0001) surfaces: adiabaticity takes over,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, 2017.
    Author= {M. Ramos and C. Díaz and A. E. Martínez and H. F. Busnengo and F. Martín},
    Title= {Dissociative and non dissociative adsorption of O2 on Cu(111) and CuML/Ru(0001) surfaces: adiabaticity takes over},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Dissociative and non dissociative adsorption of O2 on Cu(111) and CuML/Ru(0001) surfaces: adiabaticity takes over},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • M. del Cueto, A. S. Muzas, M. F. Somers, G. J. Kroes, C. Díaz, and F. Martín, “Exploring surface landscapes with molecules: rotationally induced di↵raction of h2 on lif(001) under fast grazing incidence conditions,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, 2017.
    Author= {M. del Cueto and A. S. Muzas and M. F. Somers and G. J. Kroes and C. Díaz and F. Martín},
    Title= {Exploring surface landscapes with molecules: rotationally induced di↵raction of H2 on LiF(001) under fast grazing incidence conditions},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Exploring surface landscapes with molecules: rotationally induced di↵raction of H2 on LiF(001) under fast grazing incidence conditions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • J. Rodríguez-Fernández, M. Robledo, K. Lauwaet, A. Martín-Jiménez, B. Cirera, F. Calleja, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, L. Floreano, M. Domínguez-Rivera, L. V. A. de Parga, D. Ecija, J. M. Gallego, R. Miranda, F. Martín, and R. Otero, “Tuning intermolecular charge transfer in donor-acceptor two-dimensional crystals on metal surfaces,” Journal of physical chemistry c, 2017.
    Author= {J. Rodríguez-Fernández and M. Robledo and K. Lauwaet and A. Martín-Jiménez and B. Cirera and F. Calleja and S. Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and L. Floreano and M. Domínguez-Rivera and A. López Vázquez de Parga and D. Ecija and J. M. Gallego and R. Miranda and F. Martín and R. Otero},
    Title= {Tuning intermolecular charge transfer in donor-acceptor two-dimensional crystals on metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Shorttittle = {Tuning intermolecular charge transfer in donor-acceptor two-dimensional crystals on metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • A. S. Muzas, M. del Cueto, F. Gatti, M. F. Somers, G. J. Kroes, F. Martin, and C. Diaz, “H2/lif(001) diffractive scattering under fast grazing incidence using a dft-based potential energy surface,” Physical review b, 2017.
    Author= {A. S. Muzas and M. del Cueto and F. Gatti and M. F. Somers and G. J. Kroes and F. Martin and C. Diaz},
    Title= {H2/LiF(001) diffractive scattering under fast grazing incidence using a DFT-based potential energy surface},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Shorttittle = {H2/LiF(001) diffractive scattering under fast grazing incidence using a DFT-based potential energy surface},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] D. Stradi, B. Borca, S. Barja, M. Garnica, C. Díaz, J. M. Rodríguez-García, M. Alcamí, V. A. L. de Parga, R. Miranda, and F. Martín, ,” Royal society of chemistry advances, pp. 15071-15079, 2016.
    Author = {D. Stradi and B. Borca and S. Barja and M. Garnica and C. Díaz and J. M. Rodríguez-García and M. Alcamí and A. L. Vázquez de Parga and R. Miranda and F. Martín},
    Tittle = {{Understanding the self-assembly of TCNQ on Cu(111): a combined study based on scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments and density functional theory simulations}},
    Shorttitle = {{Understanding the self-assembly of TCNQ on Cu(111): a combined study based on scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments and density functional theory simulations}},
    Journal = {Royal Society of Chemistry Advances},
    EndNoteRefType ={Journal Article},
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    Pages= {15071-15079},
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    Year= {2016},
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  • [DOI] M. del Cueto, A. S. Muzas, G. Füchsel, F. Gatti, F. Martín, and C. Díaz, “The role of van der waals forces in the diffraction of noble gases from metal surfaces,” Physical review b, p. 060301(R), 2016.
    Author = {M. del Cueto and A. S. Muzas and G. Füchsel and F. Gatti and F. Martín and C. Díaz},
    Title = {The role of van der Waals forces in the diffraction of noble gases from metal surfaces},
    Shorttitle = {The role of van der Waals forces in the di_raction of noble gases from metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volumen = {93},
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  • [DOI] N. Faginas-Lago, D. Oksuz, F. Huarte-Larrañaga, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, and F.Martín, “Adsorption of hydrogen molecules on carbon nanotubes using quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics,” Journal of physical chemistry a, pp. 6451-6458, 2016.
    Author = {N. Faginas-Lago and D. Oksuz and F. Huarte-Larrañaga and Y. Wang and M. Alcamí and F.Martín},
    Title= {Adsorption of hydrogen molecules on carbon nanotubes using quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Shorttittle = {Adsorption of hydrogen molecules on carbon nanotubes using quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
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    Pages = {6451-6458},
    DOI = {10.1021/acs.jpca.5b12574},
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  • [DOI] A. S. Muzas, F. Gatti, F. Martín, and C. Díaz, “Diffraction of H from LiF(001): From slow normal incidence to fast grazing incidence,” Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research b, pp. 49-53, 2016.
    Author = {A. S. Muzas and F. Gatti and F. Martín and C. Díaz},
    Title= {{Diffraction of H from LiF(001): From slow normal incidence to fast grazing incidence}},
    Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B},
    Shorttittle = {{Diffraction of H from LiF(001): From slow normal incidence to fast grazing incidence.}},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
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    DOI = {10.1016/j.nimb.2016.04.031},
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  • [DOI] K. J. Nihill, Z. M. Hund, A. Muzas, C. Díaz, M. del Cueto, T. Frankcombe, N. T. Plymale, N. S. Lewis, F. Martín, and S. J. Sibener, “Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of H2 (D2) from methyl-terminated Si(111),” Journal of chemical physics, p. 084705-1 – 084705-12, 2016.
    Author = {K. J. Nihill and Z. M. Hund and A. Muzas and C. Díaz and M. del Cueto and T. Frankcombe and N. T. Plymale and N. S. Lewis and F. Martín and S. J. Sibener},
    Title= {{Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of H2 (D2) from methyl-terminated Si(111)}},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of H2 (D2) from methyl-terminated Si(111)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {145},
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  • [DOI] N. F. Aguirre and F. Martin, “Tuning high-harmonic generation by controlled deposition of ultrathin ionic layers on metal surfaces,” Physical review b, p. 245423-1 – 245423-10, 2016.
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    Title= {Tuning high-harmonic generation by controlled deposition of ultrathin ionic layers on metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Shorttittle = {Tuning high-harmonic generation by controlled deposition of ultrathin ionic layers on metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen = {94},
    Pages = {245423-1 -- 245423-10},
    DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevB.94.245423},
    Year = {2016},
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  • [DOI] A. S. Muzas, F. Martín, and C. Díaz, “The role of the initial ro-vibrational state in molecule/surface scattering under fast grazing incidence,” Journal of physics conference series, vol. 635, p. 12029, 2015.
    Author = {A. S. Muzas and F. Martín and C. Díaz},
    Title = {The role of the initial ro-vibrational state in molecule/surface scattering under fast grazing incidence},
    Shorttitle = {The role of the initial ro-vibrational state in molecule/surface scattering under fast grazing incidence},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
    Volume = {635},
    Pages = {012029},
    DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/635/1/012029},
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    Year = {2015},
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  • [DOI] J. Urgel, B. Cirera, Y. Wang, W. Auwärter, R. Otero, J. M. Gallego, M. Alcamí, S. Klyatskaya, M. Rubén, F. Martín, R. Miranda, D. Ecija, and J. Barth, “Surface-supported robust two-dimensional lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks,” Small, vol. 11, pp. 6358-6364, 2015.
    Author = {J. Urgel and B. Cirera and Y. Wang and W. Auwärter and R. Otero and J. M. Gallego and M. Alcamí and S. Klyatskaya and M. Rubén and F. Martín and R. Miranda and D. Ecija and J. Barth},
    Title = {Surface-supported robust two-dimensional lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks},
    Shorttitle = {Surface-supported robust two-dimensional lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks},
    Journal = {Small},
    Volume = {11},
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    DOI = {10.1002/smll.201502761},
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    Year = {2015},
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  • [DOI] A. Sánchez-Muzas, F. Martín, and C. Díaz, “Scattering of h(d) from lif(100) under fast grazing incidence conditions: to what extent is classical dynamics a useful tool?,” Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research b, vol. 354, pp. 9-15, 2015.
    Author = {A. Sánchez-Muzas and F. Martín and C. Díaz},
    Title = {Scattering of H(D) from LiF(100) under fast grazing incidence conditions: To what extent is classical dynamics a useful tool?},
    Shorttitle = {Scattering of H(D) from LiF(100) under fast grazing incidence conditions: To what extent is classical dynamics a useful tool?},
    Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B},
    Volume = {354},
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    DOI = {10.1016/j.nimb.2014.11.009},
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  • [DOI] C. Urban, Y. Wang, J. Rodríguez-Fernández, M. A. Herranz, M. Alcamí, N. Martín, F. Martín, J. M. Gallego, R. Otero, and R. Miranda, “Charge-transfer induced isomerization of dcnqi on cu(100),” Journal of physical chemistry c, vol. 118, p. 27388, 2014.
    Author = {C. Urban and Y. Wang and J. Rodríguez-Fernández and M. A. Herranz and M. Alcamí and N. Martín and F. Martín and J. M. Gallego and R. Otero and R. Miranda},
    Title = {Charge-transfer induced isomerization of DCNQI on Cu(100)},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Volume = {118},
    Pages = {27388},
    Shorttitle = {Charge-transfer induced isomerization of DCNQI on Cu(100)},
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    Year = {2014},
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    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp508458y}}
  • [DOI] D. Stradi, M. Garnica, C. Díaz, F. Calleja, S. Barja, N. Martín, M. Alcamí, V. A. de Parga, R. Miranda, and F. Martín, “Controlling the spatial arrangement of organic magnetic anions adsorbed on epitaxial graphene on ru(0001),” Nanoscale, vol. 6, p. 15271, 2014.
    Author = {D. Stradi and M. Garnica and C. Díaz and F. Calleja and S. Barja and N. Martín and M. Alcamí and A. Vázquez de Parga and R. Miranda and F. Martín},
    Title = {Controlling the spatial arrangement of organic magnetic anions adsorbed on epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001)},
    Journal = {Nanoscale},
    Volume = {6},
    Pages = {15271},
    Shorttitle = {Controlling the spatial arrangement of organic magnetic anions adsorbed on epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/C4NR02917H }}
  • [DOI] M. Garnica, D. Stradi, F. Calleja, S. Barja, C. Díaz, M. Alcamí, A. Arnau, V. A. de Parga, F. Martín, and R. Miranda, “Probing the site-dependent kondo response of nanostructured graphene with organic molecules,” Nano letters, vol. 14, p. 4560, 2014.
    Author = {M. Garnica and D. Stradi and F. Calleja and S. Barja and C. D\'{i}az and M. Alcam\'{i} and A. Arnau and A. V\'azquez de Parga and F. Mart\'{i}n and R. Miranda},
    Title = {Probing the site-dependent Kondo response of nanostructured graphene with organic molecules},
    Journal = {Nano Letters},
    Volume = {14},
    Pages = {4560},
    Shorttitle = {Probing the site-dependent Kondo response of nanostructured graphene with organic molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/nl501584v}}
  • [DOI] Y. Wang, J. Solano-Canchaya, W. Dong, M. Alcamí, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Chain-length and temperature dependence of self-assembled monolayers of alkylthiolates on au(111) and ag(111) surfaces,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 118, p. 4138, 2014.
    Author = {Y. Wang and J. Solano-Canchaya and W. Dong and M. Alcam\'{i} and H. F. Busnengo and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Chain-length and temperature dependence of self-assembled monolayers of alkylthiolates on Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {118},
    Pages = {4138},
    Shorttitle = {Chain-length and temperature dependence of self-assembled monolayers of alkylthiolates on Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp412285v}}
  • [DOI] J. J. Nogueira, Y. Wang, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, D. R. Glowacki, D. V. Shalashilin, E. Paci, A. Fernández-Ramos, W. L. Hase, E. Martínez-Núñez, and S. A. Vázquez, “Unraveling the factors that control soft landing of small silyl ions on fluorinated self-assembled monolayers,” Journal of physical chemistry c, vol. 118, p. 10159, 2014.
    Author = {J. J. Nogueira and Y. Wang and F. Mart\'{i}n and M. Alcam\'{i} and D. R. Glowacki and D. V. Shalashilin and E. Paci and A. Fern\'andez-Ramos and W. L. Hase and E. Mart\'{i}nez-N\'u\~nez and S. A. V\'azquez},
    Title = {Unraveling the factors that control soft landing of small silyl ions on fluorinated self-assembled monolayers},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Volume = {118},
    Pages = {10159},
    Shorttitle = {Unraveling the factors that control soft landing of small silyl ions on fluorinated self-assembled monolayers},
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    Year = {2014},
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    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp501841a}}
  • [DOI] C. Urban, Y. Wang, J. Rodríguez-Fernández, R. García, M. A. Herranz, M. Alcamí, N. Martín, F. Martín, J. M. Gallego, R. Otero, and R. Miranda, “Charge transfer-assisted self-limited decyanation reaction of tcnq-type electron acceptors on cu(100),” Chemical communications, vol. 50, pp. 833-835, 2014.
    Author = {C. Urban and Y. Wang and J. Rodr\'{i}guez-Fern\'andez and R. Garc\'{i}a and M. A. Herranz and M. Alcam\'{i} and N. Mart\'{i}n and F. Mart\'{i}n and J. M. Gallego and R. Otero and R. Miranda},
    Title = {Charge transfer-assisted self-limited decyanation reaction of TCNQ-type electron acceptors on Cu(100)},
    Journal = {Chemical Communications},
    Volume = {50},
    Pages = {833-835},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer-assisted self-limited decyanation reaction of TCNQ-type electron acceptors on Cu(100)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


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  • [DOI] M. Garnica, D. Stradi, S. Barja, F. Calleja, C. Díaz, M. Alcamí, N. Martín, V. A. L. de Parga, F. Martín, and R. Miranda, “Long-range magnetic order in a purely organic 2d layer adsorbed on epitaxial graphene,” Nature physics, vol. 9, p. 368, 2013.
    Author = {M. Garnica and D. Stradi and S. Barja and F. Calleja and C. D\'iaz and M. Alcam\'i and N. Mart\'in and A. L. V\'azquez de Parga and F. Mart\'in and R. Miranda},
    Title = {Long-range magnetic order in a purely organic 2D layer adsorbed on epitaxial graphene},
    Journal = {Nature Physics},
    Volume = {9},
    Pages = {368},
    Shorttitle = {Evidence for long-range magnetic order in a purely organic 2D layer adsorbed on epitaxial graphene},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1038/nphys2610}}
  • [DOI] S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Density functional theory study of the structure and vibrational modes of acrylonitrile adsorbed on cu(100),” Physical chemistry chemical physics, vol. 15, pp. 1288-1295, 2013.
    Author = {D\'iaz-Tendero, S. and Alcam\'i, M. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Density functional theory study of the structure and vibrational modes of acrylonitrile adsorbed on Cu(100)},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {15},
    Pages = {1288-1295},
    Shorttitle = {Density functional theory study of the structure and vibrational modes of acrylonitrile adsorbed on Cu(100)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/c2cp42542d}}
  • C. Díaz and F. Martín, “Using molecular reflectivity to explore reaction dynamics at metal surfaces,” in Dynamics of gas-surface interactions, R. Díez-Muiño and H. F. Busnengo, Eds., Berlin: Springer series in surface sciences, springer, 2013, pp. 75-100.
    Author = {D\'iaz, C. and Mart\'in, F.},
    Title = {Using molecular reflectivity to explore reaction dynamics at metal surfaces},
    Editor = {R. D\'iez-Mui\~no and H. F. Busnengo},
    Booktitle = {Dynamics of gas-surface interactions},
    Volume = {},
    Address = {Berlin},
    Publisher = {Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Springer},
    Pages = {75-100},
    Shorttitle = {Using molecular reflectivity to explore reaction dynamics at metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Chapter},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, ISBN = {978-3-642-32954-8}}
  • [DOI] S. Koch, D. Stradi, E. Gnecco, S. Barja, S. Kawai, C. Díaz, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, A. L. Vázquez de Parga, R. Miranda, T. Glatzel, and E. Meyer, “Elastic response of graphene nano-domes.,” Acs nano, vol. 4, p. 2927, 2013.
    Author = {Koch, S. and Stradi, D. and Gnecco, E. and Barja, S. and Kawai, S. and D\'iaz, C. and Alcam\'i, M. and Mart\'in, F. and V\'azquez de Parga, A. L. and Miranda, R. and Glatzel, T. and Meyer, E.},
    Title = {Elastic Response of Graphene Nano-Domes.},
    Journal = {ACS Nano},
    Volume = {4},
    Pages = {2927},
    Shorttitle = {Elastic Response of Graphene Nano-Domes.},
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    Year = {2013},
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    }, DOI = {10.1021/nn304473r}}
  • [DOI] M. Ramos, M. Minniti, C. Díaz, D. Farías, M. R. F. Martín, A. E. Martínez, and H. F. Busnengo, “Environment-driven reactivity of h2 on pdru surface alloys,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, vol. 15, p. 14936, 2013.
    Author = {M. Ramos and M. Minniti and C. D\'iaz and D. Far\'ias and R. Miranda. F. Mart\'in and A. E. Mart\'inez and H. F. Busnengo},
    Title = {Environment-driven reactivity of H2 on PdRu surface alloys},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {15},
    Pages = {14936},
    Shorttitle = {Environment-driven reactivity of H2 on PdRu surface alloys},
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    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/c3cp52001c}}
  • [DOI] M. J. Capitán, J. Álvarez, Y. Wang, R. Otero, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, and R. Miranda, “Onset of chiral adenine surface growth,” Chemphyschem, vol. 14, p. 3294, 2013.
    Author = {M. J. Capit\'an and J. \'Alvarez and Y. Wang and R. Otero and M. Alcam\'i and F. Mart\'in, and R. Miranda},
    Title = {Onset of chiral adenine surface growth},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {14},
    Pages = {3294},
    Shorttitle = {Onset of chiral adenine surface growth},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1002/cphc.201300321}}
  • [DOI] S. Barja, D. Stradi, B. Borca, M. Garnica, C. Díaz, J. M. Rodríguez-García, M. Alcamí, V. A. L. de Parga, F. Martín, and R. Miranda, “Ordered arrays of metal-organic magnets at surfaces,” Journal of physics: condensed matter, vol. 25, p. 484007, 2013.
    Author = {S. Barja and D. Stradi and B. Borca and M. Garnica and C. D\'{i}az and J. M. Rodr\'{i}guez-Garc\'{i}a and M. Alcam\'{i} and A. L. V\'azquez de Parga and F. Mart\'{i}n and R. Miranda},
    Title = {Ordered arrays of metal-organic magnets at surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter},
    Volume = {25},
    Pages = {484007},
    Shorttitle = {Ordered arrays of metal-organic magnets at surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-8984/25/48/484007}}
  • [DOI] D. Stradi, S. Bar:ja, C. Díaz, M. Garnica, B. Borca, J. J. Hinarejos, D. Sánchez-Portal, M. Alcamí, A. Arnau, V. A. L. de Parga, R. Miranda, and F. Martín, “Lattice-matched versus lattice-mismatched models to describe epitaxial monolayer graphene on ru(0001),” Physical review b, vol. 88, p. 245401, 2013.
    Author = {D. Stradi and S. Bar:ja and C. D\'{i}az and M. Garnica and B. Borca and J. J. Hinarejos and D. S\'anchez-Portal and M. Alcam\'{i} and A. Arnau and A. L. V\'azquez de Parga and R. Miranda and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Lattice-matched versus lattice-mismatched models to describe epitaxial monolayer graphene on Ru(0001)},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volume = {88},
    Pages = {245401},
    Shorttitle = {Lattice-matched versus lattice-mismatched models to describe epitaxial monolayer graphene on Ru(0001)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2013},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevB.88.245401}}
  • [DOI] Y. Wang, J. G. Solano-Canchaya, M. Alcamí, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Commensurate solid-solid phase transitions in self-assembled monolayers of alkylthiolates lying on metal surfaces,” J. am. chem. soc, vol. 134, pp. 13224-13227, 2012.
    Author = {Wang, Y. and Solano-Canchaya, J. G. and Alcamí, M. and Busnengo, H. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Commensurate Solid-Solid Phase Transitions in Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkylthiolates Lying on Metal Surfaces},
    Journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc},
    Volume = {134},
    Pages = {13224-13227},
    Shorttitle = {Commensurate Solid-Solid Phase Transitions in Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkylthiolates Lying on Metal Surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
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    }, DOI = {10.1021/ja305842t}}
  • [DOI] D. Stradi, S. Barja, C. Díaz, M. Garnica, B. Borca, J. J. Hinarejos, D. Sánchez-Portal, M. Alcamí, A. Arnau, A. L. Parga, R. Vázquez de Miranda, and F. Martín, “Electron localization in epitaxial graphene on ru(0001) determined by moiré corrugation,” Phys. rev. b, vol. 85, p. 121404(R)-1 – 121404(R)-5, 2012.
    Author = {Stradi, D. and Barja, S. and Díaz, C. and Garnica, M. and Borca, B. and Hinarejos, J. J. and Sánchez-Portal, D. and Alcamí, M. and Arnau, A. and Parga, A. L. and Vázquez de Miranda, R. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Electron localization in epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) determined by Moiré corrugation},
    Journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
    Volume = {85},
    Pages = {121404(R)-1 -- 121404(R)-5},
    Shorttitle = {Electron localization in epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) determined by Moiré corrugation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevB.85.121404}}
  • [DOI] M. Minniti, C. Díaz, F. J. L. Cuñado, A. Politano, D. Maccariello, F. Martín, D. Farías, and R. Miranda, “Helium, neon and argon diffraction from ru(0001),” Journal of physics: condensed matter, vol. 24, p. 354002-1 – 354002-8, 2012.
    Author = {Minniti, M. and Díaz, C. and Cuñado, J. L. Fernández and Politano, A. and Maccariello, D. and Martín, F. and Farías, D. and Miranda, R.},
    Title = {Helium, Neon and Argon diffraction from Ru(0001)},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter},
    Volume = {24},
    Pages = {354002-1 -- 354002-8},
    Shorttitle = {Helium, Neon and Argon diffraction from Ru(0001)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-8984/24/35/354002}}
  • [DOI] C. Díaz, F. Martín, G. J. Kroes, M. Minniti, D. Farías, and R. Miranda, “H2 diffraction from a strained pseudomorphic monolayer of cu deposited on ru(0001),” Journal of physical chemistry c, vol. 116, pp. 13671-13678, 2012.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Martín, F. and Kroes, G. J. and Minniti, M. and Farías, D. and Miranda, R.},
    Title = { H2 diffraction from a strained pseudomorphic monolayer of Cu deposited on Ru(0001)},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Volume = {116},
    Pages = {13671-13678},
    Shorttitle = { H2 diffraction from a strained pseudomorphic monolayer of Cu deposited on Ru(0001)},
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    Year = {2012},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp303390x}}
  • [DOI] P. N. Abufager, S. J. G. Canchaya, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, A. L. Soria, M. L. Martiarena, K. Reuter, and H. F. Busnengo, “Structure of self-assembled monolayers of short alkylthiolates on au(111) and ag(111): a comparative study based on density functional and post hartree-fock calculations,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, vol. 13, pp. 9353-9362, 2011.
    Author = {Abufager, P. N. and Canchaya, J. G. Solano and Wang, Y. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F. and Soria, L. Alvarez and Martiarena, M. L. and Reuter, K. and Busnengo, H. F.},
    Title = {Structure of self-assembled monolayers of short alkylthiolates on Au(111) and Ag(111): A comparative study based on Density Functional and post Hartree-Fock calculations},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {13},
    Pages = {9353-9362},
    Shorttitle = {Structure of self-assembled monolayers of short alkylthiolates on Au(111) and Ag(111): A comparative study based on Density Functional and post Hartree-Fock calculations},
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    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/C0CP02490B}}
  • [DOI] M. Trelka, C. Urban, C. Rogero, P. de Mendoza, E. Mateo-Marti, Y. Wang, I. Silanes, D. Ecija, M. Alcamí, F. Yndurain, A. Arnau, F. Martín, A. M. Echavarren, J. A. Martín-Gago, J. M. Gallego, R. Otero, and R. Miranda, “Surface assembly of porphyrin nanorods with one-dimensional zinc-oxygen spinal cords,” Crystengcomm, vol. 13, pp. 5591-5595, 2011.
    Author = {Trelka, M. and Urban, C. and Rogero, C. and Mendoza, P. de and Mateo-Marti, E. and Wang, Y. and Silanes, I. and Ecija, D. and Alcamí, M. and Yndurain, F. and Arnau, A. and Martín, F. and Echavarren, A. M. and Martín-Gago, J. A. and Gallego, J. M. and Otero, R. and Miranda, R.},
    Title = {Surface assembly of porphyrin nanorods with one-dimensional zinc-oxygen spinal cords},
    Journal = {CrystEngComm},
    Volume = {13},
    Pages = {5591 - 5595},
    Shorttitle = {Surface assembly of porphyrin nanorods with one-dimensional zinc-oxygen spinal cords},
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    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/C1CE05494E }}
  • [DOI] D. Stradi, S. Barja, C. Díaz, M. Garnica, B. Borca, J. J. Hinarejos, D. Sánchez-Portal, M. Alcamí, A. Arnau, A. L. Parga, R. Vázquez de Miranda, and F. Martín, “Role of dispersion forces in the structure of graphene monolayers over ru surfaces,” Physical review letters, vol. 106, p. 186102-1 – 186102-4, 2011.
    Author = {Stradi, D. and Barja, S. and Díaz, C. and Garnica, M. and Borca, B. and Hinarejos, J. J. and Sánchez-Portal, D. and Alcamí, M. and Arnau, A. and Parga, A. L. and Vázquez de Miranda, R. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Role of dispersion forces in the structure of graphene monolayers over Ru surfaces},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {106},
    Pages = {186102-1 -- 186102-4},
    Shorttitle = {Role of dispersion forces in the structure of graphene monolayers over Ru surfaces},
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    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.186102}}
  • [DOI] Y. Wang, C. Urban, J. Rodríguez-Fernández, J. M. Gallego, R. Otero, N. Martín, R. Miranda, and F. Martín, “Formation of self-assembled chains of tetrathiafulvalene on cu(100) surface,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 115, p. 13080 – 13087, 2011.
    Author = {Wang, Y. and Urban, C. and Rodríguez-Fernández, J. and Gallego, J. M. and Otero, R. and Martín, N. and Miranda, R. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Formation of self-assembled chains of tetrathiafulvalene on Cu(100) surface},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {115},
    Pages = {13080 -- 13087},
    Shorttitle = {Formation of self-assembled chains of tetrathiafulvalene on Cu(100) surface},
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    Year = {2011},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp205085s}}
  • [DOI] C. Urban, D. Ecija, Y. Wang, M. Trelka, I. Preda, A. Vollmer, N. Lorente, A. Arnau, M. Alcamí, L. Soriano, N. Martín, F. Martín, R. Otero, J. M. Gallego, and R. Miranda, “Growth and structure of self-assembled monolayers of a ttf derivative on au(111),” Journal of physical chemistry c, vol. 114, pp. 6503-6510, 2010.
    Author = {Urban, C. and Ecija, D. and Wang, Y. and Trelka, M. and Preda, I. and Vollmer, A. and Lorente, N. and Arnau, A. and Alcamí, M. and Soriano, L. and Martín, N. and Martín, F. and Otero, R. and Gallego, J. M. and Miranda, R.},
    Title = {Growth and structure of self-assembled monolayers of a TTF derivative on Au(111)},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Volume = {114},
    Pages = {6503-6510},
    Shorttitle = {Growth and structure of self-assembled monolayers of a TTF derivative on Au(111)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1021/jp911839b}}
  • [DOI] T-C. Tseng, C. Urban, Y. Wang, R. Otero, S. L. Tait, M. Alcamí, D. Ecija, M. Trelka, J. M. Gallego, N. Lin, M. Konuma, U. Starke, A. Nefedov, C. Woll, M. A. Herranz, F. Martín, N. Martín, K. Kern, and R. Miranda, “Charge transfer-induced structural rearrangements at both sides of organic/metal interfaces,” Nature chemistry, vol. 2, pp. 374-379, 2010.
    Author = {Tseng, T-C. and Urban, C. and Wang, Y. and Otero, R. and Tait, S. L. and Alcamí, M. and Ecija, D. and Trelka, M. and Gallego, J. M. and Lin, N. and Konuma, M. and Starke, U. and Nefedov, A. and Woll, C. and Herranz, M. A. and Martín, F. and Martín, N. and Kern, K. and Miranda, R.},
    Title = {Charge transfer-induced structural rearrangements at both sides of organic/metal interfaces},
    Journal = {Nature Chemistry},
    Volume = {2},
    Pages = {374-379},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer-induced structural rearrangements at both sides of organic/metal interfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1038/nchem.591}}
  • [DOI] D. Stradi, C. Díaz, and F. Martín, “Grazing incidence scattering of vibrationally excited h2 molecules from metal surfaces,” Surface science, vol. 604, pp. 2031-2035, 2010.
    Author = {Stradi, D. and Díaz, C. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Grazing incidence scattering of vibrationally excited H2 molecules from metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Surface Science},
    Volume = {604},
    Pages = {2031-2035},
    Shorttitle = {Grazing incidence scattering of vibrationally excited H2 molecules from metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.susc.2010.08.017}}
  • [DOI] G. Laurent, C. Díaz, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Nonmonotonic dissociative adsorption of vibrationally excited h2 on metal surfaces,” Physical review b, vol. 81, p. 161404-1 – 161404-4(R), 2010.
    Author = {Laurent, G. and Díaz, C. and Busnengo, H. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Nonmonotonic dissociative adsorption of vibrationally excited H2 on metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volume = {81},
    Pages = {161404-1 -- 161404-4(R)},
    Shorttitle = {Nonmonotonic dissociative adsorption of vibrationally excited H2 on metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevB.81.161404}}
  • [DOI] G. Laurent, D. Barredo, D. Farías, R. Miranda, C. Díaz, P. Rivière, M. F. Somers, and F. Martín, “Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of d2 from nial(110),” Physical chemistry chemical physics, vol. 12, pp. 14501-14507, 2010.
    Author = {Laurent, G. and Barredo, D. and Farías, D. and Miranda, R. and Díaz, C. and Rivière, P. and Somers, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of D2 from NiAl(110)},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {12},
    Pages = {14501-14507},
    Shorttitle = {Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of D2 from NiAl(110)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/c0cp00431f}}
  • [DOI] C. Díaz and F. Martín, “Reactive scattering of h2 from metal surfaces under fast grazing incidence conditions,” Physical review a, vol. 82, iss. 1, p. 012901-1 – 012901-8, 2010.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Reactive scattering of H2 from metal surfaces under fast grazing incidence conditions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {82},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {012901-1 -- 012901-8},
    Shorttitle = {Reactive scattering of H2 from metal surfaces under fast grazing incidence conditions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.82.012901}}
  • [DOI] C. Díaz, P. Rivière, and F. Martín, “Molecular effects in h2 scattering from metal surfaces at grazing incidence,” Physical review letters, vol. 103, iss. 1, p. 013201-1 – 013201-4, 2009.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Rivière, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Molecular effects in H2 scattering from metal surfaces at grazing incidence},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {103},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {013201-1 -- 013201-4},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular effects in H2 scattering from metal surfaces at grazing incidence},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.013201}}
  • [DOI] C. Díaz, P. Rivière, and F. Martín, “Molecular effects in grazing incidence collisions of h2 with metal surfaces,” Journal of physics: conference series, vol. 194, p. 012058-1 – 012058-6, 2009.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Rivière, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Molecular effects in grazing incidence collisions of H2 with metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
    Volume = {194},
    Pages = {012058-1 -- 012058-6},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular effects in grazing incidence collisions of H2 with metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/1742-6596/194/1/012058}}
  • [DOI] G. Laurent, F. Martín, and H. F. Busnengo, “Theoretical study of hydrogen dissociative adsorption on strained pseudomorphic monolayers of cu and pd deposited onto a ru(0001) substrate,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, vol. 11, pp. 7303-7311, 2009.
    Author = {Laurent, G. and Martín, F. and Busnengo, H. F.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of hydrogen dissociative adsorption on strained pseudomorphic monolayers of Cu and Pd deposited onto a Ru(0001) substrate},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {11},
    Pages = {7303-7311},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of hydrogen dissociative adsorption on strained pseudomorphic monolayers of Cu and Pd deposited onto a Ru(0001) substrate},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/b821422k}}
  • G. Laurent, H. F. Busnengo, P. Rivière, and F. Martín, “H2 reactivity on strained pseudomorphic monolayers of cu and pd on ru(0001),” Physical review b, vol. 77, p. 193408-1 – 193408-4, 2008.
    Author = {Laurent, G. and Busnengo, H. F. and Rivière, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { H2 reactivity on strained pseudomorphic monolayers of Cu and Pd on Ru(0001)},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volume = {77},
    Pages = {193408-1 -- 193408-4},
    Shorttitle = { H2 reactivity on strained pseudomorphic monolayers of Cu and Pd on Ru(0001)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2008},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Understanding the supramolecular self-assembly of the fullerene derivative pcbm on gold surfaces,” Chemphyschem, vol. 9, pp. 1030-1035, 2008.
    Author = {Wang, Y. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Understanding the supramolecular self-assembly of the fullerene derivative PCBM on gold surfaces},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {9},
    Pages = {1030 - 1035},
    Shorttitle = {Understanding the supramolecular self-assembly of the fullerene derivative PCBM on gold surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2008},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1002/cphc.200700725}}
  • D. Farías, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Probing reaction dynamics at metal surfaces with h2 diffraction,” Journal of physics: condensed matter, vol. 19, p. 305003-1 – 305003-13, 2007.
    Author = {Farías, D. and Busnengo, H. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Probing reaction dynamics at metal surfaces with H2 diffraction},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter},
    Volume = {19},
    Pages = {305003-1 - 305003-13},
    Shorttitle = {Probing reaction dynamics at metal surfaces with H2 diffraction},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • D. Écija, R. Otero, L. Sánchez, J. M. Gallego, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, N. Martín, and R. Miranda, “Crossover from site-sensitive to site-insensitive adsorption of the fullerene derivative pcbm on au(111) due to hydrogen-bond formation,” Angewandte chemie international edition, vol. 46, pp. 7874-7877, 2007.
    Author = {\'Ecija, D. and Otero, R. and Sánchez, L. and Gallego, J. M. and Wang, Y. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F. and Martín, N. and Miranda, R.},
    Title = {Crossover from site-sensitive to site-insensitive adsorption of the fullerene derivative PCBM on Au(111) due to hydrogen-bond formation},
    Journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition},
    Volume = {46},
    Pages = {7874-7877},
    Shorttitle = {Crossover from site-sensitive to site-insensitive adsorption of the fullerene derivative PCBM on Au(111) due to hydrogen-bond formation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • P. Rivière, M. F. Somers, G. J. Kroes, and F. Martín, “Quantum dynamical study of h2 and d2 dissociative adsorption and diffraction from the nial(110) alloy surface,” Physical review b, vol. 73, p. 205417-1 – 205417-9, 2006.
    Author = {Rivière, P. and Somers, M. F. and Kroes, G. J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Quantum dynamical study of H2 and D2 dissociative adsorption and diffraction from the NiAl(110) alloy surface},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volume = {73},
    Pages = {205417-1 - 205417-9},
    Shorttitle = {Quantum dynamical study of H2 and D2 dissociative adsorption and diffraction from the NiAl(110) alloy surface},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • P. Rivière, A. Salin, and F. Martín, “The role of molecular rotation in activated dissociative adsorption on metal surfaces,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 124, p. 084706-1 – 084706-9, 2006.
    Author = {Rivière, P. and Salin, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {The role of molecular rotation in activated dissociative adsorption on metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {124},
    Pages = {084706-1 - 084706-9},
    Shorttitle = {The role of molecular rotation in activated dissociative adsorption on metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] H. F. Busnengo, C. Díaz, P. Rivière, D. M. A. Cesare, F. Martín, W. Dong, and A. Salin, “Dynamics of h2 chemisorption on metal surfaces,” Photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. twenty-fourth international conference. world scientific, p. p. 583-590, 2006.
    Author = {Busnengo, H. F. and Díaz, C. and Rivière, P. and Cesare, M. A. Di and Martín, F. and Dong, W. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Dynamics of H2 chemisorption on metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Twenty-fourth International Conference. World Scientific},
    Pages = {p. 583-590},
    Shorttitle = {Dynamics of H2 chemisorption on metal surfaces},
    ISSN = {#9789812772442},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1142/9789812772442_0080}}
  • D. Barredo, G. Laurent, C. Díaz, P. Nieto, H. F. Busnengo, A. Salin, D. Farías, and F. Martín, “Experimental evidence of dynamic trapping in the scattering of h2 from pd(110),” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 125, p. 051101-1 – 051101-4, 2006.
    Author = {Barredo, D. and Laurent, G. and Díaz, C. and Nieto, P. and Busnengo, H. F. and Salin, A. and Farías, D. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Experimental Evidence of Dynamic Trapping in the Scattering of H2 from Pd(110)},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {125},
    Pages = {051101-1 - 051101-4},
    Shorttitle = {Experimental Evidence of Dynamic Trapping in the Scattering of H2 from Pd(110)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, H. F. Busnengo, P. Rivière, D. Farías, P. Nieto, M. F. Somers, G. J. Kroes, A. Salin, and F. Martín, “A classical dynamics method for h2 diffraction from metal surfaces,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 122, p. 154706-1 – 154706-8, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Busnengo, H. F. and Rivière, P. and Farías, D. and Nieto, P. and Somers, M. F. and Kroes, G. J. and Salin, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {A classical dynamics method for H2 diffraction from metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {122},
    Pages = {154706-1 - 154706-8},
    Shorttitle = {A classical dynamics method for H2 diffraction from metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • P. Rivière, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Adsorption and scattering of h2 and d2 by nial(110),” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 123, p. 074705-1 – 074705-7, 2005.
    Author = {Rivière, P. and Busnengo, H. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Adsorption and scattering of H2 and D2 by NiAl(110)},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {123},
    Pages = {074705-1 - 074705-7},
    Shorttitle = {Adsorption and scattering of H2 and D2 by NiAl(110)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, M. F. Somers, G. J. Kroes, H. F. Busnengo, A. Salin, and F. Martín, “Quantum and classical dynamics of h2 scattering from pd(111) at off-normal incidence,” Physical review b, vol. 72, p. 035401-1 – 035401-10, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Somers, M. F. and Kroes, G. J. and Busnengo, H. F. and Salin, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Quantum and classical dynamics of H2 scattering from Pd(111) at off-normal incidence},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volume = {72},
    Pages = {035401-1 - 035401-10},
    Shorttitle = {Quantum and classical dynamics of H2 scattering from Pd(111) at off-normal incidence},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • P. Rivière, H. F. Busnengo, and F. Martín, “Density functional theory study of h and h2 interacting with nial(110),” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 121, pp. 751-760, 2004.
    Author = {Rivière, P. and Busnengo, H. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Density functional theory study of H and H2 interacting with NiAl(110)},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {121},
    Pages = {751-760},
    Shorttitle = {Density functional theory study of H and H2 interacting with NiAl(110)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • D. Farías, C. Díaz, P. Rivière, H. F. Busnengo, P. Nieto, M. F. Somers, G. J. Kroes, A. Salin, and F. Martín, “In-plane and out-of-plane diffraction of h2 from metal surfaces,” Physical review letters, vol. 93, p. 246104-1 – 246104-4, 2004.
    Author = {Farías, D. and Díaz, C. and Rivière, P. and Busnengo, H. F. and Nieto, P. and Somers, M. F. and Kroes, G. J. and Salin, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {In-plane and out-of-plane diffraction of H2 from metal surfaces},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {93},
    Pages = {246104-1 - 246104-4},
    Shorttitle = {In-plane and out-of-plane diffraction of H2 from metal surfaces},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • D. Farías, C. Díaz, P. Nieto, A. Salin, and F. Martín, “Pronounced out-of-plane diffraction of h2 molecules from a pd(111) surface,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 390, pp. 250-255, 2004.
    Author = {Farías, D. and Díaz, C. and Nieto, P. and Salin, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Pronounced out-of-plane diffraction of H2 molecules from a Pd(111) surface},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {390},
    Pages = {250-255},
    Shorttitle = {Pronounced out-of-plane diffraction of H2 molecules from a Pd(111) surface},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, F. Martín, H. F. Busnengo, and A. Salin, “Theoretical analysis of the relation between h2 dissociation and reflection on pd surface,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 120, pp. 321-328, 2004.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Martín, F. and Busnengo, H. F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Theoretical analysis of the relation between H2 dissociation and reflection on Pd surface},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {120},
    Pages = {321-328},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical analysis of the relation between H2 dissociation and reflection on Pd surface},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, H. F. Busnengo, P. Rivière, F. Martín, A. Salin, P. Nieto, and D. Farías, “Theoretical and experimental study of the scattering of h2 from pd(111),” Physica scripta, vol. 110, pp. 394-397, 2004.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Busnengo, H. F. and Rivière, P. and Martín, F. and Salin, A. and Nieto, P. and Farías, D.},
    Title = {Theoretical and experimental study of the scattering of H2 from Pd(111)},
    Journal = {Physica Scripta},
    Volume = {110},
    Pages = {394-397},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical and experimental study of the scattering of H2 from Pd(111)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, H. F. Busnengo, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Angular distribution of h2 molecules scattered from the pd(111) surface,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 118, pp. 2886-2892, 2003.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Busnengo, H. F. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Angular distribution of H2 molecules scattered from the Pd(111) surface},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {118},
    Pages = {2886-2892},
    Shorttitle = {Angular distribution of H2 molecules scattered from the Pd(111) surfac},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] L. F. Errea, F. Martín, L. Méndez, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Molecular (feshbach) treatment of charge exchange in li3+ + he collisions. ii. cross sections,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 84, iss. 10, pp. 5422-5426, 1986.
    Author = {Errea, L. F. and Martín, F. and Méndez, L. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Molecular (Feshbach) treatment of charge exchange in Li3+ + He collisions. II. Cross sections},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {84},
    Number = {10},
    Pages = {5422-5426},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular (Feshbach) treatment of charge exchange in Li3+ + He collisions. II. Cross sections},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1986},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1063/1.449950}}


  • [DOI] P. Pla, Y. Wang, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: isomerism and aromaticity,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, pp. 21968-21976, 2020.
    Author= {P. Pla and Y. Wang and F. Martín and M. Alcamí},
    Title= {Hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: isomerism and aromaticity},
    Shorttittle = {Hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: isomerism and aromaticity},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {22},
    Pages = {21968-21976},
    DOI = {10.1039/d0cp04177g},
    Year = {2020},
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  • [DOI] P. Pla, Y. Wang, F. Martin, and M. Alcami, “Isomers of hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons explain the presence of infrared bands in the 3 mu m region,” Astrophysical journal, p. 18, 2020.
    Author= {Pla, P and Wang, Y and Martin, F and Alcami, M},
    Title= {Isomers of Hydrogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Explain the Presence of Infrared Bands in the 3 mu m Region},
    Shorttittle = {Isomers of Hydrogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Explain the Presence of Infrared Bands in the 3 mu m Region},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {899},
    Pages = {18},
    DOI = {10.3847/1538-4357/ab9cb4},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] P. Rousseau, D. Piekarski, M. Capron, A. Domaracka, L. Adoui, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, S. Díaz-Tendero, and B. Huber, “Polypeptide formation in clusters of beta-alanine amino acids by single ion impact,” Nature communications, p. 3818, 2020.
    Author= {P. Rousseau and D. Piekarski and M. Capron and A. Domaracka and L. Adoui and F. Martín and M. Alcamí and S. Díaz-Tendero and B. Huber},
    Title= {Polypeptide formation in clusters of beta-alanine amino acids by single ion impact},
    Shorttittle = {Polypeptide formation in clusters of beta-alanine amino acids by single ion impact},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {11},
    Pages = {3818},
    DOI = {10.1038/s41467-020-17653-z},
    Year = {2020},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] N. F. Aguirre, S. Díaz-Tendero, T. IdBarkach, M. Chabot, K. Béroff, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Fully versus constrained statistical fragmentation of carbon clusters and their heteronuclear derivatives,” Journal of chemical physics, p. 144301 (8pp), 2019.
    Author= {N. F. Aguirre and S. Díaz-Tendero and T. IdBarkach and M. Chabot and K. Béroff and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Fully versus constrained statistical fragmentation of carbon clusters and their heteronuclear derivatives},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Fully versus constrained statistical fragmentation of carbon clusters and their heteronuclear derivatives},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {150},
    Pages = {144301 (8pp)},
    DOI = {10.1063/1.5083864},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Aromaticity, coulomb repulsion, p delocalization or strain: who is who in endohedral metallofullerene stability?,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, pp. 124-131, 2019.
    Author= {Y. Wang and S. Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Aromaticity, Coulomb repulsion, p delocalization or strain: who is who in endohedral metallofullerene stability?},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Aromaticity, Coulomb repulsion, p delocalization or strain: who is who in endohedral metallofullerene stability?},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {21},
    Pages = {124-131},
    DOI = {10.1039/C8CP06707D},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • [DOI] N. G. Kling, S. Díaz-Tendero, R. Obaid, M. R. Disla, H. Xiong, M. Sundberg, S. D. Khosravi, M. Davino, P. Drach, A. M. Carroll, T. Osipov, F. Martín, and N. Berrah, “Time-resolved molecular dynamics of single and double hydrogen migration in ethanol,” Nature communications, p. 2813-1-2813-8, 2019.
    Author= {N. G. Kling and S. Díaz-Tendero and R. Obaid and M. R. Disla and H. Xiong and M. Sundberg and S. D. Khosravi and M. Davino and P. Drach and A. M. Carroll and T. Osipov and F. Martín and N. Berrah},
    Title= {Time-resolved molecular dynamics of single and double hydrogen migration in ethanol},
    Journal = {Nature Communications},
    Shorttittle = {Time-resolved molecular dynamics of single and double hydrogen migration in ethanol},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {10},
    Pages = {2813-1-2813-8},
    DOI = {10.1038/s41467-019-10571-9},
    Year = {2019},
    Label = {


    } }
  • Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Topology-based approach to predict relative stabilities of charged and functionalized fullerenes,” Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2018.
    Author= {Y. Wang and S. Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Topology-based approach to predict relative stabilities of charged and functionalized fullerenes},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation},
    Shorttittle = {Topology-based approach to predict relative stabilities of charged and functionalized fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {


  • N. F. Aguirre, S. Díaz-Tendero, P. A. Hervieux, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “M3c: a computational approach to describe statistical fragmentation of excited molecules and clusters,” Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2017.
    Author= {N. F. Aguirre and S. Díaz-Tendero and P. A. Hervieux and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {M3C: A computational approach to describe statistical fragmentation of excited molecules and clusters},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation},
    Shorttittle = {M3C: A computational approach to describe statistical fragmentation of excited molecules and clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Relative stability of exohedral fullerenes: p delocalization versus strain and steric hindrance,” Journal of the american chemical society, 2017.
    Author= {Y. Wang and S. Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Relative stability of exohedral fullerenes: p delocalization versus strain and steric hindrance},
    Journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society},
    Shorttittle = {Relative stability of exohedral fullerenes: p delocalization versus strain and steric hindrance},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • D. G. Piekarski, R. Delaunay, A. Mika, S. Maclot, L. Adoui, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, B. A. Huber, P. Rousseau, S. Díaz-Tendero, and A. Domaracka, “Production of doubly-charged highly reactive species from long-chain amino acids driven by ion collisions,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, 2017.
    Author= {D. G. Piekarski and R. Delaunay and A. Mika and S. Maclot and L. Adoui and F. Martín and M. Alcamí and B. A. Huber and P. Rousseau and S. Díaz-Tendero and A. Domaracka},
    Title= {Production of doubly-charged highly reactive species from long-chain amino acids driven by ion collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Production of doubly-charged highly reactive species from long-chain amino acids driven by ion collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Generalized structural motif model for fullerene stability: from c60 to graphene passing through giant fullerenes,” Physical chemistry and chemical physics, 2017.
    Author= {Y. Wang and S. Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Generalized structural motif model for fullerene stability: from C60 to graphene passing through giant fullerenes},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Generalized structural motif model for fullerene stability: from C60 to graphene passing through giant fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2017},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] M. Robledo, S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Theoretical study of the interaction between molecular hydrogen and [MC60]+ complexes,” Royal society of chemistry advances, pp. 27447-27451, 2016.
    Author = {M. Robledo and S. Díaz-Tendero and F. Martín and M. Alcamí},
    Title = {{Theoretical study of the interaction between molecular hydrogen and [MC60]+ complexes}},
    Shorttitle = {{Theoretical study of the interaction between molecular hydrogen and [MC60]+ complexes}},
    Journal = {Royal Society of Chemistry Advances},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen = {6},
    Pages = {27447-27451},
    DOI ={10.1039/C6RA00501B},
    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Key structural motifs to predict the cage topology in endohedral metallofullerenes,” Journal of the american chemical society, pp. 1551-1560, 2016.
    Author = {Y. Wang and S. Díaz-Tendero and F. Martín and M. Alcamí},
    Title = {Key structural motifs to predict the cage topology in endohedral metallofullerenes},
    Shorttitle = {Key structural motifs to predict the cage topology in endohedral metallofullerenes},
    Journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen = {138},
    Pages = {1551-1560},
    DOI = {10.1021/jacs.5b10591},
    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] D. T. Ha, K. Yamazaki, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, S. Maeda, H. Kono, F. Martín, and E. Kukk, “Fragmentation network of doubly charged methionine: interpretation using graph theory,” Journal of chemical physics, p. 094302-1 – 094302-9, 2016.
    Author = {D. T. Ha and K. Yamazaki and Y. Wang and M. Alcamí and S. Maeda and H. Kono and F. Martín and E. Kukk},
    Title= {Fragmentation network of doubly charged methionine: interpretation using graph theory},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Shorttittle = {Fragmentation network of doubly charged methionine: interpretation using graph theory},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {145},
    Pages = {094302-1 - 094302-9},
    DOI = {10.1063/1.4962061},
    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] S. Maclot, R. Delaunay, D. G. Piekarski, A. Domaracka, B. A. Huber, L. Adoui, F.Martín, M. Alcamí, L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi, S. Díaz-Tendero, and P. Rousseau, “Determination of energy-transfer distributions in ionizing ion-molecule collisions,” Physical review letters, p. 073201-1 – 073201-6, 2016.
    Author = {S. Maclot and R. Delaunay and D. G. Piekarski and A. Domaracka and B. A. Huber and L. Adoui and F.Martín and M. Alcamí and L. Avaldi and P. Bolognesi and S. Díaz-Tendero and P. Rousseau},
    Title= {Determination of energy-transfer distributions in ionizing ion-molecule collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Shorttittle = {Determination of energy-transfer distributions in ionizing ion-molecule collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {117},
    Pages = {073201-1 - 073201-6},
    DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.073201},
    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] P. Ares, F. Aguilar-Galindo, D. Rodríguez-San-Miguel, S.Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, J. Gómez-Herrero, and F. Zamora, “Mechanical isolation of highly stable antimonene under ambient conditions,” Advanced materials, pp. 6332-6336, 2016.
    Author = {P. Ares and F. Aguilar-Galindo and D. Rodríguez-San-Miguel and S.Díaz-Tendero and M. Alcamí and F. Martín and J. Gómez-Herrero and F. Zamora},
    Title= {Mechanical isolation of highly stable antimonene under ambient conditions},
    Journal = {Advanced Materials},
    Shorttittle = {Mechanical isolation of highly stable nntimonene under ambient conditions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {28},
    Pages = {6332-6336},
    DOI = {10.1002/adma.201602128},
    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] J. Rodríguez-Fernández, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, R. Otero, J. M. Gallego, and R. Miranda, “Thermal transition from a disordered, 2D network, to a regular, 1D, Fe(II)-DCNQI coordination network,” Journal of physical chemistry c, pp. 16712-16721, 2016.
    Author = {J. Rodríguez-Fernández and Y. Wang and M. Alcamí and F. Martín and R. Otero and J. M. Gallego and R. Miranda},
    Title= {{Thermal transition from a disordered, 2D network, to a regular, 1D, Fe(II)-DCNQI coordination network}},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Shorttittle = {{Thermal transition from a disordered, 2D network, to a regular, 1D, Fe(II)-DCNQI coordination network}},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Volumen= {120},
    Pages = {16712-16721},
    DOI = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b04288},
    Year = {2016},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] M. Robledo, G. Pacchioni, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, and S. Díaz-Tendero, “Adsorption of benzene on cu(100) and on cu(100) covered with an ultrathin nacl film: molecule-substrate interaction and decoupling,” Journal of physical chemistry c, vol. 119, pp. 4062-4071, 2015.
    Author = {M. Robledo and G. Pacchioni and F. Martín and M. Alcamí and S. Díaz-Tendero},
    Title = {Adsorption of benzene on Cu(100) and on Cu(100) covered with an ultrathin NaCl film: molecule-substrate interaction and decoupling},
    Shorttitle = {Adsorption of benzene on Cu(100) and on Cu(100) covered with an ultrathin NaCl film: molecule-substrate interaction and decoupling},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
    Volume = {119},
    Pages = {4062-4071},
    DOI = {10.1021/jp5106604},
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    Year = {2015},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] P. López-Tarifa, H. P. M. -A. R. du Vuilleumier, M. -P. Gaigeot, I. Tavernelli, L. A. Padellec, J. -P. Champeaux, M. Alcamí, P. Moretto-Capelle, F. Martín, and M. -F. Politis, “Time-dependent density functional theory molecular dynamics simulation of doubly charged uracil in gas phase,” Central european journal of physics, vol. 12, p. 97, 2014.
    Author = {P. L\'opez-Tarifa and M.-A. Herv\'e du Penhoat R. Vuilleumier and M.-P. Gaigeot and I. Tavernelli and A. Le Padellec and J.-P. Champeaux and M. Alcam\'{i} and P. Moretto-Capelle and F. Mart\'{i}n and M.-F. Politis},
    Title = {Time-dependent density functional theory molecular dynamics simulation of doubly charged uracil in gas phase},
    Journal = {Central European Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {12},
    Pages = {97},
    Shorttitle = {Time-dependent density functional theory molecular dynamics simulation of doubly charged uracil in gas phase},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2014},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.2478/s11534-014-0428-0}}
  • [DOI] D. T. Ha, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, E. Itälä, K. Kooser, S. Urpelainen, M. A. Huels, E. Kukk, and F. Martín, “Fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged methionine in the gas phase,” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 118, p. 1374, 2014.
    Author = {D. T. Ha and Y. Wang and M. Alcam\'{i} and E. It\"al\"a and K. Kooser and S. Urpelainen and M. A. Huels and E. Kukk and F. Mart\'{i}n},
    Title = {Fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged methionine in the gas phase},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {118},
    Pages = {1374},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged methionine in the gas phase},
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  • [DOI] P. López-Tarifa, D. G. Piekarski, E. Rossich, H. M. A. du Penhoat, R. Vuilleumier, M. P. Gaigeot, I. Tavernelli, M. F. Politis, Y. Wang, S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Ultrafast nonadiabatic fragmentation dynamics of biomolecules,” Journal of physics conference series, vol. 488, p. 12037, 2014.
    Author = {P. L\'opez-Tarifa and D. G. Piekarski and E. Rossich and M. A. Herv\'e du Penhoat and R. Vuilleumier and M. P. Gaigeot and I. Tavernelli and M. F. Politis and Y. Wang and S. D\'{i}az-Tendero and F. Mart\'{i}n and M. Alcam\'{i}},
    Title = {Ultrafast nonadiabatic fragmentation dynamics of biomolecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
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    Shorttitle = {Ultrafast nonadiabatic fragmentation dynamics of biomolecules},
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    Year = {2014},
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    Author = {H. Zettergren and P. Rousseau and Y. Wang and F. Seitz and T. Chen and M. Gatchell and J. D. Alexander and M. H. Stockett and J. Rangama and J. Y. Chesnel and M. Capron and J. C. Poully and A. Domaracka and A. M\'ery and S. Maclot and V. Vizcaino and H. T. Schmidt and L. Adoui and M. Alcam\'{i} and A. G. G. M. Tielens and F. Mart\'{i}n and B. A. Huber and H. Cederquist},
    Title = {Bond formation in C59+ - C60 collisions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
    Volume = {488},
    Pages = {012028},
    Shorttitle = {Bond formation in C59+ - C60 collisions},
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    Author = {M. Gatchell and M. H. Stockett and P. Rousseau and T. Chen and H. T. Schmidt and J. Y. Chesnel and A. Domaracka and A. M\'ery and S. Maclot and L. Adoui and K. St\"ochkel and P. Hvelplund and Y. Wang and M. Alcam\'{i} and B. A. Huber and F. Mart\'{i}n and H. Zettergren and H. Cederquist},
    Title = {Non-statistical fragmentation of PAHs and fullerenes in collisions with atoms},
    Journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},
    Volume = {365-366},
    Pages = {260},
    Shorttitle = {Non-statistical fragmentation of PAHs and fullerenes in collisions with atoms},
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    Author = {H. da Silva Jr. and J. Oller and M. Gatchell and M. H. Stockett and P. A. Hervieux and L. Adoui and M. Alcam\'{i} and B. A. Huber and F. Mart\'{i}n and H. Cederquist and H. Zettergren and P. Rousseau and S. D\'{i}az-Tendero},
    Title = {Multiple electron capture, excitation and fragmentation in C6+ - C60 collisions},
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    Title = {Multiple ionization and hydrogen loss from neutral and positively-charged coronene},
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    Title = {Formation dynamics of fullerene dimers C118+, C119+ and C120+},
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    Title = {Stability of the glycine cation in the gas phase after interaction with multiply charged ions},
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    Author = {S. Maclot and D. G. Piekarski and A. Domaracka and L. Adoui and F. Mart\'{i}n and M. Alcam\'{i} and B. A. Huber and P. Rousseau and S. D\'{i}az-Tendero},
    Title = {Dynamics of glycine dications in the gas phase: ultrafast intramolecular hydrogen migration vs. Coulomb repulsion.},
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    Author = {S. Nandi and A. N. Agnihotri and C. A. Tachino and R. D. Rivarola and F. Mart\'in and L. C. Tribedi},
    Title = {Electron double differential cross sections for ionization of O2 under fast C6+ ion impact and interference oscillation},
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    Author = {F. Seitz and H. Zettergren and P. Rousseau and Y. Wang and T. Chen and M. Gatchell and J. D. Alexander and M. H. Stockett and J. Rangama and J. Y. Chesnel and M. Capron and J. C. Poully and A. Domaracka and A. M\'ery and S. Maclot and V. Vizcaino and H. T. Schmidt and L. Adoui and M. Alcam\'i and A. G. G. M. Tielens and F. Mart\'in and B. A. Huber and H. Cederquist},
    Title = {Ions colliding with clusters of fullerenes - Decay pathways and covalent bond formations},
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    Shorttitle = {Ions colliding with clusters of fullerenes - Decay pathways and covalent bond formations},
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  • [DOI] H. Zettergren, P. Rousseau, Y. Wang, F. Seitz, T. Chen, M. Gatchell, J. D. Alexander, M. H. Stockett, J. Rangama, J. Y. Chesnel, M. Capron, J. C. Poully, A. Domaracka, A. Méry, S. Maclot, H. T. Schmidt, L. Adoui, M. Alcamí, A. G. G. M. Tielens, F. Martín, B. A. Huber, and H. Cederquist, “Formation of dumb-bell c118 and c119 inside clusters of c60 -molecules,” Physical review letters, vol. 110, p. 185501, 2013.
    Author = {H. Zettergren and P. Rousseau and Y. Wang and F. Seitz and T. Chen and M. Gatchell and J. D. Alexander and M. H. Stockett and J. Rangama and J. Y. Chesnel and M. Capron and J. C. Poully and A. Domaracka and A. M\'ery and S. Maclot and H. T. Schmidt and L. Adoui and M. Alcam\'i and A. G. G. M. Tielens and F. Mart\'in and B. A. Huber and H. Cederquist},
    Title = {Formation of dumb-bell C118 and C119 inside clusters of C60 -molecules},
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    Title = {Ultrafast damage following radiation-induced oxidation of uracil in aqueous solution},
    Journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition},
    Volume = {52},
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    Title = {Structures, energetics and dynamics of helium adsorbed on isolated fullerene ions},
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    Title = { A multicoincidence study of fragmentation dynamics in collisions of γ and -aminobutyric acid (GABA) with low-energy ions},
    Journal = {Chemistry - A European Journal},
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    Title = {Investigation of interference effect in the case of low energy electron emission from O2 in collisions with fast bare C ions},
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    Shorttitle = {Investigation of interference effect in the case of low energy electron emission from O2 in collisions with fast bare C ions},
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    Title = {Impact ionization of molecular oxygen by 3.5-MeV/u bare carbon ions},
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    Author = {Tachino, C. A. and Martín, F. and Rivarola, R. D.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of interference effects in single electron ionization of N2 molecules by proton impact },
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {45},
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    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of interference effects in single electron ionization of N2 molecules by proton impact },
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    Title = {Partial localization and symmetries in coherent electron emission from molecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
    Volume = {388},
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    Shorttitle = {Partial localization and symmetries in coherent electron emission from molecules},
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    Author = {Tachino, C. A. and Galassi, M. E. and Martín, F. and Rivarola, R. D.},
    Title = {Coherence and partial localization in electron emission from asymmetric diatomic molecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series},
    Volume = {288},
    Pages = {012026-1 --012026-10},
    Shorttitle = {Coherence and partial localization in electron emission from asymmetric diatomic molecules},
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    Title = { A density functional theory study of the manganese-phthalocyanine},
    Journal = {Theoretical Chemistry Accounts},
    Volume = {128},
    Pages = {497-503},
    Shorttitle = { A density functional theory study of the manganese-phthalocyanine},
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    Author = {Sánchez-Sanz, G. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of the stability of small triply-charged carbon clusters Cn3+ (n=3-12)},
    Journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},
    Volume = {299},
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    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of the stability of small triply-charged carbon clusters Cn3+ (n=3-12)},
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    Author = {López-Tarifa, P. and M.-A., Hervé du Penhoat and R. Vuilleumier and Gaigeot, M.-P. and Tavernelli, I. and Padellec, A. Le and Champeaux, J.-P. and Alcamí, M. and Moretto-Capelle, P. and Martín, F. and Politis, M.-F.},
    Title = {Ultrafast non-adiabatic fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged uracil in gas phase},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {107},
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    Author = {Solano-Canchaya, J. G. and Wang, Y. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F. and Busnengo, H. F.},
    Title = {Study of the interaction between short alkanethiols from ab initio calculations},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {12},
    Pages = {7555 - 7565},
    Shorttitle = {Study of the interaction between short alkanethiols from ab initio calculations},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1039/b923428d}}
  • [DOI] M. P. Gaigeot, P. López-Tarifa, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, R. Vuilleumier, I. Tavernelli, H. P. du M. A., and M. F. Politis, “Theoretical investigation of the ultrafast dissociation of ionised biomolecules immersed in water: direct and indirect effects,” Mutation research – reviews in mutation research, vol. 704, pp. 45-53, 2010.
    Author = {Gaigeot, M. P. and López-Tarifa, P. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M. and Vuilleumier, R. and Tavernelli, I. and M. A., Hervé du Penhoat and Politis, M. F.},
    Title = {Theoretical investigation of the ultrafast dissociation of ionised biomolecules immersed in water: direct and indirect effects},
    Journal = {Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research},
    Volume = {704},
    Pages = {45-53},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical investigation of the ultrafast dissociation of ionised biomolecules immersed in water: direct and indirect effects},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1016/j.mrrev.2010.01.004}}
  • [DOI] C. A. Tachino, M. E. Galassi, F. Martín, and R. D. Rivarola, “Partial localization in coherent electron emission from asymmetric diatomic molecules,” Journal of physics b, vol. 43, iss. 13, p. 135203-1 – 135203-7, 2010.
    Author = {Tachino, C. A. and Galassi, M. E. and Martín, F. and Rivarola, R. D.},
    Title = {Partial localization in coherent electron emission from asymmetric diatomic molecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {43},
    Number = {13},
    Pages = {135203-1 -- 135203-7},
    Shorttitle = {Partial localization in coherent electron emission from asymmetric diatomic molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/43/13/135203}}
  • Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Stability of charged fullerenes,” in Handbook of nanophysics, K. D. Sattler, Ed., London: Taylor & francis publisher (crc press), 2010, vol. Vol. 2. Clusters and Fullerenes, p. p. 1-23.
    Author = {Wang, Y. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Stability of Charged Fullerenes},
    Editor = {Sattler, K. D.},
    Booktitle = {Handbook of Nanophysics},
    Address = {London},
    Publisher = {Taylor & Francis Publisher (CRC Press)},
    Volume = {Vol. 2. Clusters and Fullerenes},
    Pages = {p. 1-23},
    Chapter = {25},
    Shorttitle = {Stability of Charged Fullerenes},
    ISBN = {978-1-4200-7554-0},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2010}}
  • [DOI] H. Zettergren, H. A. B. Johansson, H. T. Schmidt, J. Jensen, P. Hvelplund, S. Tomita, Y. Wang, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, B. Manil, L. Maunory, B. A. Huber, and H. Cederquist, “Magic and hot giant fullerenes formed inside ion irradiated weakly bound c60 clusters,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 133, p. 104301-1 – 104301-4, 2010.
    Author = {Zettergren, H. and Johansson, H. A. B. and Schmidt, H. T. and Jensen, J. and Hvelplund, P. and Tomita, S. and Wang, Y. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M. and Manil, B. and Maunory, L. and Huber, B. A. and Cederquist, H.},
    Title = {Magic and hot giant fullerenes formed inside ion irradiated weakly bound C60 clusters},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {133},
    Pages = {104301-1 -- 104301-4},
    Shorttitle = {Magic and hot giant fullerenes formed inside ion irradiated weakly bound C60 clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2010},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1063/1.3479584}}
  • [DOI] H. Zettergren, Y. Wang, A. M. Lamsabhi, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Density functional theory study of multiply ionized weakly bound fullerene dimers,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 130, p. 224302-1 – 224302-6, 2009.
    Author = {Zettergren, H. and Wang, Y. and Lamsabhi, A. M. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Density functional theory study of multiply ionized weakly bound fullerene dimers},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {130},
    Pages = {224302-1 -- 224302-6},
    Shorttitle = {Density functional theory study of multiply ionized weakly bound fullerene dimers},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1063/1.3151683}}
  • [DOI] Y. Wang, H. Zettergren, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Stability of multiply charged fullerene anions and cations,” Physical review a, vol. 80, iss. 3, p. 033201-1 – 033201-4, 2009.
    Author = {Wang, Y. and Zettergren, H. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Stability of multiply charged fullerene anions and cations},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {80},
    Number = {3},
    Pages = {033201-1 -- 033201-4},
    Shorttitle = {Stability of multiply charged fullerene anions and cations},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevA.80.033201}}
  • [DOI] C. A. Tachino, M. E. Galassi, F. Martín, and R. D. Rivarola, “Coherence in collisionally induced electron emission from diatomic heteronuclear molecules,” Journal of physics b, vol. 42, iss. 7, p. 075203-1 – 075203-8, 2009.
    Author = {Tachino, C. A. and Galassi, M. E. and Mart\'{i}n, F. and Rivarola, R. D.},
    Title = {Coherence in collisionally induced electron emission from diatomic heteronuclear molecules},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {42},
    Number = {7},
    Pages = {075203-1 -- 075203-8},
    Shorttitle = {Coherence in collisionally induced electron emission from diatomic heteronuclear molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/42/7/075203}}
  • P. López-Tarifa, F. Martín, M. Yáñez, and M. Alcamí, “Theoretical study of doubly charged x-h2o and x-nh3 (x=si, ge, sn, pb) molecular ions,” Croatica chemica acta, vol. 82, iss. 1, pp. 129-137, 2009.
    Author = {López-Tarifa, P. and Martín, F. and Yáñez, M. and Alcamí, M.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of doubly charged X-H2O and X-NH3 (X=Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) molecular ions},
    Journal = {Croatica Chemica Acta},
    Volume = {82},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {129-137},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of doubly charged X-H2O and X-NH3 (X=Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) molecular ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2009}}
  • S. Díaz-Tendero, L. F. Ruiz, B. Zarour, J. Hanssen, M. Alcamí, M. F. Politis, P. A. Hervieux, and F. Martín, “Absolute charge transfer and fragmentation cross sections in he2+ + c60 collisions,” Journal of physics: conference series, vol. 194, p. 012047-1 – 012047-8, 2009.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Ruiz, L. F. and Zarour, B. and Hanssen, J. and Alcamí, M. and Politis, M. F. and Hervieux, P. A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Absolute charge transfer and fragmentation cross sections in He2+ + C60 collisions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
    Volume = {194},
    Pages = {012047-1 -- 012047-8},
    Shorttitle = {Absolute charge transfer and fragmentation cross sections in He2+ + C60 collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


  • [DOI] L. Adoui, A. Cassimi, B. Gervais, L. Guillaume, P. López-Tarifa, M. -F. Politis, M. A. Hervé du Penhoat, R. Vuilleumier, M. -P. Gaigeot, I. Tavernelli, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Ionization and fragmentation of water clusters by fast highly charged ions,” Journal of physics b, vol. 42, iss. 7, p. 075101-1 – 075101-5, 2009.
    Author = {Adoui, L. and Cassimi, A. and Gervais, B. and Guillaume, L. and López-Tarifa, P. and Politis, M.-F. and Hervé du Penhoat, M. A. and Vuilleumier, R. and Gaigeot, M.-P. and Tavernelli, I. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Ionization and fragmentation of water clusters by fast highly charged ions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {42},
    Number = {7},
    Pages = {075101-1 -- 075101-5},
    Shorttitle = { Ionization and fragmentation of water clusters by fast highly charged ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2009},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1088/0953-4075/42/7/075101}}
  • [DOI] H. Zettergren, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Stable non-ipr c60 and c70 fullerene derivatives containing a uniform distribution of pyrenes and adjacent pentagons,” Chemphyschem, vol. 9, pp. 861-866, 2008.
    Author = {Zettergren, H. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Stable non-IPR C60 and C70 fullerene derivatives containing a uniform distribution of pyrenes and adjacent pentagons},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {9},
    Pages = {861 - 866},
    Shorttitle = {Stable non-IPR C60 and C70 fullerene derivatives containing a uniform distribution of pyrenes and adjacent pentagons},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2008},
    Label = {


    }, DOI = {10.1002/cphc.200700670.}}
  • A. Rentenier, L. F. Ruiz, S. Díaz-Tendero, B. Zarour, P. Moretto-Capelle, D. Bordenave-Montesquieu, A. Bordenave-Montesquieu, P. -A. Hervieux, M. Alcamí, M. F. Politis, J. Hanssen, and F. Martín, “Absolute charge transfer and fragmentation cross sections in he2+ – c60 collisions,” Physical review letters, vol. 100, p. 183401-1 – 183401-4, 2008.
    Author = {Rentenier, A. and Ruiz, L. F. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Zarour, B. and Moretto-Capelle, P. and Bordenave-Montesquieu, D. and Bordenave-Montesquieu, A. and Hervieux, P. -A. and Alcamí, M. and Politis, M. F. and Hanssen, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Absolute charge transfer and fragmentation cross sections in He2+ - C60 collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {100},
    Pages = {183401-1 -- 183401-4},
    Shorttitle = { Absolute charge transfer and fragmentation cross sections in He2+ - C60 collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2008}}
  • M. Alcamí, G. Sánchez, S. Díaz-Tendero, Y. Wang, and F. Martín, “Structural patterns in fullerenes showing adjacent pentagons: c20 to c72,” Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol. 7, pp. 1329-1338, 2007.
    Author = {Alcamí, M. and Sánchez, G. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Wang, Y. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Structural patterns in fullerenes showing adjacent pentagons: C20 to C72},
    Journal = {Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology},
    Volume = {7},
    Pages = {1329 - 1338},
    Shorttitle = {Structural patterns in fullerenes showing adjacent pentagons: C20 to C72},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • S. Díaz-Tendero, L. F. Ruiz, B. Zarour, F. Calvo, F. Spiegelman, P. -A. Hervieux, F. Martín, J. Hanssen, and M. F. Politis, “Fragmentation induced by charge exchange in collisions of charged alkaline clusters with alkali atoms,” European physics journal d, vol. 44, pp. 525-532, 2007.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Ruiz, L. F. and Zarour, B. and Calvo, F. and Spiegelman, F. and Hervieux, P.-A. and Martín, F. and Hanssen, J. and Politis, M. F.},
    Title = {Fragmentation induced by charge exchange in collisions of charged alkaline clusters with alkali atoms},
    Journal = {European Physics Journal D},
    Volume = {44},
    Pages = {525 - 532},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation induced by charge exchange in collisions of charged alkaline clusters with alkali atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {


    }, Year = {2007}}
  • H. Zettergren, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “First and second electron affinities of c60 and c70 isomers,” Physical review a, vol. 76, p. 043205-1 – 043205-7, 2007.
    Author = {Zettergren, H. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { First and second electron affinities of C60 and C70 isomers},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {76},
    Pages = {043205-1 -- 043205-7},
    Shorttitle = { First and second electron affinities of C60 and C70 isomers},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • H. Zettergren, G. Sánchez, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Theoretical study of the stability of multiply charged c70 fullerenes,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 127, p. 104308-1 – 104308-9, 2007.
    Author = {Zettergren, H. and Sánchez, G. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Theoretical study of the stability of multiply charged C70 fullerenes},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {127},
    Pages = {104308-1 - 104308-9},
    Shorttitle = { Theoretical study of the stability of multiply charged C70 fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, G. Sánchez, P. A. Hervieux, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Ionization potentials, dissociation energies and statistical fragmentation of neutral and positively charged small carbon clusters,” Brazilian journal of physics, vol. 36, pp. 529-533, 2006.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Sánchez, G. and Hervieux, P. A. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Ionization potentials, dissociation energies and statistical fragmentation of neutral and positively charged small carbon clusters},
    Journal = {Brazilian Journal of Physics},
    Volume = {36},
    Pages = {529-533},
    Shorttitle = {Ionization potentials, dissociation energies and statistical fragmentation of neutral and positively charged small carbon clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, G. Sánchez, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Ionization potentials and dissociation energies of neutral, singly- and doubly-charged cn fullerenes from (n=20 to n=70),” International journal of mass spectrometry, vol. 252, pp. 126-132, 2006.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Sánchez, G. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Ionization potentials and dissociation energies of neutral, singly- and doubly-charged Cn fullerenes from (n=20 to n=70)},
    Journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},
    Volume = {252},
    Pages = {126 - 132},
    Shorttitle = {Ionization potentials and dissociation energies of neutral, singly- and doubly-charged Cn fullerenes from (n=20 to n=70)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, G. Sánchez, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, P. -A. Hervieux, M. Chabot, G. Martinet, F. Mezdari, K. Wohrer-B{é}roff, D. S. Negra, H. Hamrita, L. A. Padellec, and L. Montagnon, “Fragmentation of small neutral carbon cluster,” International journal of mass spectrometry, vol. 252, pp. 133-141, 2006.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and S\'{a}nchez, G. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F. and Hervieux, P. -A. and Chabot, M. and Martinet, G. and Mezdari, F. and Wohrer-B{é}roff, K. and Negra, S. Della and Hamrita, H. and Padellec, A. Le and Montagnon, L.},
    Title = {Fragmentation of small neutral carbon cluster},
    Journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},
    Volume = {252},
    Pages = {133 - 141},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation of small neutral carbon cluster},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Structure of c56q+ (q=0, 1, 2) fullerenes relevant in c60 fragmentation,” Computational material science, vol. 35, pp. 203-209, 2006.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M.},
    Title = {Structure of C56q+ (q=0, 1, 2) fullerenes relevant in C60 fragmentation},
    Journal = {Computational Material Science},
    Volume = {35},
    Pages = {203-209},
    Shorttitle = {Structure of C56q+ (q=0, 1, 2) fullerenes relevant in C60 fragmentation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • E. Buñuel, J. Marco-Martínez, S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, M. Alcamí, and D. J. Cárdenas, “Computational studies on the cyclization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the synthesis of curved aromatic derivatives,” Chemphyschem, vol. 7, pp. 475-481, 2006.
    Author = {Buñuel, E. and Marco-Martínez, J. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M. and Cárdenas, D. J.},
    Title = {Computational studies on the cyclization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the synthesis of curved aromatic derivatives},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {7},
    Pages = {475-481},
    Shorttitle = {Computational studies on the cyclization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the synthesis of curved aromatic derivatives},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • M. Alcamí, S. Díaz-Tendero, and F. Martín, “Fragmentation of collisionally excited fullerenes,” Photonic, electronic and atomic collisions. twenty-fourth international conference. world scientific, p. p. 583-590, 2006.
    Author = {Alcamí, M. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Fragmentation of collisionally excited fullerenes},
    Journal = {Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Twenty-fourth International Conference. World Scientific},
    Pages = {p. 583-590},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation of collisionally excited fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, P. A. Hervieux, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Statistical fragmentation of small neutral carbon clusters,” Physical review a, vol. 71, p. 033202-1 – 033202-15, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Hervieux, P. A. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Statistical Fragmentation of Small Neutral Carbon Clusters},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {71},
    Pages = {033202-1 - 033202-15},
    Shorttitle = {Statistical Fragmentation of Small Neutral Carbon Clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Fullerene c50: sphericity takes over, not strain,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 407, p. 153, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Fullerene C50: sphericity takes over, not strain},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {407},
    Pages = {153},
    Shorttitle = {Fullerene C50: sphericity takes over, not strain},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Coulomb stability limit of highly charged c60q+ fullerenes,” Physical review letters, vol. 95, p. 013401-1 – 013401-4, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Coulomb stability limit of highly charged C60q+ fullerenes},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {95},
    Pages = {013401-1 - 013401-4},
    Shorttitle = {Coulomb stability limit of highly charged C60q+ fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Structure and electronic properties of highly charged c60 and c58 fullerenes,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 123, p. 184306-1 – 184306-12, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Structure and electronic properties of highly charged C60 and C58 fullerenes},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {123},
    Pages = {184306-1 - 184306-12},
    Shorttitle = {Structure and electronic properties of highly charged C60 and C58 fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Structure and electronic properties of the fullerene c52q+ (q=0, 1 and 2): is c522+ an exception to the pentagon adjacency penalty rule?,” Chemphyschem, vol. 6, p. 92100, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M.},
    Title = {Structure and electronic properties of the fullerene C52q+ (q=0, 1 and 2): Is C522+ an exception to the pentagon adjacency penalty rule?},
    Journal = {ChemPhysChem},
    Volume = {6},
    Pages = {92100},
    Shorttitle = {Structure and electronic properties of the fullerene C52q+ (q=0, 1 and 2): Is C522+ an exception to the pentagon adjacency penalty rule?},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • A. Palacios, I. Corral, O. Mó, F. Martín, and M. Yáñez, “On the existence and lifetimes of cu2+ complexes with water, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 123, p. 014315-1 – 014315-5, 2005.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Corral, I. and Mó, O. and Martín, F. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {On the existence and lifetimes of Cu2+ complexes with water, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {123},
    Pages = {014315-1 - 014315-5},
    Shorttitle = {On the existence and lifetimes of Cu2+ complexes with water, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • G. Sánchez, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Size dependence of ionization potentials and dissociation energies for neutral and singly-charged cn fullerenes (n=40..70),” Chemical physics letters, vol. 416, pp. 14-17, 2005.
    Author = {Sánchez, G. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Size dependence of ionization potentials and dissociation energies for neutral and singly-charged Cn fullerenes (n=40..70)},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {416},
    Pages = {14-17},
    Shorttitle = {Size dependence of ionization potentials and dissociation energies for neutral and singly-charged Cn fullerenes (n=40..70)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Structure and reactivity of c54q+ (q=0,1,2 and 4) fullerenes,” Physical chemistry chemical physics, vol. 7, pp. 3756-3761, 2005.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M.},
    Title = {Structure and reactivity of C54q+ (q=0,1,2 and 4) fullerenes},
    Journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {7},
    Pages = {3756-3761},
    Shorttitle = {Structure and reactivity of C54q+ (q=0,1,2 and 4) fullerenes},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2005},
    Label = {


  • A. Palacios, F. Martín, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, and Z. B. Maksic, “Stable doubly charged positive molecular ions formed by direct attachment of alpha particles to hcn and hnc,” Physical review letters, vol. 92, p. 133001-1 – 133001-4, 2004.
    Author = {Palacios, A. and Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Yáñez, M. and Maksic, Z. B.},
    Title = {Stable doubly charged positive molecular ions formed by direct attachment of alpha particles to HCN and HNC},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {92},
    Pages = {133001-1 - 133001-4},
    Shorttitle = {Stable doubly charged positive molecular ions formed by direct attachment of alpha particles to HCN and HNC},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • G. Martinet, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Chabot, K. Wohrer, D. S. Negra, F. Mezdari, H. Hamrita, P. Désesquelles, L. A. Padellec, D. Gardés, L. Lavergne, G. Lalu, X. Grave, J. F. Clavelin, P. -A. Hervieux, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Fragmentation of highly excited small neutral carbon cluster,” Physical review letters, vol. 93, p. 063401-1 – 063401-4, 2004.
    Author = {Martinet, G. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Chabot, M. and Wohrer, K. and Negra, S. Della and Mezdari, F. and Hamrita, H. and Désesquelles, P. and Padellec, A. Le and Gardés, D. and Lavergne, L. and Lalu, G. and Grave, X. and Clavelin, J. F. and Hervieux, P. -A. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Fragmentation of highly excited small neutral carbon cluster},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {93},
    Pages = {063401-1 - 063401-4},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation of highly excited small neutral carbon cluster},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • P. A. Hervieux, L. F. Ruiz, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, B. Zarour, M. F. Politis, J. Hanssen, and F. Martín, “Charge transfer, excitation and evaporation in low energy collisions of simple metal clusters and fullerenes with atomic targets,” Physica scripta, vol. 110, pp. 308-311, 2004.
    Author = {Hervieux, P. A. and Ruiz, L. F. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Zarour, B. and Politis, M. F. and Hanssen, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Charge transfer, excitation and evaporation in low energy collisions of simple metal clusters and fullerenes with atomic targets},
    Journal = {Physica Scripta},
    Volume = {110},
    Pages = {308-311},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer, excitation and evaporation in low energy collisions of simple metal clusters and fullerenes with atomic targets},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • J. -Y. Chesnel, D. Martina, P. Sobocinski, O. Kamalou, F. Frémont, J. Fernández, and F. Martín, “Autoionization electrons following double excitation of d2 in 2.4 kev e+d2 collisions: experimental and theoretical evidence,” Physical review a, vol. 70, p. 010701-1 – 010701-4(R), 2004.
    Author = {Chesnel, J. -Y. and Martina, D. and Sobocinski, P. and Kamalou, O. and Frémont, F. and Fernández, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Autoionization electrons following double excitation of D2 in 2.4 keV e-+D2 collisions: Experimental and theoretical evidence},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {70},
    Pages = {010701-1 - 010701-4(R)},
    Shorttitle = {Autoionization electrons following double excitation of D2 in 2.4 keV e-+D2 collisions: Experimental and theoretical evidence},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2004},
    Label = {


  • G. Martinet, M. Chabot, K. Wohrer, D. S. Negra, D. Gardés, J. A. Scarpaci, P. Désesquelles, V. Lima, S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, P. A. Hervieux, M. F. Politis, J. Hanssen, and F. Martín, “Fragmentation of neutral cn clusters (n=9): experimental and theoretical investigation,” European physical journal d, vol. 24, pp. 149-152, 2003.
    Author = {Martinet, G. and Chabot, M. and Wohrer, K. and Negra, S. Della and Gardés, D. and Scarpaci, J.A. and Désesquelles, P. and Lima, V. and Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Hervieux, P. A. and Politis, M. F. and Hanssen, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Fragmentation of neutral Cn clusters (n=9): experimental and theoretical investigation},
    Journal = {European Physical Journal D},
    Volume = {24},
    Pages = {149-152},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation of neutral Cn clusters (n=9): experimental and theoretical investigation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • P. A. Hervieux, L. F. Ruiz, B. Zarour, M. F. Politis, J. Hanssen, and F. Martín, “Charge transfer, excitation and evaporation in low energy collisions of simple metal clusters and fullerenes with atomic targets,” Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research b, vol. 205, pp. 677-683, 2003.
    Author = {Hervieux, P. A. and Ruiz, L. F. and Zarour, B. and Politis, M. F. and Hanssen, J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Charge transfer, excitation and evaporation in low energy collisions of simple metal clusters and fullerenes with atomic targets},
    Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B},
    Volume = {205},
    Pages = {677-683},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer, excitation and evaporation in low energy collisions of simple metal clusters and fullerenes with atomic target},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Theoretical study of ionization potentials and dissociation energies of Cnq+ fullerenes (n=50-60,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 119, pp. 5545-5557, 2003.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Alcamí, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of ionization potentials and dissociation energies of Cnq+ fullerenes (n=50-60, q=0,1, and 2)},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {119},
    Pages = {5545-5557},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of ionization potentials and dissociation energies of Cnq+ fullerenes (n=50-60, q=0,1, and 2)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • C. Bréchignac, P. Cahuzac, B. Concina, J. Leygnier, L. F. Ruiz, B. Zarour, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. F. Politis, and F. Martín, “Charge transfer induced evaporation in collisions of li312+ clusters with cs atom,” Physical review a, vol. 68, p. 063202-1 – 063202-12, 2003.
    Author = {Bréchignac, C. and Cahuzac, Ph. and Concina, B. and Leygnier, J. and Ruiz, L. F. and Zarour, B. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Politis, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Charge transfer induced evaporation in collisions of Li312+ clusters with Cs atom},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {68},
    Pages = {063202-1 - 063202-12},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer induced evaporation in collisions of Li312+ clusters with Cs atom},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {


  • C. Díaz, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of double ionization of helium by protons and antiprotons,” Journal of physics b, vol. 35, pp. 2555-2566, 2002.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of double ionization of helium by protons and antiprotons},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {35},
    Pages = {2555-2566},
    Shorttitle = {Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of double ionization of helium by protons and antiproton},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • C. Bréchignac, P. Cahuzac, B. Concina, J. Leygnier, L. F. Ruiz, B. Zarour, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. F. Politis, and F. Martín, “Charge transfer and dissociation in collisions of metal clusters with atoms,” Physical review letters, vol. 89, p. 183402-1-183402-4, 2002.
    Author = {Bréchignac, C. and Cahuzac, Ph. and Concina, B. and Leygnier, J. and Ruiz, L. F. and Zarour, B. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Politis, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Charge transfer and dissociation in collisions of metal clusters with atoms},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {89},
    Pages = {183402-1-183402-4},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer and dissociation in collisions of metal clusters with atom},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • L. F. Ruiz, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. F. Politis, and F. Martín, “Molecular view of charge exchange in ion-c60 collision,” International journal of quantum chemistry, vol. 86, pp. 106-113, 2002.
    Author = {Ruiz, L. F. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Politis, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Molecular view of charge exchange in ion-C60 collision},
    Journal = {International Journal of Quantum Chemistry},
    Volume = {86},
    Pages = {106-113},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular view of charge exchange in ion-C60 collision},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • S. Díaz-Tendero, F. Martín, and M. Alcamí, “Structure, dissociation energies, and harmonic frequencies of small doubly charged carbon clusters cn2+ (n=3-9),” Journal of physical chemistry a, vol. 106, pp. 10782-10789, 2002.
    Author = {Díaz-Tendero, S. and Martín, F. and Alcamí, M.},
    Title = {Structure, dissociation energies, and harmonic frequencies of small doubly charged carbon clusters Cn2+ (n=3-9)},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Volume = {106},
    Pages = {10782-10789},
    Shorttitle = {Structure, dissociation energies, and harmonic frequencies of small doubly charged carbon clusters Cn2+ (n=3-9)},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • C. D. Lin and F. Martín, “Fast and slow collisions of ions, atoms and molecules,” in Scattering. scattering and inverse scattering in pure and applied science, R. Pike and P. Sabatier, Eds., London: Academic press, 2002, p. p. 1025-1042.
    Author = {Lin, C. D. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Fast and slow collisions of ions, atoms and molecules},
    Editor = {Pike, R. and Sabatier, P.},
    Booktitle = {Scattering. Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science},
    Address = {London},
    Publisher = {Academic Press},
    Pages = {p. 1025-1042},
    Shorttitle = {Fast and slow collisions of ions, atoms and molecules},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • B. Zarour, J. Hanssen, P. A. Hervieux, M. F. Politis, and F. Martín, “Charge dependence of electron capture and excitation cross sections in collisions of protons with closed-shell na20+qq+ clusters,” Physical review a, vol. 65, p. 033201-1 – 033201-5, 2002.
    Author = {Zarour, B. and Hanssen, J. and Hervieux, P. A. and Politis, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Charge dependence of electron capture and excitation cross sections in collisions of protons with closed-shell Na20+qq+ clusters},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {65},
    Pages = {033201-1 - 033201-5},
    Shorttitle = {Charge dependence of electron capture and excitation cross sections in collisions of protons with closed-shell Na20+qq+ clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {


  • D. Vernhet, C. Fourment, E. Lamour, J. P. Rozet, B. Gervais, L. J. Dubé, F. Martín, T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, M. Seliger, and J. Burgdörfer, “Transport of kr35+ inner-shells through solid carbon foils,” Physica scripta, vol. 92, pp. 233-236, 2001.
    Author = {Vernhet, D. and Fourment, C. and Lamour, E. and Rozet, J. P. and Gervais, B. and Dubé, L. J. and Martín, F. and Minami, T. and Reinhold, C. O. and Seliger, M. and Burgdörfer, J.},
    Title = {Transport of Kr35+ inner-shells through solid carbon foils},
    Journal = {Physica Scripta},
    Volume = {92},
    Pages = {233-236},
    Shorttitle = {Transport of Kr35+ inner-shells through solid carbon foils},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2001},
    Label = {


  • P. A. Hervieux, B. Zarour, J. Hanssen, M. F. Politis, and F. Martín, “Fragmentation in collisions of na9+ clusters with cs atoms,” Journal of physics b, vol. 34, pp. 3331-3355, 2001.
    Author = {Hervieux, P. A. and Zarour, B. and Hanssen, J. and Politis, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Fragmentation in collisions of Na9+ clusters with Cs atoms},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {34},
    Pages = {3331-3355},
    Shorttitle = {Fragmentation in collisions of Na9+ clusters with Cs atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2001},
    Label = {


  • B. Zarour, J. Hanssen, P. A. Hervieux, M. F. Politis, and F. Martín, “Charge transfer in collisions of na9+ clusters with cs atoms: a comparison with experiment,” Journal of physics b, vol. 33, p. L707-L714, 2000.
    Author = {Zarour, B. and Hanssen, J. and Hervieux, P. A. and Politis, M. F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Charge transfer in collisions of Na9+ clusters with Cs atoms: a comparison with experiment},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {33},
    Pages = {L707-L714},
    Shorttitle = {Charge transfer in collisions of Na9+ clusters with Cs atoms: a comparison with experiment},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2000},
    Label = {


  • M. F. Politis, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. E. Madjet, and F. Martín, “Collisions of slow protons with neutral and charged closed-shell metal clusters,” Applications of accelerators in research and industry. ed. j. l. duggan and i. l. morgan. american institute of physics, new york, vol. CP475, pp. 391-395, 1999.
    Author = {Politis, M. F. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Madjet, M. E. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Collisions of slow protons with neutral and charged closed-shell metal clusters},
    Journal = {Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Ed. J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan. American Institute of Physics, New York},
    Volume = {CP475},
    Pages = {391-395},
    Shorttitle = {Collisions of slow protons with neutral and charged closed-shell metal clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, M. F. Politis, B. Zarour, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, and M. E. Madjet, “Cluster-size dependence of electron capture and excitation cross sections in proton-nan collisions,” Physical review a, vol. 60, pp. 4701-4705, 1999.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Politis, M. F. and Zarour, B. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Madjet, M. E.},
    Title = {Cluster-size dependence of electron capture and excitation cross sections in proton-Nan collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {60},
    Pages = {4701-4705},
    Shorttitle = {Cluster-size dependence of electron capture and excitation cross sections in proton-Nan collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, M. E. Madjet, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. F. Politis, and R. S. Berry, “Penning detachment from atomic clusters,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 111, pp. 8934-8938, 1999.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Madjet, M. E. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Politis, M. F. and Berry, R. S.},
    Title = {Penning detachment from atomic clusters},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {111},
    Pages = {8934-8938},
    Shorttitle = {Penning detachment from atomic clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. E. Madjet, and M. F. Politis, “Correlation diagrams for collisions of protons with sodium clusters,” Physica scripta, vol. 80, pp. 193-194, 1999.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Madjet, M. E. and Politis, M. F.},
    Title = {Correlation diagrams for collisions of protons with sodium clusters},
    Journal = {Physica Scripta},
    Volume = {80},
    Pages = {193-194},
    Shorttitle = {Correlation diagrams for collisions of protons with sodium clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1999},
    Label = {


  • M. F. Politis, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. E. Madjet, and F. Martín, “Electron capture and excitation in proton-na20 collisions at low velocities,” Physical review a, vol. 58, pp. 367-376, 1998.
    Author = {Politis, M. F. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Madjet, M. E. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Electron capture and excitation in proton-Na20 collisions at low velocities},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {58},
    Pages = {367-376},
    Shorttitle = {Electron capture and excitation in proton-Na20 collisions at low velocities},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1998},
    Label = {


  • F. Martín, P. A. Hervieux, J. Hanssen, M. E. Madjet, and M. F. Politis, “Many-electron dynamics in collisions of slow ions with metal clusters,” Physical review b, vol. 58, pp. 6752-6755, 1998.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Hervieux, P. A. and Hanssen, J. and Madjet, M. E. and Politis, M. F.},
    Title = {Many-electron dynamics in collisions of slow ions with metal clusters},
    Journal = {Physical Review B},
    Volume = {58},
    Pages = {6752-6755},
    Shorttitle = {Many-electron dynamics in collisions of slow ions with metal clusters},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1998},
    Label = {



4-Other topics

  • L. Gonzalez, M. Alcamí, and F. Martín, “Tribute to manuel yánez and otilia mó,” Journal of physical chemistry a, 2018.
    Author= {L. Gonzalez and M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Tribute to Manuel Yánez and Otilia Mó},
    Journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A},
    Shorttittle = {Tribute to Manuel Yánez and Otilia Mó},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • M. Alcamí and F. Martín, “Otilia mó y manuel yáñez: docentes, investigadores y promotores de la química teórica en españa y europa,” Encuentros multidisciplinares, 2018.
    Author= {M. Alcamí and F. Martín},
    Title= {Otilia Mó y Manuel Yáñez: docentes, investigadores y promotores de la química teórica en España y Europa},
    Journal = {Encuentros Multidisciplinares},
    Shorttittle = {Otilia Mó y Manuel Yáñez: docentes, investigadores y promotores de la química eórica en España y Europa},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2018},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, “Filmando el movimiento de los electrones,” La gazette (uam), 2012.
    Author = {Martín, F.},
    Title = {Filmando el movimiento de los electrones},
    Journal = {La Gazette (UAM)},
    Shorttitle = {Filmando el movimiento de los electrones},
    URL = {http://www.uam.es/ss/Satellite/es/1242652962055/1242663311666/articulo/articulo/Filmando_el_movimiento_de_los_electrones.htm},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

    }, Year = {2012}}
  • I. Nebot-Gil, L. M. Tel, and F. Martín, “Theoretical and computational chemistry: foundations, methods and technique,” in Theoretical and computational chemistry: foundations, methods and technique, J. Andrés and J. Bertrán, Eds., Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la universitat jaume i, 2007, p. p. 1-93.
    Author = {Nebot-Gil, I. and Tel, L. M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Theoretical and Computational Chemistry: Foundations, Methods and Technique},
    Editor = {Andrés, J. and Bertrán, J.},
    Booktitle = {Theoretical and Computational Chemistry: Foundations, Methods and Technique},
    Address = {Castelló de la Plana},
    Publisher = {Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I},
    Pages = {p. 1-93},
    Chapter = {1},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical and Computational Chemistry: Foundations, Methods and Technique},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

    }, Year = {2007}}
  • D. Dowek, J. Fernández, M. Lebech, J. C. Houver, and F. Martín, “Electron angular distribution in dissociative photoionization of fixed-in-space d2 molecules induced by circularly polarized light,” Journal of physics: conference series, vol. 88, p. 012009-1 – 012009-6, 2007.
    Author = {Dowek, D. and Fernández, J. and Lebech, M. and Houver, J. C. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Electron angular distribution in dissociative photoionization of fixed-in-space D2 molecules induced by circularly polarized light},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
    Volume = {88},
    Pages = {012009-1 -- 012009-6},
    Shorttitle = {Electron angular distribution in dissociative photoionization of fixed-in-space D2 molecules induced by circularly polarized light},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Borondo and F. Martín, “Problemas de química física,” in Problemas de química física, J. Bertrán and J. Núñez, Eds., Madrid: Delta, 2007, p. p. 1-80.
    Author = {Borondo, F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Problemas de Química Física},
    Editor = {Bertrán, J. and Núñez, J.},
    Booktitle = {Problemas de Química Física},
    Address = {Madrid},
    Publisher = {Delta},
    Pages = {p. 1-80},
    Chapter = {1},
    Shorttitle = {Problemas de Química Física},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2007},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • G. Laurent, J. Fernández, S. Legendre, M. Tarisien, L. Adoui, A. Cassimi, X. Fléchard, F. Frémont, B. Gervais, E. Giglio, J. P. Grandin, and F. Martín, “Kinematically complete study of dissociative ionization of d2 by ion-impact,” Physical review letters, vol. 96, p. 173201-1 – 173201-4, 2006.
    Author = {Laurent, G. and Fernández, J. and Legendre, S. and Tarisien, M. and Adoui, L. and Cassimi, A. and Fléchard, X. and Frémont, F. and Gervais, B. and Giglio, E. and Grandin, J.P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Kinematically complete study of dissociative ionization of D2 by ion-impact},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {96},
    Pages = {173201-1 - 173201-4},
    Shorttitle = {Kinematically complete study of dissociative ionization of D2 by ion-impact},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2006},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • P. J. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Quantum vs. “classical” chemistry in university chemistry education: a case study of the role of history in thinking the curriculum,” Chemistry education: research and practice, vol. 4, pp. 131-148, 2003.
    Author = {Sánchez, P. J. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Quantum vs. "classical" chemistry in university chemistry education: a case study of the role of history in thinking the curriculum},
    Journal = {Chemistry Education: Research and Practice},
    Volume = {4},
    Pages = {131-148},
    Shorttitle = {Quantum vs. "classical" chemistry in university chemistry education: a case study of the role of history in thinking the curriculum},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2003},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Borondo and F. Martín, “Química física,” in Química física, J. Bertrán and J. Núñez, Eds., Barcelona: Ariel, 2002, p. p. 1-310.
    Author = {Borondo, F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Química Física},
    Editor = {Bertrán, J. and Núñez, J.},
    Booktitle = {Química Física},
    Address = {Barcelona},
    Publisher = {Ariel},
    Pages = {p. 1-310},
    Chapter = {1 to 12},
    Shorttitle = {Química Física},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {2002},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • C. Díaz, A. Salin, and F. Martín, “Double ionization of he by antiproton impact using a convergent frozen-correlation approximation,” Journal of physics b, vol. 33, p. L403-L409, 2000.
    Author = {Díaz, C. and Salin, A. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Double ionization of He by antiproton impact using a convergent frozen-correlation approximation},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {33},
    Pages = {L403-L409},
    Shorttitle = { Double ionization of He by antiproton impact using a convergent frozen-correlation approximation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {2000},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Reply to comment on ‘electron correlation in multiple excitation of atoms by high energy ions’,” Physical review letters, vol. 78, pp. 750-750, 1997.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = { Reply to comment on 'Electron correlation in multiple excitation of atoms by high energy ions'},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {78},
    Pages = {750-750},
    Shorttitle = { Reply to comment on 'Electron correlation in multiple excitation of atoms by high energy ions'},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and R. S. Berry, “Multichannel penning detachment of h from excited li and ca atoms,” Physical review a, vol. 55, pp. 4209-4214, 1997.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Berry, R.S.},
    Title = { Multichannel Penning detachment of H- from excited Li and Ca atoms},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {55},
    Pages = {4209-4214},
    Shorttitle = { Multichannel Penning detachment of H- from excited Li and Ca atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and R. S. Berry, “Penning detachment of h by impact of excited he and li atoms,” Physical review a, vol. 55, pp. 1099-1107, 1997.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Berry, R.S.},
    Title = { Penning detachment of H- by impact of excited He and Li atoms},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {55},
    Pages = {1099-1107},
    Shorttitle = { Penning detachment of H- by impact of excited He and Li atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1997},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • P. D. Fainstein, L. Gulyás, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Angular asymmetry of low-energy electron emission in ion-atom collisions,” Physical review a, vol. 53, pp. 3243-3246, 1996.
    Author = {Fainstein, P. D. and Gulyás, L. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Angular asymmetry of low-energy electron emission in ion-atom collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {53},
    Pages = {3243-3246},
    Shorttitle = {Angular asymmetry of low-energy electron emission in ion-atom collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and J. L. Sanz, “Projectile-dependence of single excitation cross sections at intermediate velocities,” Physical review a, vol. 53, iss. 4, pp. 2869-2872, 1996.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sanz, J. L.},
    Title = {Projectile-dependence of single excitation cross sections at intermediate velocities},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {53},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {2869-2872},
    Shorttitle = {Projectile-dependence of single excitation cross sections at intermediate velocities},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and M. F. Politis, “Multicenter-gaussian representation of resonant charge transfer in atom-surface interaction,” Surface science, vol. 356, pp. 247-256, 1996.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Politis, M. F.},
    Title = {Multicenter-gaussian representation of resonant charge transfer in atom-surface interaction},
    Journal = {Surface Science},
    Volume = {356},
    Pages = {247-256},
    Shorttitle = {Multicenter-gaussian representation of resonant charge transfer in atom-surface interaction},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Electron correlation in ion-atom collisions,” Physical review a, vol. 54, pp. 3990-4003, 1996.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = { Electron correlation in ion-atom collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {54},
    Pages = {3990-4003},
    Shorttitle = { Electron correlation in ion-atom collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • G. H. Olivera, C. A. Ramírez, R. D. Rivarola, P. D. Fainstein, L. Gulyás, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Cross sections for excitation and ionization of helium and hydrogen by be4+ and b5+ ions,” Physica scripta t, vol. 62, pp. 84-87, 1996.
    Author = {Olivera, G. H. and Ramírez, C. A. and Rivarola, R. D. and Fainstein, P. D. and Gulyás, L. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Cross sections for excitation and ionization of helium and hydrogen by Be4+ and B5+ ions},
    Journal = {Physica Scripta T},
    Volume = {62},
    Pages = {84-87},
    Shorttitle = {Cross sections for excitation and ionization of helium and hydrogen by Be4+ and B5+ ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Electron correlation in multiple excitation of atoms by high-energy ions,” Physical review letters, vol. 76, pp. 1437-1440, 1996.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Electron correlation in multiple excitation of atoms by high-energy ions},
    Journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    Volume = {76},
    Pages = {1437-1440},
    Shorttitle = {Electron correlation in multiple excitation of atoms by high-energy ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1996},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Projectile charge dependence of helium single excitation at medium and high impact energies,” The physics of electronic and atomic collisions. nineteenth international conference, pp. 877-886, 1995.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Projectile charge dependence of helium single excitation at medium and high impact energies},
    Journal = {The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Nineteenth International Conference},
    Pages = {877-886},
    Shorttitle = {Projectile charge dependence of helium single excitation at medium and high impact energies},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Double excitation of helium by multiply charged ions,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 2159-2171, 1995.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Double excitation of helium by multiply charged ions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {2159-2171},
    Shorttitle = {Double excitation of helium by multiply charged ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Projectile scattering in double excitation of he by proton impact,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 1985-1994, 1995.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Projectile scattering in double excitation of He by proton impact},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {1985-1994},
    Shorttitle = {Projectile scattering in double excitation of He by proton impact},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Excitation of helium by multicharged ions,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 671-683, 1995.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Excitation of helium by multicharged ions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {671-683},
    Shorttitle = {Excitation of helium by multicharged ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Double excitation of helium by ion impact. i. theory,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 639-652, 1995.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Double excitation of helium by ion impact. I. Theory},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {639-652},
    Shorttitle = {Double excitation of helium by ion impact. I. Theory},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and J. L. Sanz, “Excitation in kr34+ + c, si, ar, cu and zr at intermediate velocities,” Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research b, vol. 98, pp. 316-319, 1995.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sanz, J. L.},
    Title = {Excitation in Kr34+ + C, Si, Ar, Cu and Zr at intermediate velocities},
    Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B},
    Volume = {98},
    Pages = {316-319},
    Shorttitle = {Excitation in Kr34+ + C, Si, Ar, Cu and Zr at intermediate velocities},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • H. J. Lüdde, A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and J. L. Sanz, “Inclusive cross sections in collisions of multicharged ions with dressed target,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 4101-4115, 1995.
    Author = {Lüdde, H. J. and Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sanz, J. L.},
    Title = { Inclusive cross sections in collisions of multicharged ions with dressed target},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {4101-4115},
    Shorttitle = { Inclusive cross sections in collisions of multicharged ions with dressed targets},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Bordenave-Montesquieu, P. Moretto-Capelle, A. Gleizes, S. Andriamonje, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Double excitation of helium by ion impact. ii. experiment and theory for 2-3 mev proton impact,” Journal of physics b, vol. 28, pp. 653-670, 1995.
    Author = {Bordenave-Montesquieu, A. and Moretto-Capelle, P. and Gleizes, A. and Andriamonje, S. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Double excitation of helium by ion impact. II. Experiment and theory for 2-3 MeV proton impact},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {28},
    Pages = {653-670},
    Shorttitle = {Double excitation of helium by ion impact. II. Experiment and theory for 2-3 MeV proton impact},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1995},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • J. Damas, F. Borondo, and F. Martín, “Predissociative lifetimes of the 23pg state of of h2,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 226, pp. 235-240, 1994.
    Author = {Damas, J. and Borondo, F. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Predissociative lifetimes of the 23Pg state of of H2},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {226},
    Pages = {235-240},
    Shorttitle = {Predissociative lifetimes of the 23Pg state of of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • L. Adoui, M. Chabot, A. Chetioui, I. Despiney, L. Guiraud, A. L’Hoir, M. F. Politis, J. P. Rozet, D. Schmaus, C. Stephan, A. Touati, D. Vernhet, K. Wohrer, A. Cassimi, J. P. Grandin, J. M. Ramillon, A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, J. L. Sanz, and R. Gayet, “Recent questions about excitation mechanism at intermediate velocity,” Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research b, vol. 87, pp. 45-50, 1994.
    Author = {Adoui, L. and Chabot, M. and Chetioui, A. and Despiney, I. and Guiraud, L. and L'Hoir, A. and Politis, M. F. and Rozet, J. P. and Schmaus, D. and Stephan, C. and Touati, A. and Vernhet, D. and Wohrer, K. and Cassimi, A. and Grandin, J. P. and Ramillon, J. M. and Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sanz, J. L. and Gayet, R.},
    Title = {Recent questions about excitation mechanism at intermediate velocity},
    Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B},
    Volume = {87},
    Pages = {45-50},
    Shorttitle = {Recent questions about excitation mechanism at intermediate velocity},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • M. Chabot, K. Wohrer, A. Chetioui, J. P. Rozet, A. Touati, D. Vernhet, M. F. Politis, C. Stephan, G. J. P. A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, J. L. Sanz, and R. Gayet, “New investigation of saturation effects in ion-atom excitation,” J. phys. b, vol. 27, pp. 111-125, 1994.
    Author = {Chabot, M. and Wohrer, K. and Chetioui, A. and Rozet, J. P. and Touati, A. and Vernhet, D. and Politis, M. F. and Stephan, C. and Macías, J. P. Grandin A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sanz, J. L. and Gayet, R.},
    Title = { New investigation of saturation effects in ion-atom excitation},
    Journal = {J. Phys. B},
    Volume = {27},
    Pages = {111-125},
    Shorttitle = { New investigation of saturation effects in ion-atom excitation},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • M. Cortés and F. Martín, “Multichannel close-coupling method with l2 integrable bases,” Journal of physics b, vol. 27, pp. 5741-5760, 1994.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Martín, F.},
    Title = { Multichannel close-coupling method with L2 integrable bases},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {27},
    Pages = {5741-5760},
    Shorttitle = { Multichannel close-coupling method with L2 integrable bases},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and J. L. Sanz, “Collisions of multicharged heavy ions with solid films,” Anales de física, vol. 90, pp. 244-247, 1994.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Sanz, J. L.},
    Title = {Collisions of multicharged heavy ions with solid films},
    Journal = {Anales de Física},
    Volume = {90},
    Pages = {244-247},
    Shorttitle = {Collisions of multicharged heavy ions with solid films},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • J. Damas, F. Martín, and F. Borondo, “Theoretical study of the excited 3pg states of h2,” Anales de física, vol. 90, pp. 222-224, 1994.
    Author = {Damas, J. and Martín, F. and Borondo, F.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of the excited 3Pg states of H2},
    Journal = {Anales de Física},
    Volume = {90},
    Pages = {222-224},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of the excited 3Pg states of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and A. Salin, “Projectile-charge sign-inversion effect in double excitation of helium,” Journal of physics b, vol. 27, p. L715-L722, 1994.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Projectile-charge sign-inversion effect in double excitation of helium},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {27},
    Pages = {L715-L722},
    Shorttitle = {Projectile-charge sign-inversion effect in double excitation of helium},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Hidden fano interferences in the resonant photoionization of he-like ions,” Physical review a, vol. 49, pp. 5116-5119, 1994.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Hidden Fano interferences in the resonant photoionization of He-like ions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {49},
    Pages = {5116-5119},
    Shorttitle = {Hidden Fano interferences in the resonant photoionization of He-like ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • I. Sánchez and F. Martín, “Z scaling properties in multichannel photoionization of he-like ions,” Journal of physics b, vol. 27, pp. 4105-4110, 1994.
    Author = {Sánchez, I. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Z scaling properties in multichannel photoionization of He-like ions},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {27},
    Pages = {4105-4110},
    Shorttitle = {Z scaling properties in multichannel photoionization of He-like ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1994},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • M. Cortés, A. Macías, F. Martín, and A. Riera, “Electronic density of doubly excited 1,3po states of the he isoelectronic series,” Journal of physics b, vol. 26, pp. 3269-3281, 1993.
    Author = {Cortés, M. and Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A.},
    Title = {Electronic density of doubly excited 1,3Po states of the He isoelectronic series},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {26},
    Pages = {3269-3281},
    Shorttitle = {Electronic density of doubly excited 1,3Po states of the He isoelectronic series},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1993},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Atomic doubly excited states,” in Computational chemistry: structure, interactions and reactivity, S. Fraga, Ed., Amsterdam,: Elsevier science publisher b. v., 1992, vol. Vol. 77 (A), p. p. 511-536.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Atomic doubly excited states},
    Editor = {Fraga, S.},
    Booktitle = {Computational Chemistry: Structure, Interactions and Reactivity},
    Address = {Amsterdam,},
    Publisher = {Elsevier Science Publisher B. V.},
    Volume = {Vol. 77 (A)},
    Pages = {p. 511-536},
    Series = {Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry},
    Shorttitle = {Atomic doubly excited states},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {1992},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • J. Damas, F. Martín, and F. Borondo, “Dynamical couplings of the predissociative n=3 triplet gerade complex of h2,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 200, pp. 587-591, 1992.
    Author = {Damas, J. and Martín, F. and Borondo, F.},
    Title = {Dynamical couplings of the predissociative n=3 triplet gerade complex of H2},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {200},
    Pages = {587-591},
    Shorttitle = {Dynamical couplings of the predissociative n=3 triplet gerade complex of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1992},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Bordenave-Montesquieu, A. Gleizes, P. Moretto-Capelle, S. Andriamonje, P. Benoit-Cattin, F. Martín, and A. Salin, “Double excitation of helium by 3 mev proton impact: experiment and theory,” Journal of physics b, vol. 25, p. L367-L372, 1992.
    Author = {Bordenave-Montesquieu, A. and Gleizes, A. and Moretto-Capelle, P. and Andriamonje, S. and Benoit-Cattin, P. and Martín, F. and Salin, A.},
    Title = {Double excitation of helium by 3 MeV proton impact: experiment and theory},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {25},
    Pages = {L367-L372},
    Shorttitle = {Double excitation of helium by 3 MeV proton impact: experiment and theory},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1992},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, O. Mó, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “A study of core effects in quasimolecular structure,” Journal of molecular structure (theochem), vol. 205, pp. 43-61, 1990.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {A study of core effects in quasimolecular structure},
    Journal = {Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem)},
    Volume = {205},
    Pages = {43-61},
    Shorttitle = {A study of core effects in quasimolecular structure},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Chetioui, F. Martín, M. F. Politis, J. P. Rozet, A. Touati, L. Blumenfeld, D. Vernhet, K. Wohrer, C. Stephan, M. Barat, M. N. Gaboriaud, H. Laurent, and P. Roncin, “Doubly excited states populated in collisions of o8+ ions with he and h2 at 1.24 kev/amu,” Journal of physics b, vol. 23, pp. 3659-3675, 1990.
    Author = {Chetioui, A. and Martín, F. and Politis, M. F. and Rozet, J. P. and Touati, A. and Blumenfeld, L. and Vernhet, D. and Wohrer, K. and Stephan, C. and Barat, M. and Gaboriaud, M. N. and Laurent, H. and Roncin, P.},
    Title = {Doubly excited states populated in collisions of O8+ ions with He and H2 at 1.24 keV/amu},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {23},
    Pages = {3659-3675},
    Shorttitle = {Doubly excited states populated in collisions of O8+ ions with He and H2 at 1.24 keV/amu},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • H. Bachau, P. Galan, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Resonance parameters and properties of berylliumlike doubly excited states: 4&#8804 and z&#8804 and 10,” Atomic data and nuclear data tables, vol. 44, pp. 305-348, 1990.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Galan, P. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Resonance parameters and properties of berylliumlike doubly excited states: 4≤ and Z≤ and 10},
    Journal = {Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables},
    Volume = {44},
    Pages = {305-348},
    Shorttitle = {Resonance parameters and properties of berylliumlike doubly excited states: 4≤ and Z≤ and 10},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • H. Bachau, P. Galan, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Comment on “calculations of energies of intrashell doubly excited states of beryllium-like ions”,” Journal of physics b, vol. 23, p. L83-85, 1990.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Galan, P. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Comment on "Calculations of energies of intrashell doubly excited states of beryllium-like ions"},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {23},
    Pages = {L83-85},
    Shorttitle = {Comment on "Calculations of energies of intrashell doubly excited states of beryllium-like ions"},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • H. Bachau, P. Galan, and F. Martín, “Feshbach-model potential approach for the study of resonant and bound states of be-like ions,” Physical review a, vol. 41, pp. 3534-3544, 1990.
    Author = {Bachau, H. and Galan, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Feshbach-model potential approach for the study of resonant and bound states of Be-like ions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {41},
    Pages = {3534-3544},
    Shorttitle = {Feshbach-model potential approach for the study of resonant and bound states of Be-like ions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1990},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • M. Boudjema, P. Moretto-Capelle, A. Bordenave-Montesquieu, P. Benoit-Cattin, A. Gleizes, H. Bachau, P. Galan, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Double electron capture in collisions of the helium-like ions n5+, o6+ and nesup>8+ with helium atoms,” Journal of physics b, vol. 22, p. L121-L127, 1989.
    Author = {Boudjema, M. and Moretto-Capelle, P. and Bordenave-Montesquieu, A. and Benoit-Cattin, P. and Gleizes, A. and Bachau, H. and Galan, P. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Double electron capture in collisions of the helium-like ions N5+, O6+ and Nesup>8+ with helium atoms},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {22},
    Pages = {L121-L127},
    Shorttitle = {Double electron capture in collisions of the helium-like ions N5+, O6+ and Nesup>8+ with helium atoms},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Macías, O. Mó, A. Riera, M. Yáñez, H. Bachau, P. Galan, and F. Martín, “Extension of the conventional and pseudopotential feshbach methods to the study of “two active electrons + core” resonance states. application to c2+(1s23l3l’) and ne6+(1s23l3l’) systems,” Journal de physique, vol. 50, p. C1 99-103, 1989.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M. and Bachau, H. and Galan, P. and Martín, F.},
    Title = {Extension of the conventional and pseudopotential Feshbach methods to the study of "two active electrons + core" resonance states. Application to C2+(1s23l3l') and Ne6+(1s23l3l') systems},
    Journal = {Journal de Physique},
    Volume = {50},
    Pages = {C1 99-103},
    Shorttitle = {Extension of the conventional and pseudopotential Feshbach methods to the study of "two active electrons + core" resonance states. Application to C2+(1s23l3l') and Ne6+(1s23l3l') systems},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, I. Sánchez, and H. Bachau, “Coupled continuum perturbative feshbach approach to calculate total and partial widths. 1,3se(3lnl) resonant states of he, c4+, n5+ and o6+,” Physical review a, vol. 40, pp. 4245-4255, 1989.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Sánchez, I. and Bachau, H.},
    Title = {Coupled continuum perturbative Feshbach approach to calculate total and partial widths. 1,3Se(3lnl) resonant states of He, C4+, N5+ and O6+},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {40},
    Pages = {4245-4255},
    Shorttitle = {Coupled continuum perturbative Feshbach approach to calculate total and partial widths. 1,3Se(3lnl) resonant states of He, C4+, N5+ and O6+},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1989},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, A. Riera, M. Yáñez, and H. Bachau, “Comparison of the conventional and pseudopotential feshbach methods: n5+(3l,3l’) 1se and 1,3po resonances,” Journal of physics b, vol. 21, pp. 2261-2272, 1988.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M. and Bachau, H.},
    Title = {Comparison of the conventional and pseudopotential Feshbach methods: N5+(3l,3l') 1Se and 1,3Po resonances},
    Journal = {Journal of Physics B},
    Volume = {21},
    Pages = {2261-2272},
    Shorttitle = {Comparison of the conventional and pseudopotential Feshbach methods: N5+(3l,3l') 1Se and 1,3Po resonances},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1988},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, O. Mó, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Energies and widths of (1s23l3l’) resonant states of c2+, n3+, o4+, and ne6+,” Physical review a, vol. 38, pp. 1094-1097, 1988.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Energies and widths of (1s23l3l') resonant states of C2+, N3+, O4+, and Ne6+},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {38},
    Pages = {1094-1097},
    Shorttitle = {Energies and widths of (1s23l3l') resonant states of C2+, N3+, O4+, and Ne6+},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1988},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín and F. Borondo, “Theoretical study of the rotational predissociation of the c3&#8719 and u state of h2,” Chemical physics letters, vol. 147, pp. 246-252, 1988.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Borondo, F.},
    Title = {Theoretical study of the rotational predissociation of the c3∏ and u state of H2},
    Journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
    Volume = {147},
    Pages = {246-252},
    Shorttitle = {Theoretical study of the rotational predissociation of the c3∏ and u state of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1988},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • A. Macías, F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “A practical solution to the “unknown normalization” problem,” International journal of quantum chemistry, vol. 33, pp. 279-300, 1988.
    Author = {Macías, A. and Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {A practical solution to the "unknown normalization" problem},
    Journal = {International Journal of Quantum Chemistry},
    Volume = {33},
    Pages = {279-300},
    Shorttitle = {A practical solution to the "unknown normalization" problem},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1988},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, O. Mó, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Feshbach and pseudopotential theories. a useful analogy,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 87, pp. 6635-6642, 1987.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Feshbach and pseudopotential theories. A useful analogy},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {87},
    Pages = {6635-6642},
    Shorttitle = {Feshbach and pseudopotential theories. A useful analogy},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, O. Mó, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Feshbach resonant energies and widths in a pseudopotential approach,” Europhysics letters, vol. 4, pp. 799-804, 1987.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Mó, O. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Feshbach resonant energies and widths in a pseudopotential approach},
    Journal = {Europhysics Letters},
    Volume = {4},
    Pages = {799-804},
    Shorttitle = {Feshbach resonant energies and widths in a pseudopotential approach},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Borondo, F. Martín, and M. Yáñez, “Molecular mechanism for hydrogen-hydrogen excitation collisions,” Physical review a, vol. 36, pp. 3630-3638, 1987.
    Author = {Borondo, F. and Martín, F. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Molecular mechanism for hydrogen-hydrogen excitation collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {36},
    Pages = {3630-3638},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular mechanism for hydrogen-hydrogen excitation collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Borondo, F. Martín, and M. Yáñez, “Adiabatic energies and radial couplings of the 3su+ states of h2,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 86, pp. 4982-4989, 1987.
    Author = {Borondo, F. and Martín, F. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Adiabatic energies and radial couplings of the 3Su+ states of H2},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {86},
    Pages = {4982-4989},
    Shorttitle = {Adiabatic energies and radial couplings of the 3Su+ states of H2},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Borondo, F. Martín, and M. Yáñez, “Molecular treatment of the ion-pair formation reaction in h(1s)+h(1s) collisions,” Physical review a, vol. 35, pp. 60-65, 1987.
    Author = {Borondo, F. and Martín, F. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Molecular treatment of the ion-pair formation reaction in H(1s)+H(1s) collisions},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {35},
    Pages = {60-65},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular treatment of the ion-pair formation reaction in H(1s)+H(1s) collisions},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1987},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • M. Yáñez, F. Martín, and A. Riera, “Calcul de sections de choc entre particules lourdes avec des fonctions d’onde moleculaires obtenues par la methode de feshbach,” in Comptes-rendues du 11ème colloque sur la physique des collisions atomiques et electroniques, E. T. D. C. C. et Capello, Ed., Université de metz, 1986, vol. Vol. II, p. p. 68-78.
    Author = {Yáñez, M. and Martín, F. and Riera, A.},
    Title = {Calcul de sections de choc entre particules lourdes avec des fonctions d'onde moleculaires obtenues par la methode de Feshbach},
    Editor = {Capello, Ed. C. Tavard et C. Dal},
    Booktitle = {Comptes-rendues du 11ème Colloque sur la Physique des Collisions Atomiques et Electroniques},
    Publisher = {Université de Metz},
    Volume = {Vol. II},
    Pages = {p. 68-78},
    Shorttitle = {Calcul de sections de choc entre particules lourdes avec des fonctions d'onde moleculaires obtenues par la methode de Feshbach},
    EndNoteRefType = {Book Section},
    Year = {1986},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Single and double charge transfer in be4+ + he collisions. a molecular (feshbach) approach,” Physical review a, vol. 34, pp. 4675-4681, 1986.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Single and double charge transfer in Be4+ + He collisions. A molecular (Feshbach) approach},
    Journal = {Physical Review A},
    Volume = {34},
    Pages = {4675-4681},
    Shorttitle = {Single and double charge transfer in Be4+ + He collisions. A molecular (Feshbach) approach},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1986},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics

  • F. Martín, A. Riera, and M. Yáñez, “Molecular (feshbach) treatment of charge exchange in li3+ he collisions. i. energies and coupling,” Journal of chemical physics, vol. 84, pp. 5412-5421, 1986.
    Author = {Martín, F. and Riera, A. and Yáñez, M.},
    Title = {Molecular (Feshbach) treatment of charge exchange in Li3+ He collisions. I. Energies and coupling},
    Journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
    Volume = {84},
    Pages = {5412-5421},
    Shorttitle = {Molecular (Feshbach) treatment of charge exchange in Li3+ He collisions. I. Energies and coupling},
    EndNoteRefType = {Journal Article},
    Year = {1986},
    Label = {

    4-Other topics


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